"Herätkää, haltijat!" Minä huusin, ja yritin houkutella heitä ulos näin. | "Awaken, sprites!" I cried and tried to tempt them out like so. |
"Älä anna saatanan houkutella sinua Länsimaisella kulttuurilla. | "Don't let the Great Satan tempt you with the Western culture. |
- Häntä ei voi houkutella. | He can't be tempted. Can't blame him. |
Ajatus voisi houkutella sinua. | You might be tempted. |
Anna siis minun houkutella sinua. | Then let me tempt you. |
- Minä houkuttelen, en kiusaa. | I'm tempting, I'm not teasing. |
Esiintymällä ja biisejä kirjoittamalla – houkuttelen merihirviötä pinnalle. Luon rajapinnan, jossa hirviö – voi murtautua todellisuuden läpi. | What performance and song is to me is finding a way to tempt the monster to the surface, to create a space, where the creature can break through what is real and what is known to us. |
Etkö ole miettinyt, miksi houkuttelen juuri sinua? - ennemmin kuin häntä? | Haven't you wondered why I'm attempting to entice you rather than him? |
Tämä veikko syyttää, että houkuttelen ihmisiä epärehellisiin toimiin laittamalla kauppatavarat esille! | And this fellow here accuses me of tempting people to dishonesty by proposing to put the goods out on open display! |
Ehkä jopa houkuttelet Glaberin vaimon tukemaan sinua. | And perhaps even tempt glaber's wife To take up the cause of patronage. |
En vieläkään käytä pilveä, paitsi kun houkuttelet minut polttamaan. Mikä on todella väärin sinulta. | I'm still off pot, by the way, except when you tempt me, which is very very bad of you. |
"Se houkuttelee maalaamaan." | It tempts me to paint and the work goes well. |
Haluat sitä samalla tavalla kuin kimaltava raide houkuttelee meitä - kun kuulemme junan lähestyvän. | You'll want it as the glint of the rail tempts us when we hear the approaching train. |
Hän houkuttelee minua. | He tempts me. |
Hän houkuttelee nuoria naisiamme ulkopuolelle, - kuten hän teki Hannah Smithille. | He tempts our young women to the outside as he has with Hannah Smith. |
Kaikki tarinat keskittyvät aghoulin yrityksiin - huijata ihmiset tuomaan sen maailmaamme - ja se voi tulla riivauksen muodossa, henkenä, jonka vain lapsi voi nähdä - tai muinainen esineenä, joka houkuttelee vaikutuksille alttiita. | All the stories revolve around Aghoul's attempts to trick people into bringing him into our world and it can come through the form of a possession, a spirit that only a child can see or an ancient object that lures in the impressionable. |
- Kyllä, houkuttelemme kohtaloa. | - Yeah, w-we're tempting fate. |
- Kun on oikein hyvä jossain asiassa, - on aina ihmisiä, jotka houkuttelevat - pysymään samana. | Do you? When you are that good at something, there are always going to be people who tempt you into staying the same. |
Kämppiksinä on komeita malleja, jotka houkuttelevat lankeamaan treffeillä. | And then, you go out on dates and the dates, they try to tempt you into losing your virginity. |
Minua houkuttelevat demonit... | The demons that tempt you. |
Mutta mahdolliset edut kuten kasvojeni nuorentuminen olivat erittäin houkuttelevat. | But the potential benefits the restoration of my face to its former youth was simply too tempting to resist. |
Ne houkuttelevat kaltaisiasi nuoria miehiä - ja minä hukutan ne. | They tempt young men like you... and I drown them. |
Muista, että sinä houkuttelit hänet täältä kohti vapautta. | I just want you to remember that you are the man who tempted her over the park wall to run away to freedom. |
- Se houkutteli. | - I was tempted. |
- Tekosi jälkeen se houkutteli. | So if this is about revenge... {\*Well, }After what you did to me, I was tempted. |
Ehkäpä sinua houkutteli liittyä muihin ja vastustaa minua. | Perhaps you've been tempted You've been tempted to join the others and force me |
Entäs Aatami ja Eeva, kun käärme houkutteli Eevan haukkaamaan omenaa? | Don't you think that expression came from when the snake tempted Eve? |
Isoisääni houkutteli suuresti | My grandfather was fiercely tempted... by this invitation to join the ruling class. |
Et koskaan voinut nähdä, - kuinka he valehtelivat, huijasivat - ja houkuttelivat sinut unholaan, mies, - aivan kuin se sinun huorasi. | You never could see how they lied and tricked and tempted you into oblivion, man, just like that bitch wife of yours. |
Rahat houkuttelivat minua. | I was real tempted to keep the money. |
Vaikka hän kuinka yritti vastustaa, - sivilisaation hienoudet houkuttelivat, kerran niin varakasta ursulaa. | As much as she tried to resist, the once opulent Ursula was tempted by the bangles and baubles. |
- Eikö Killian houkuttele sinussa mitään? | And there's no part of you that's tempted by Killian? |
- Älä houkuttele minua. | Don't tempt me. |
- Älä houkuttele! | You shouldn't tempt me. |
- Älä houkuttele, voin suostua. | Don't tempt him, darling. |
- Älä houkuttele. | - Don't tempt me. |
Toivot suostuttelevasi minua tunnustamaan vaihtoehtoa houkuttelemalla? | You wish me to persuade me into confession by tempting me with the alternative? |
- Gee, Steele Myönnän teidän tarjous on erittäin houkutteleva. | Gee, Steele... ..I have to admit your offer is very tempting. |
- Pitää jättää houkutteleva tarjous väliin. | [ inhales sharply ] i'm gonna have to pass on that very tempting offer. Wow. Rejected. |
- Se on houkutteleva ehdotus. | I must say, it's very tempting. |
- Tosi houkutteleva kutsu. | - Wow, really tempting. |
-Se on varsin houkutteleva ajatus. | I have to admit, it's very tempting. |
Aarre on varmaankin houkutellut häntä. | He must have been tempted by the treasure. |
Edes 10-kertainen summa ei olisi houkutellut. | Nor would 10 times the sum have tempted me. |
Eikö muka houkutellut vähänkään jättää tänään tulematta? Katoaisit vain tässä ruumiissa. | Tell me you weren't tempted, even a little not to come back here today, just to disappear in this body. |
Hän on houkutellut minua pois poliisivoimista jo 8 vuotta. | Gary Shaw has attempted to pry me away from the NYPD for eight years. |
Sisäinen pimeys ei edes houkutellut minua. | So I was never even tempted by that inner darkness you speak of. |