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Querer (to desire) conjugation

65 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to love, love, to be fond of, would you, to want, would

Conjugation of querer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I desire
you desire
he/she/it desires
we desire
you all desire
they desire
Present perfect tense
he querido
I have desired
has querido
you have desired
ha querido
he/she/it has desired
hemos querido
we have desired
habéis querido
you all have desired
han querido
they have desired
Past preterite tense
I desired
you desired
he/she/it desired
we desired
you all desired
they desired
Future tense
I will desire
you will desire
he/she/it will desire
we will desire
you all will desire
they will desire
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would desire
you would desire
he/she/it would desire
we would desire
you all would desire
they would desire
Past imperfect tense
I used to desire
you used to desire
he/she/it used to desire
we used to desire
you all used to desire
they used to desire
Past perfect tense
había querido
I had desired
habías querido
you had desired
había querido
he/she/it had desired
habíamos querido
we had desired
habíais querido
you all had desired
habían querido
they had desired
Future perfect tense
habré querido
I will have desired
habrás querido
you will have desired
habrá querido
he/she/it will have desired
habremos querido
we will have desired
habréis querido
you all will have desired
habrán querido
they will have desired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I desire
(if/so that) you desire
(if/so that) he/she/it desire
(if/so that) we desire
(if/so that) you all desire
(if/so that) they desire
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya querido
I have desired
hayas querido
you have desired
haya querido
he/she/it has desired
hayamos querido
we have desired
hayáis querido
you all have desired
hayan querido
they have desired
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have desired
(if/so that) you have desired
(if/so that) he/she/it have desired
(if/so that) we have desired
(if/so that) you all have desired
(if/so that) they have desired
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have desired
(if/so that) you have desired
(if/so that) he/she/it have desired
(if/so that) we have desired
(if/so that) you all have desired
(if/so that) they have desired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera querido
I had desired
hubieras querido
you had desired
hubiera querido
he/she/it had desired
hubiéramos querido
we had desired
hubierais querido
you all had desired
hubieran querido
they had desired
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese querido
I had desired
hubieses querido
you had desired
hubiese querido
he/she/it had desired
hubiésemos querido
we had desired
hubieseis querido
you all had desired
hubiesen querido
they had desired
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have desired
(if/so that) you will have desired
(if/so that) he/she/it will have desired
(if/so that) we will have desired
(if/so that) you all will have desired
(if/so that) they will have desired
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere querido
I will have desired
hubieres querido
you will have desired
hubiere querido
he/she/it will have desired
hubiéremos querido
we will have desired
hubiereis querido
you all will have desired
hubieren querido
they will have desired
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's desire!
Imperative negative mood
no quieras
do not desire!
no quiera
let him/her/it desire!
no queramos
let us not desire!
no queráis
do not desire!
no quieran
do not desire!

Examples of querer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Estar enamorado es desear, y desear es querer poseer.To be in love is to desire, and to desire is to want to possess.
"Oh, apenas quiero ser tu cachorro... "And now, my... desire is that...
"Te quiero" cuando quieren decir: "Te deseo"."I love you" when what they really mean is "I desire you".
# Al color de mis flores nada puede igualar, # lo que quiero y deseo siempre yo imaginar.# Nothing can match the color of my flowers, # what I want and desire I always imagine.
# Al color de mis flores nada puede igualar. # lo que quiero y deseo siempre quiero imaginar.# Nothing can match the color of my flowers, # what I want and desire I always imagine.
(Oseas) Porque misericordia quiero, y no sacrificar el conocimiento de Dios y no holocaustos, Así lo dice el Señor, nuestro Dios.(Hosea) For I desire mercy and not sacrifice the knowledge of God and not burnt offerings, so says The Lord our God.
"Si quieres dinero, sigue el aroma"."If you desire money, chase the scent."
"Si quieres encontrar lo que tu corazón desea, no mires más allá de tu espalda"" "If you want to find your heart's desire,look no further than your own backyard.
# El deseo de hacer el bien y el mejor promedio quieres #A desire to do good and a 4.0
- No quieres ganar.You've got no desire to win.
-¿ Qué quieres?- What's your desire?
A ti, que eres el único al que mi alma quiere y desea.You, whom alone my soul entreats and desires.
Al que quiere al que acompaña y al que desea.The one she loves, the one she partners with, and the one she desires.
Alguien que sí me odia... y me quiere... muerto.Someone who does hate me... And desires me... Dead.
Ambiciones ... todo el mundo quiere subir más alto.Ambitions... everyone desires to rise higher.
Como se nos dice en Tesalonicenses Dios quiere que acudamos a Él con nuestras necesidades y deseos.As we're told in Thessalonians, uh, you know, God wants us to come to him with all our needs and all our desires.
- Seguro que todos queremos lo mismo.I'm sure that is what we all desire. Ultimately, yes.
A veces lo que queremos, lo que deseamos es algo que tenemos dentro...Often what we want, what we desire is something we keep deep inside of us...
Acerca de Rikuto... deberíamos dejar de forzarlo a vivir la vida que nosotros queremos.About Rikuto... we should stop forcing him to live a life that we desire.
Así que de esa forma la mente trabaja mágicamente haciendo que lo que queremos, ocurra.So in that way, the mind kind of work like magic, making what we desire happen.
Desde el mundo que no sea el euskera se piensa que tenemos un ansia insaciable de imponernos, que lo que queremos es el monolingüismo en euskera.The non-Basque speaking world thinks that we have an insatiable desire to impose it, that we want mono-lingualism in Basque, and that isn't true.
No tengo ganas de ir a la cárcel y vosotros no queréis que vaya a juicio porque si lo hago, afrontémoslo, cuando la historia de mi infiltración en vuestra organización sea de dominio público será el final de vuestras carrerasNow, I have no desire to go to jail and you have no desire for me to go to trial, because if I did, well, let's face it, once the story of my infiltration of your organization becomes public knowledge,
Pues tal como vos exigís justicia, estad seguro de que tendréis más justicia de la que queréis.For as you urge on justice, be assured you shall have justice more than you desire.
¿Es que queréis ver destruidos mis más profundos deseos?Are you trying to pop the bubble of my deepest desires?
"Te quiero" cuando quieren decir: "Te deseo"."I love you" when what they really mean is "I desire you".
- Las mujeres quieren sentirse deseadas, y los hombres adoran cuando ellas hacen un esfuerzo extra para volverse deseables.- Women want to feel desired. And men love it when their women make that extra effort to be desirable.
Algunos de los que acogieron a los niños de Gatlin... ahora quieren adoptarlos.Some of you agreed to take in the Gatlin children. Some expressed a desire to file for adoption, so I've got some information on that.
Cuando somos presos de sentimientos como el amor, la avaricia o la rabia, sólo vemos lo que nuestros deseos latentes quieren que veamos.When we are prisoners of our feelings Such as love, greed and anger However, we do not see what you want hidden desire
Deles la muerte que ellos quieren y conserve la vida que le pertenece a Ud.Give them the death that they desire and keep the life that is yours.
Pero cuando quise más independencia, no me lo impidieron:But when I desired for my independency, they let me go.
Siempre quise tu bienestar.I had always desired your well-being.
Te di todo lo que quisiste.l gave you everything you desired.
A Gottfried le llegó la muerte no sólo porque quiso vengarse, sino por querer satisfacer sus deseos.Godfryd was reached by the hand of God for he desired not only to avenge the wrongs of the Order but also to satisfy his own lust
Hitler quiso moverse más al este contra Polonia, pero no quería aparecer como el agresor:Hitler desired to move east against Poland, but he do not want to look like the aggressor:
Le di todo lo que su corazoncito quiso.Gave - Gave her everything her little heart desired.
Si. Lady Merivel quiso que me adelantara... y viera la extensión de la tierra.Lady Merivel desired that I act as a vanguard... and see the lay of the land.
"y declarado este instrumento ser su verdadero deseo e intención, y como quiera que Eustace"and declare this instrument to be their true desire and intent, and whereas Eustace,
Así que, mientras lo quiera, este lugar será un lugar seguro para ella.So for as long as she desires, this place will be a safe place for her.
Bien jugado. y luego coger su yate donde quiera que su corazón desee.Well played. Get yourself a good night's sleep in another man's mansion, and then take his yacht wherever your heart desires, right?
Bueno, que quiera tener dinero, mujeres, o vengarse, por ejemplo, que un auto atropelle a su jefe, eso todavía pasa.Well, money, a woman, maybe a desire for revenge, Let my boss be overrun by a car, that I can understand.
Cada deseo que ha conocido mi corazón. Parece que quiera estrecharse y gemir.Every desire my heart has ever known Feels like it wants to stretch and moan
- Por favor, puedo hacerte poderoso, rico... Lo que tu quieras, ¡En serio!- Please, I can make you powerful, rich, whatever you desire, seriously!
- Todo lo que quieras.- Anything your heart desires.
Algún deseo oculto, algo... que me quieras hacerSome secret desire, some itch you'd like me to scratch.
Apelando a sus deseos e inquietudes, puedes pulsar sus más profundos deseos o inquietudes y llevarlos por donde quieras. Y entonces, en 1928, llegó a la Casa Blanca un presidente que estaba de acuerdo con Barneys.What was new... was an attempt to use very sophisticated... or pseudo-sophisticated techniques to plum the public psychology to find out precisely... what the desires of the individuals were and then to come up with... a candidate and a platform, and images, and words... that exactly responded to those deep desires.
Apelando a sus deseos e inquietudes, puedes pulsar sus más profundos deseos o inquietudes y llevarlos por donde quieras.You appeal to their desires and unrecognized longings, that sort of thing. That you can tap into their deepest desires or their deepest fears and use that to your own purposes.
A través de las épocas de voluntarismo, subjetivismo, estalinismo, deterioro, hemos logrado conservar el apasionado deseo de bailar lo que queramos.After the epochs of Stalinism, voluntarism, subjectivism, depression, we have carried through a passionate desire to dance what we want!
Podremos descansar todo lo que queramos cuando consigamos el polvo de hadas, hacer todo lo que desees.We can rest all we want after we get the pixie dust, do whatever your heart desires.
Por eso es por lo que tenemos que trabajar duro aquí y ahora para conseguir lo que queramos.That's why we have to work hard here and now to achieve what we desire.
Hurgad tanto como queráis.Seek inwardly to your heart's desire.
Lo que queráis.Anything your heart desires.
Masajearse mutuamente os ayudará a despertar el deseo del otro, haciendo emanar los fluídos, y haciendo que ambos queráis más.(Woman) Stroking each other helps you rouse each other's desires, getting the juices flowing, and making you both eager for more.
Mi hijo y tú podéis disparar cuando queráis.You may shoot when you desire.
Seguidme, y pedid a cambio todo lo que queráis.Follow me, and ask in exchange whatever you may desire.
Muy bien, si hay algo que ustedes, señoritas, necesiten o quieran o, ya saben, desean...Okay, if there's anything you ladies need or want or, you know, desire,
Nos pueden arrestar cuando ellos quieran.Lt means they can arrest us, should they so desire, any damn minute they please.
Pidan lo que quieran.Ask for anything you desire.
Podemos pagar en efectivo al instante o bien pagar parte en cheque y parte en efectivo, como quieran.We can do instant cash payments we can do part check, part cash, whatever you desire.
Sea lo que sea que quieran o deseen, está aquí.Whatever you want or desire, it's here.
Definitivamente, querido Antonio, aquí todo deja mucho que desear...Eh, definitely, dear Antonio, here everything leaves a lot to be desired...
Eres la persona que he deseado y que he querido más en toda mi vida.You're the person I've most desired and loved.
Este tipo es peligroso, Rompió mi parabrisa Y ha querido matarme.This type is dangerous, it broke my windshield and desired to kill me.
Has ido a todas partes, has conocido a todo el mundo, has... hecho todo lo que tu revolucionada cabeza ha queridoYou went everywhere, you've met everyone, you've... done everything that your stormy little heart desired.
Las cataratas del Niágara son un fenómeno natural... del que he querido ser testigo desde hace tiempo.The Niagara Falls... is a natural phenomenon that I have long desired to witness.
O esto o querer queriendo esto,Or wanting this or desiring this,

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