- 0lisin voinut huutaa ja taklata. | I could've yelled something or tackled someone. |
- Antaisivatko he minun taklata? | Tell me something. Would they let me play tackle? |
- Enhän minä sinua taklata voi. | I can't tackle you to the ground. |
- Haluan taklata hänet. | - Coach, l'd like to tackle him right now, please. |
- Saan siis taklata häntä? | - So I get to tackle him? |
Miksi minä taklaan? Sinä olet isompi. | Why do I have to tackle the guard? |
Minä menen ja taklaan kakkosella. | I'm goin' over the tackle on "two". |
Minä taklaan johtajan, sinä etsit Haleyn. | You're bigger. - I'll tackle the warden, you find her. |
Minä taklaan pelinrakentajan tai jos hän antaa pallon pois, taklaan pallon pitelijän. | So what l do is, l-l start tackling' the quarterback, unless he give the ball to-to s-somebody else, in which case, l-l try to tackle that person. |
Minä vaikka taklaan sinut. Et häivy noin vain. | Look, hey, if I have to throw a flying tackle... you're not leaving them cold. |
Hän taklaa kaikkia, - mutta kuolaa vain suosikkiensa päälle. | No. He tackles everybody, but he only drools on his favorites. |
Se kyttää kadunkulmassa ja taklaa postinkantajan nurin. | Practically tackles the mailman before he can get out of his little jeep. |
Tommy taklaa hänet ja on päällä! | Tommy tackles him, and he's on top! |
Tuomari taklaa Gemman. | So the judge tackles Gemma. |
Muutamme sen, miten taklaamme ja voitamme! | We're gonna change the way we tackle. We're gonna change the way we win. |
Kun taklaatte, annatte kyynärpäätä, polvea tai potkun suuhun. | Any man you tackle gets an extra elbow, knee, or kick in the mouth. |
Kun taklaatte, tähdätkää alas, lyökää lujaa. | When you tackle, aim low, hit hard. |
BillyJacobyja SonnyAnderson taklaavat. | Billy Jacoby and Sonny Anderson again making the tackle. |
Birdsong ja Mawhinney taklaavat. | Birdsong and Mawhinney on the tackle. |
-Barney inhotti, taklasin hänet. | Barney was being obnoxious, so I tackled him. |
-Kun taklasin hänen. | - When I tackled him. |
Anteeksi, että taklasin sinut, mutta näytän mieluummin mainoksia - joita tein kymmenvuotiaana, kuin muutun kyyniseksi. | I'm really sorry I tackled you. It's just, I'd rather run the fake campaign ads that I made when I was ten than become negative and cynical. |
Huusit niin, kun taklasin sinut. | "The numbers are bad." That's what you were yelling right when I tackled you. |
Maura, taklasin hänet puroon. | - I tackled him, Maura. In a creek. |
Miten kävi tyypille, jonka taklasit Tampa Bay -pelissä? | Whatever happened to the guy you tackled in the Tampa Bay game? |
Sinä taklasit minut. | You're the guy who tackled me. |
Tiedäthän, se missä kohtaa taklasit minut ja yritit suudella. | - Okay, which empty building? You know, the one right near where you tackled me, tried to kiss me. |
-Raquel taklasi minut baarissa 11 vuotta sitten. | Raquel tackled me at a bar 11 years ago. Yes, I did. True story. |
Grimsrudin maalivahti taklasi hänet. | The Grimsrud goalie just tackled her. |
Jared kiipesi katolle ja taklasi varkaan. | Jared climbed onto the roof of a building and tackled the thief. |
Joku näkymätön mies taklasi minut kujalla. | Yeah,well,an invisible man tackled me in the alley. |
Karl kai taklasi minut ja kysyin mitä oli tapahtunut. | I think Karl tackled me, and I asked him what happened. |
- Hänen kätyrinsä taklasivat minut. | It was his boys who tackled me. |
Pallo oli Donatolla. Loomis ja Fry taklasivat hänet. | The ball was carried by Donato, tackled by Loomis and Fry. |
Viime vuonna hän hyppäsi jalkapallokentälle sieppasi pallon ja yritti tehdä maalin mutta molemmat joukkueet taklasivat hänet. | Last year brodie skydived into a football game at sun devils stadium and proceeded to pick up the ball and run for a touchdown. He was tackled in the end zone by both teams. |
Hän on takapihalla taklaamassa vikuroivaa kaalia. | He's out the back, tackling the difficult cabbage. |
Ette koskaan oppineet estämään ja taklaamaan. | You just never learned the fundamentals. You know, blocking and tackling. Not like this team. |
Ja pakko sanoa, että vankeja kiinnostaa enemmän vartioiden hakkaaminen, - kuin etenijän taklaaminen. | And I gotta tell you, the cons seem more interested in hitting the guards than tackling the ball carrier. |
Tästä lähtien tyrkkiminen, taklaaminen, töniminen ja kiroilu on kiellettyä. | From now on, bumping, hard tackling, barging and bad language are banned. |
Poliisin työ ei ole vain ihmisten taklaamista. | Police work just ain't about tackling people. |
Väitätkö, ettei hän olekaan sankari vaan pussirottia taklaava ääliö? | You're telling me he might not be a hero, But just some jerk That goes around tackling random possums? |
Jokainen olisi taklannut sen kaverin - ja ottanut aseen pois. | Anybody could have tackled that guy and wrestled the gun away... |
Olisitko taklannut hänet? | Would you have tackled him? |
Switowski on niin iso, että tuntuu kuin jääkaappi olisi taklannut. | Switowski is so big, it's like being tackled by a Coke machine with legs. |