Al generaties lang is vrouwen verteld dat het hebben van kinderen hun hersenen in moes omzet, dat de eisen van het moederschap ze ertoe zetten in dwaas gedrag zoals het leggen van de sleutels in de koelkast, of de melk in de kast. | For generations, women have been told that having children will turn their brains to mush, that the demands of motherhood will cause them to spiral into mindless behavior, like putting the keys in the refrigerator or the milk in the closet. |
Dat is geweldig, ga je Sarah leren hoe je te lang gekookte moes maakt? | We're going to borrow your pasta maker. Oh, that's great, are you gonna teach Sarah your recipe for overcooked mush? |
De chirurg deed wat hij kon, maar zijn organen waren tot moes verworden, en overleed in uitslaapkamer. | According to the surgeon, they did everything they could to save him, but the bullet turned all his vital organs to mush, so he died in recovery. |
De drugs maken je kop tot moes ! | The drugs are making your mind into mush! |
De kogels maakten moes van zijn ingewanden. | Bullets turned his insides to mush. |
Als ik er van die kwaliteit in Parijs moest kopen... | Imagine if I bought mushrooms in Paris, of this quality? |
Iemand moest heen en weer gaan gedurende de dag, om me 2 enorme kisten eekhoorntjesbrood te brengen. | I needed someone to do a round trip the same day. Who brought me two huge boxes of absolutely perfect mushrooms not too big, round, smooth.Voilà. |
Ik moest er wat uien en champignons bij doen. | I had to add a few onions and mushrooms. |
Ik zei nog dat ze die pizza niet moest eten. | Oh, I told her not to eat the mushroom and anchovy pizza. |
Tja, na die kernbomproeven moest het leger iets nieuws verzinnen. | Well, the military already sent troops through radioactive mushroom clouds. I guess they figured they had to top themselves, right? |