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Pertanyakan (to do) conjugation

3 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah pertanyakan
Present perfect tense
sudah pertanyakan
Future perfect tense
akan sudah pertanyakan
Future recent tense
pertanyakan nanti
Future distant tense
pertanyakan kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang pertanyakan
Past distant tense
dulu pertanyakan
Past recent tense
pertanyakan tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja pertanyakan

Examples of pertanyakan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia adalah informanku, dan jika kau ingin membukanya di pengadilan terbuka, silakan, tapi jangan pertanyakan tentang kesetiaanku!He's my C.I., and if you want to air that out in open court, go right ahead, but do not question where my loyalties lie!
Mr. Reese, aku harus pertanyakan kebijaksanaan menculik seorang pejabat terpilih.Mr. Reese, I have to question the wisdom of abducting an elected official.
Pekerjaan yang kau takkan pertanyakan.The kind you don't get to ask about.

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