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Quejar (to complain) conjugation

120 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to moan, to whine, to grumble, to lament

Conjugation of quejar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I complain
you complain
he/she/it complains
we complain
you all complain
they complain
Present perfect tense
he quejado
I have complained
has quejado
you have complained
ha quejado
he/she/it has complained
hemos quejado
we have complained
habéis quejado
you all have complained
han quejado
they have complained
Past preterite tense
I complained
you complained
he/she/it complained
we complained
you all complained
they complained
Future tense
I will complain
you will complain
he/she/it will complain
we will complain
you all will complain
they will complain
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would complain
you would complain
he/she/it would complain
we would complain
you all would complain
they would complain
Past imperfect tense
I used to complain
you used to complain
he/she/it used to complain
we used to complain
you all used to complain
they used to complain
Past perfect tense
había quejado
I had complained
habías quejado
you had complained
había quejado
he/she/it had complained
habíamos quejado
we had complained
habíais quejado
you all had complained
habían quejado
they had complained
Future perfect tense
habré quejado
I will have complained
habrás quejado
you will have complained
habrá quejado
he/she/it will have complained
habremos quejado
we will have complained
habréis quejado
you all will have complained
habrán quejado
they will have complained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I complain
(if/so that) you complain
(if/so that) he/she/it complain
(if/so that) we complain
(if/so that) you all complain
(if/so that) they complain
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya quejado
I have complained
hayas quejado
you have complained
haya quejado
he/she/it has complained
hayamos quejado
we have complained
hayáis quejado
you all have complained
hayan quejado
they have complained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have complained
(if/so that) you have complained
(if/so that) he/she/it have complained
(if/so that) we have complained
(if/so that) you all have complained
(if/so that) they have complained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have complained
(if/so that) you have complained
(if/so that) he/she/it have complained
(if/so that) we have complained
(if/so that) you all have complained
(if/so that) they have complained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera quejado
I had complained
hubieras quejado
you had complained
hubiera quejado
he/she/it had complained
hubiéramos quejado
we had complained
hubierais quejado
you all had complained
hubieran quejado
they had complained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese quejado
I had complained
hubieses quejado
you had complained
hubiese quejado
he/she/it had complained
hubiésemos quejado
we had complained
hubieseis quejado
you all had complained
hubiesen quejado
they had complained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have complained
(if/so that) you will have complained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have complained
(if/so that) we will have complained
(if/so that) you all will have complained
(if/so that) they will have complained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere quejado
I will have complained
hubieres quejado
you will have complained
hubiere quejado
he/she/it will have complained
hubiéremos quejado
we will have complained
hubiereis quejado
you all will have complained
hubieren quejado
they will have complained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's complain!
Imperative negative mood
no quejes
do not complain!
no queje
let him/her/it complain!
no quejemos
let us not complain!
no quejéis
do not complain!
no quejen
do not complain!

Examples of quejar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
(Valentín) La verdad, no me puedo quejar.I have nothing to complain about.
- Bueno, el no lo inventó, siempre se solía quejar de no tener una superficie portátil para escribir.- Did he? - - Well, he didn't invent it, but he always used to complain that he didn't have a portable writing surf ace.
A alguien me tengo que quejar.I have to complain to someone.
A fines de los años 1700 residentes de todo París se empezaron a quejar del espantoso olor de los cadáveres en el cementerio sobrepoblado.By the end of the 1700s, residents from all over Paris began to complain about the horrible smell of the bodies in the overcrowded cemetery.
Ahora no te vas a quejar más de que desaparezca alguna cosaNow you're going to complain you can't find something
# Nunca me quejo cuando se termina. #♪ never complain when I put it down ♪
# Odio sostener el cable... # # no se enoje si me quejo. #♪ I hate to hold the wire ♪ ♪ don't get mad if I complain ♪
- Bien. No me quejo.- Fine, can't complain.
- Bueno, no me quejo.- Well, I'm not complaining.
- De eso me quejo.- Thas what I'm complaining about.
! - Mira alrededor, de qué te quejas?- Look around, what's to complain about?
"Aquellas pequeñas quejas, aquellos nuevos pesares.""Those little complaints, those new regrets."
"Después de recibir numerosas cartas en la comisaría, el detective Gordon fue enviado para preguntar por las quejas a, Donald Baxter.""After receiving numerous letters to the department, "detective gordon was dispatched to question the complainant, donald baxter."
"El presidente lo quiere mucho, pero hay muchas quejas."The President really likes you, "but we've had a lot of complaints.
"Estas lágrimas de alegría limpiarán las preocupaciones de su frente," "mis sonrisas borrarán sus quejas."These tears of joy will wipe the stress off their brow, my smiles will erase their complaints
"A veces ella lo carga en brazos toda la noche... "cuando se queja porque quiere ir al agua.Sometimes she carries it in her arms half the night when it complains and wants to get to the water.
"Ninguna queja oscurece la armonía de mi alma"No complains undarkens the wonderful harmony of my soul
(Valentín) Y entonces desde esa época habla sola y se queja de todo. (Valentín) Que papapá, que papapá, que papapá.She talks to herself a lot now and complains about everything.
- Livia se queja mucho de ti.- Livia complains about you a lot.
- Pinky se queja todos los días.- Pinky complains every day
" de todos los males que nos quejamos"of all the evils we complain of.
"... y luego nos quejamos""And they're the ones who complain"
"Somos quienes provocamos los desastres y luego nos quejamos."They're the ones who inflict atrocities and they're the ones who complain"
- Y luego nos quejamos.- No wonder they complain about us.
-No nos quejamos.- We can't complain.
- Os quejáis y quejáis...- You whine and complain...
Gemís, lloráis y os quejáis.Bitch, whine, and complain.
Las dos tenéis hijos adultos y aún así os quejáis.You both have grown up children, yet you complain
Lloráis, gemís y os quejáis y criticáis, lloráis y os quejáis.Whine, bitch, complain, and criticize, and whine, and bitch.
Me encanta oír cómo os quejáis.I just love hearing you fools complain.
"Dheriff, algunos de los mejores elementos... se quejan de su manera de gobernar este pueblo"." Sheriff some of the better element ... are complaining about the way you run this town. "
"No hay nada para hacer. " Se quejan continuamente."There's nothing to do." They're always continually complaining.
"y se quejan con la gerencia porque no voló?""and complain to the management that it didn't fly."
# Y si se quejan, lo haremos de nuevo# And if they complain, we'll do it all again
(Gordon) tabladosse quejan para el risotto - Tengo que trabajar en equipo.(Gordon) Table two are complaining for the risotto-- I've got to work as a team.
- No, nunca me quejé.No, I never complained. Thank you.
- ¿Recuerdas cuando fui a Atlantic City y me quejé de que los jugadores pro póquer le quitan la diversión? - Ni puros.-Remember when I went to Atlantic City and I complained the pro poker players suck the fun out of it?
-¡Siempre me quejé!-I complained about it all the time!
A propósito, después de que me quejé Denny Crane le atribuyó mi queja al grito licencioso de una gordita solitaria.By the way, after I complained... Denny Crane attributed my protest... to the wanton cy oaf lonely curette.
Así que me quejé a la policía, también los aficionados,y resulta que, en el segundo que empecé, ellos me esposaron, reservaron y echaron fuera toda mi zima, que era como una caja.So I complained to the cops, also raiders fans, it turns out, because the second I started, they cuffed me, booked me, and dumped out all of my zima, which was like a case.
- Nunca te quejaste antes.- You never complained before.
- ¿Y te quejaste con él?And you complained to him? He did.
Ayer te quejaste cuando acogí a la señorita Hudson.Yesterday you complained when I took Ms. Hudson in.
Bueno, no quiero molestarte pero tecnicamente, te quejaste todo el tiempo.Well, and I don't want to upset you here, but technically, you complained the entire time.
Bueno, tú te quejaste de la despensa.Well, you complained about the larder.
"...murió de las heridas recibidas en combate, pero no se quejó ni una vez"."..passed away from wounds received in battle "but never once complained." "..
"Ahora seguro que llego tarde." se quejó el Conejo Blanco..."Now I'm certain to be late," complained the White Rabbit.
"En consecuencia, ella dejó su asiento y se quejó a la acomodadora.She subsequently vacated her seat and complained to an usherette.
"Pero después Gustav se quejó al gobernador"But then Gustav complained to the governor,
- - Me siento como si mi novia se quejó tanto como ella lo hizo,- I feel like, if my girlfriend complained as much as she did,
"Cuando los trabajadores se quejaron sobre la calidad del alimento,"'"When his workers complained about the quality of the food,
- Algunas mujeres se quejaron.Well, a couple of women complained.
- Algunos parroquianos se quejaron.Some of the parishioners have complained.
- Los tres aparecieron en un reporte policial de una fiesta que se tornó ruidosa y los vecinos se quejaron.- All three names appeared in a police report of a keg party that got so rowdy the neighbors complained.
- Él... de hecho lo hacen un par de vecinos que se quejaron del ruido.He... So did a couple of other neighbors who complained about the noise.
Me quejaré a la Comisión de Energía.I will complain to the Energy Committee
Me quejaré ante el Consejo de seguridad vial.I will complain to the Council of Greater Road safety.
O me quejaré al Gobernador.Or I will complain to the Governor.
me quejaré de su actuación ante el comisario.I will complain about your actions by the commissary!
Entonces te quejarás después ...You will complain later that...
Diablos, tu puedes iniciar un fuego, y nadie se quejará.Hell, you can start a fire, and no one will complain.
El estudiante dice: "Puedo tomar un largo baño de espuma y nadie se quejará".The student says: "I take a long bubble bath "And no one will complain."
Frederike se quejará como de costumbre sobre su vida y Berlin.Frederike will complain as usual about her life and Berlin.
La Sra. Lestingois se quejará del polvo otra vez.Mrs Lestingois will complain about the dust again.
Mi mujer se quejará si no lo hago y me hará la vida imposible.My wife will complain if I don't and my life won't be worth living.
Este fue un momento realmente importante para Hitler debido a que se dio cuenta después de su invasión a Renania que los británicos y los franceses se quejarán.This was a really important moment for Hitler because he realizes after his invasion of the Rhineland that the British and the French will complain.
Estoy seguro que los fans del arroyo balbuceante se quejarán. Pero creo que eso me estaba limitando.I'm sure fans of the babbling brook will complain, but I thought that was limiting.
Los vecinos se quejarán de nuevo.The neighbors will complain again.
No podemos, los vecinos se quejarán.We can't, the neighbours will complain.
¡Las madres se quejarán!Mothers will complain!
Me quejaría, pero nos ha conseguido el último paquete de... ¿Qué?I would complain, but she scored us the last packet of... What? What's happened now?
Podrían llenar sus cárceles con un solo grupo racial y nadie se quejaría.You could fill your prisons with one particular racial group and no one would complain!
Sólo una idiota se quejaría de su vida contigo.Only an idiot would complain about their life to you.
Únicamente Drácula se quejaría♪ Only Dracula would complain ♪
Digo que me imagine que en la cocina se quejarían si fuera demasiado tarde así que me adelanté y pedí algo de sake para usted.Say, I figured the kitchen would complain if it was too late, so I went ahead and ordered some sake for you.
Honestamente, muchos débiles se quejarían y se marcharíanHonestly, many weaklings would complain and just leave.
Si eso ocurriese, los demás huéspedes se quejarían.If by some chance that happened, the other guests would complain.
los clientes se quejarían.the clients would complain.
"el perder mi amor hace que me queje""losing my love has left me to complaint"
- Cualquier congresista que se queje...- Any congressman complaining...
- Lo que necesito, alguien que se queje.- That's all I need, someone to make a complaint.
- No creo que se queje.- l don't think he will complain.
- No es que me queje porque habéis trabajado mucho pero ¿champán, fresas cubiertas de chocolate y ostras?- Not that I'm complaining or anything, because you guys did such great work, but champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, oysters?
"No importa lo que suceda, cariño, no te quejes"."No matter what happens, honey, don't complain".
"Subete a mis radios, si quieres... ..pero no te quejes cuando seas lanzado de nuevo a las profundidades.""Rise up on my spokes if you like... ..but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths."
"Subete en mis radios si asi lo deseas... ..pero no te quejes cuando vuelvas a caer.""Raise yourself up on my spokes if you wish... ..but don't complain when you're plunged back down."
"no te quejes sobre el problema- "don't complain about the problem.
(...) Pues como todos, no te quejes.Like everybody else, don't you complain.
Ahora, luego no nos quejemos de cómo nos tratan los nobles!And then we can't complain about how the nobles treat us.
Cuanto más nos quejemos, más fuertes se vuelven, y más viven.The more we complain, the stronger they get, and the longer they live.
No nos quejemos a la Providencia.We shouldn't complain let's leave it to the Divine Providence.
No nos quejemos más-And we'II have no further complaints-
No nos quejemos más.Let's not complain anymore
No os quejéis de la humillación, aunque os convirtierais en perro, vale más un perro de la Orden que uno de vuestros caballeros.Do not complain that you have been shamed Though you have been made a kennel man it is better to be the Order's kennel man than one of your knights
No os quejéis.Don't complain.
No quiero que os quejéis a él.I don't want you to complain to him.
Pero, luego, no os quejéis.But don't complain later.
"No se quejen."Don't complain.
"donde no haya muchos blancos que se quejen de ellos,"Wheretherewouldn'tbemany whitestocomplainagainst them"
-¿Por qué, para que se quejen de los precios y despues nosotros tengamos que pagar por todo?Why so you can go and complain about prices and guilt us into paying for everything?
Ahora, no se quejen.Now, don't complain.
Antes de que se quejen, voy a dar de nuevo la vuelta a mi silla.Before you complain, I am once again turning in my chair.
- La chulaputas se ha quejado de mí.- The madam called you and complained.
- Nadie se ha quejado conmigo.- No one's complained to me.
- No, en absoluto. - ¿Se ha quejado de dolores de cabeza o de migrañas?- No, not at all. - Has she complained of any headaches or migraines?
- Nunca me he quejado.-I've never complained.
- Nunca se había quejado nadie.No one's ever complained before.
"Pero no me estoy quejando"♪ But I ain't complaining ♪
"Pescadores de altura de la costa noroeste de EE. UU... se están quejando de que la pesca es mala".Deep-sea fishermen along the northwestern US coast... are complaining because of the poor fishing there.
# Pero no me estoy quejando #♪ But I ain't complaining ♪
- Espero que no se esté quejando.I hope he's not complaining.
- Karen, esta es RJ, la periodista del New York Times de la que siempre me estoy quejando.- Karen, this is R.J. New York Times reporter I'm always complaining about.
Entrenador, ¿sabes cómo Sam siempre se quejá que yo no soy espontánea?Coach, you know how Sam is always complaining that I'm not spontaneous?
De balde te quejás del calor, eso sí que no te sirve para nada...It makes no sense to keep complaining about the heat.
De qué, te quejás si aún no intentamos?What, are you complaining about this before we even give it a try?
Después te quejás que está arrugado.Then you complain it's all creased.
Si todo el día te quejás de ella...You complain about her all day long.
¿De qué mierda te quejás?What the hell are you complaining about?
Entonces no te quejés.So don't complain.
Si no tenés huevos, no te quejés del sorete ése.Then what? If you don't have balls don't complain.

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