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Quemar (to burn) conjugation

140 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to tan, tan, scorch, freeze, to be very cold, to be very hot, to scorch, to freeze

Conjugation of quemar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I burn
you burn
he/she/it burns
we burn
you all burn
they burn
Present perfect tense
he quemado
I have burned
has quemado
you have burned
ha quemado
he/she/it has burned
hemos quemado
we have burned
habéis quemado
you all have burned
han quemado
they have burned
Past preterite tense
I burned
you burned
he/she/it burned
we burned
you all burned
they burned
Future tense
I will burn
you will burn
he/she/it will burn
we will burn
you all will burn
they will burn
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would burn
you would burn
he/she/it would burn
we would burn
you all would burn
they would burn
Past imperfect tense
I used to burn
you used to burn
he/she/it used to burn
we used to burn
you all used to burn
they used to burn
Past perfect tense
había quemado
I had burned
habías quemado
you had burned
había quemado
he/she/it had burned
habíamos quemado
we had burned
habíais quemado
you all had burned
habían quemado
they had burned
Future perfect tense
habré quemado
I will have burned
habrás quemado
you will have burned
habrá quemado
he/she/it will have burned
habremos quemado
we will have burned
habréis quemado
you all will have burned
habrán quemado
they will have burned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I burn
(if/so that) you burn
(if/so that) he/she/it burn
(if/so that) we burn
(if/so that) you all burn
(if/so that) they burn
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya quemado
I have burned
hayas quemado
you have burned
haya quemado
he/she/it has burned
hayamos quemado
we have burned
hayáis quemado
you all have burned
hayan quemado
they have burned
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have burned
(if/so that) you have burned
(if/so that) he/she/it have burned
(if/so that) we have burned
(if/so that) you all have burned
(if/so that) they have burned
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have burned
(if/so that) you have burned
(if/so that) he/she/it have burned
(if/so that) we have burned
(if/so that) you all have burned
(if/so that) they have burned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera quemado
I had burned
hubieras quemado
you had burned
hubiera quemado
he/she/it had burned
hubiéramos quemado
we had burned
hubierais quemado
you all had burned
hubieran quemado
they had burned
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese quemado
I had burned
hubieses quemado
you had burned
hubiese quemado
he/she/it had burned
hubiésemos quemado
we had burned
hubieseis quemado
you all had burned
hubiesen quemado
they had burned
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have burned
(if/so that) you will have burned
(if/so that) he/she/it will have burned
(if/so that) we will have burned
(if/so that) you all will have burned
(if/so that) they will have burned
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere quemado
I will have burned
hubieres quemado
you will have burned
hubiere quemado
he/she/it will have burned
hubiéremos quemado
we will have burned
hubiereis quemado
you all will have burned
hubieren quemado
they will have burned
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's burn!
Imperative negative mood
no quemes
do not burn!
no queme
let him/her/it burn!
no quememos
let us not burn!
no queméis
do not burn!
no quemen
do not burn!

Examples of quemar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Se estaba haciendo daño, señora, se quería quemar.She was harming herself, madam, she wanted to burn herself down.
! Tiene que quemar la bandera de su país.He has to burn his country's flag.
" Dar a su corazón a una muchacha napolitana es como olvidando a quemar su libro de códigos"."Giving your heart to a Neapolitan girl is like forgetting to burn your code book."
"A veces tienes que quemar tu casa para poder ver la luna"."Sometimes you have to burn down your house "in order to see the moon."
"Entonces voy a quemar sus casas.""Then I'm going to burn their house down."
"Brillo, no quemo"."I shine, not burn."
"Cada vez que un cigarrillo se enciende, me quemo ""Every time a cigarette is lit, I burn"
"Cómprame un seguro o te quemo el depósito.""Buy my insurance, or I burn your warehouse down."
"El quemo todas sus casas donde habitaban y todos sus considerables castillos con fuego.""He burnt all their houses wherein they dwell and all their goodly castles with fire."
"Estoy en el infierno, me quemo, y sólo quiero morirme."I'm in the fire, and i'm burning, "and all i want is to die.
"El Nacimiento de Una Nación," y las quemas de cruces."Birth of a Nation," cross burning days.
"Hueles el pútrido hedor de la carne, mientras te quemas hasta morir.""You smell the putrid stench of flesh, while you burn to death."
"Pero me quemas como si fueses fuego..."But you burn me like fire...
"¿Por qué me quemas por dentro?"♪Why are you burning from inside?
# Que quítate del sol que te quemas, que quítate del sol que te pones, que la carita morena.¤ Get out of the sun or you'll burn, get yourself out of the sun, else your face will get a tan. ¤
"... y ese beso quema como el fuego."... and that kiss burns like fire.
"Del fuego caliente de estar solo... viene la llama que quema el corazón"."From the hot fire of being apart comes the flame that burns the heart."
"El gran misterio de la madera no es si se quema, si no si flota.""the great mystery of Wood is not that it burns, But that it floats. "
"El sol quema sin egoísmo.""The Sun burns unselfishly"
"La salsa de tomate les quema la piel como ácido"."Tomato sauce burns the skin like acid.
! Nos quemamos!We're burning !
"...y los quemamos tras nuestro paso... "...y no queda nada para demostrar nuestro progreso..."and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress
"No quemamos ángeles en el fuego""Oh, no, we don't burn angels on the fire"
"Oh, quemamos a un hombre vivo" - Si. - No.- Should we say something on our way out, like, "By the way, we burned some guy alive"?
"Prendanle fuego a una vaca con una carga de fuegos artificiales" Nosotros quemamos cosas... en nombre de Judas Iscariote.The thing is, we burn things, and we think that it's Judas iscariot, you know?
-¿Los quemáis?- You burn it?
A lo mejor os quemáis.You might burn out.
Aquí, los quemáis como basura.Here, you burn them like rubbish.
Lmaginaos que os quemáis toda la mano.Imagine burning your whole hand.
Me dan igual, las baratijas de ese pintor de pacotilla, por mí como si las quemáis.I don't care, the trinkets of this fake painter... I won't care if you burn them up.
"...pero tus recuerdos no se queman.""...but your memories don't burn."
"Cientos mueren, 1.500 incendios queman sitios históricos convirtiéndolos en escombros""Hundreds die as 1500 fires burn historical landmarks into black and shells of debris."
"Como mis amigos se queman en Ia envidia""How my friends burn in envy"
"Como mis amigos se queman en la envidia""How my friends burn in envy"
"Incluso hoy en día ... cuando mis pies se queman.""Even today...when my feet burn."
"Me quemé un poco""I kinda burned out on it."
# ¡Ay, de la luz de tu cara que era fuego, y me quemé!Oh, the light emanating from your face, it was fire, and I burned!
*Todo porque quemé un hormiguero*♪ All because I burned an ant hill ♪
- Creo que lo quemé.I burned him.
- De acuerdo. Yo la quemé.Okay, I burned her.
- ...porque Gamma Psi ganó el Festival, así que... - ¿Así que quemaste nuestra casa?- So you burned down our house?
- ? Te quemaste?Were you burned?
- Amigo, quemaste su casa.- Dude, you burned her house.
- Causarás una gran impresión cuando le digas cómo quemaste su cabaña.- You'll make quite an impression when you tell him how you burned his cabin down.
- Hey, quemaste de nuevo la tostada, querido.- Hey, you burned the toast again, baby.
! - Lo quemó, señor.- She burned it, sir.
"...y quemó las cumbres sin torres de Ilión"?"...and burned the towerless tops of llium?
"Así, pues, se quemó mi casa, y con ella todos mis parientes."So the house was burned. And with it
"Esta foto que subiste me quemó los ojos, gordito.""This picture of you burned my eyes, fatso."
"Infierno con incineradores Nunca el Cielo quemó"Hell with incinerators Heaven never burned
Cuando los normandos invadisteis Inglaterra, os adueñasteis de nuestra tierra sajona, quemasteis nuestros hogares sajones, violasteis a nuestras hermanas sajonas.When you Normans invaded England, you seized our Saxon land, burned our Saxon homes, raped our Saxon sisters.
Desafortunadamente, quemasteis sus cultivos durante la invasión.Unfortunately, you burned all their crops during the invasion.
Los Grimm quemasteis su granja, cortasteis su cabeza, sus manos y su pies.The Grimms burned down his farm, cut off his head, his hands, and his feet.
Matasteis, robasteis, quemasteis. -You killed, pillaged, burned.
Vosotros los quemasteis.They burned to death by you.
"Cuando cubrí mis labios de forma descuidada, se quemaron con el té hirviente, él cogió su café con hielo y pescó algunos patéticos cubitos, pero no fue el hielo lo que utilizó para frenar mi dolor."When I carelessly covered my lips, "burned raw from the scalding tea, "he reached into his iced mocha
"El día que quemaron la sinagoga fue mucho más divertido."The day they burned the synagogue it was much more fun."
"Heaven's Gate" fue no sólo vapuleada... básicamente la quemaron desde el principio."Heaven's Gate" was not only clobbered... it was basically burned at the stake.
"Me quemaron la casa."They burned down my house.
"Se quemaron en una hoguera en Francia por ser herejes. ""are burned at the stake in France for being heretics."
$50,000 pagos al número más abajo o la quemaré viva."$50,000 in m-payment to the number below "or I will burn her alive. You will never find her remains."
- Madre... - Penetrarás a alguien hoy o quemaré tus malditos libros en el patio.You will penetrate someone today or I will burn your wretched books in the yard.
- Yo las quemaré.~ I will burn them.
A propósito, si vuelve a hablar con ese sheriff suyo o si no se presenta a las 4 quemaré su vida y todas las personas que hay en ella como un cañaveral en un día ventoso.By the way if you talk to that sheriff of yours again or if you don't show up at 4:00 I will burn your life and every person in it like a cane field in a high wind.
Agarraré sus drogas y las quemaré.I will take your drugs and I will burn them.
"Vete, te quemarás.""Go, you will burn."
- Tú te quemarás, Maurice.- You will burn, Maurice.
Es sucio, y te quemarás en el infierno!It's dirty, and you will burn in hell.
Lo quemarás y nunca volverás a mirar atrás.You will burn it down and never look back.
Me conforta, Bill Henrickson, que te quemarás en el infierno.It comforts me, Bill Henrickson, that you will burn in hell.
"se quemará en asuntos inútiles.""It will burn on futile matters."
# La gran fachada pronto se quemará #♪ The grand facade ♪ ♪ Do-do-do-dat dat-do-dat ♪ ♪ Do-do-do, dat-dat ♪ ♪ So soon will burn ♪
# Él te quemará con el calor de sus ojos #♪ He will burn you with the heat of his eyes ♪
- Oye, cuidado, eso me quemará.- Hey, careful, that will burn. - Close your eyes.
- Una. El sacerdote te la quemará.The priest will burn it off.
"Robaremos el tren en Big Shanty cuando paren a comer... y quemaremos todos los puentes camino del norte, para privarlos de suministros.""At Big Shanty we will steal the train while the passengers and the crew are at dinner, and proceeding North we will burn every bridge, cutting off the supplies of the army now facing you."
- Escúchame, perro... si alguien dice algo... de lo que vamos hacer esta noche... lo quemaremos.- Listen to me, dog... if somebody says something... of what we go to make tonight... we will burn it.
Ahora les decimos que si no devuelven el dinero, les quemaremos su casa.Now the people are saying that now if he doesn't return the money then they will burn his house.
Con un Kampf Grupee de 1000 vampiros, nosotros quemaremos el mundo hasta el centro!we will burn the world to the ground.
Conducimos todoterreno y tiramos aguas residuales en lagos bonitos... y quemaremos este planeta entero si eso significa una sola hamburguesa más.We drive S.U.V.'s and we dump raw sewage into pretty lakes and we will burn this planet to the ground if it means just one more cheeseburger.
"Y entonces también te quemarán, doncella,"And then they will burn you too, maiden,
- Aquellos que los toquen se quemarán.Those who touch them will burn.
- Para celebrar nuestra boda, ¡Esta vez los Rajadis quemarán a Ravana (símbolo del mal) en Ranjaar!- To celebrate our wedding, this time Rajadis will burn Ravana's (Symbol of Evil) effigy in Ranjaar!
Al final del trayecto los quemarán y les ofrecerán sus respetos... ya que cada uno de ellos los ayudó a llegar hasta este punto.At the end of your journey you will burn them and pay your respects as they each had a part in getting to you this point.
Cuando le prenda fuego, sus pies se quemarán pero la humedad hará que la sangre siga fluyendo por sus piernas.When I light this towel on fire, your feet will burn, but the dampness in your shins will keep the blood moving in your legs.
- Yo lo quemaría.- I would burn it.
- ¿Dijiste que me quemaría la mano?Did the man say I would burn my hand?
Así quien encendiera ese interruptor, quemaría este lugar hasta las cenizas.So whoever flipped that switch, would burn this place to the ground.
Ataduras, si las tuviera, le quemaría vivo.Tethers, if I had them, I would burn the man alive.
Bueno, eso quemaría cualquier procesador que haya visto jamás.Well, that much use would burn out any processor I have ever seen.
- Los quemarías...- The would burn ...
Si estuvieras muerto, te quemarías.If you were dead, you would burn.
Te quemarías, le descubrimos con un cadáver encima de la mesa.You would burn; we found him with a corpse on the table.
¿incluso sabiendo que te quemarías... y quedarías ciega?Even though such knowledge would burn and blind you?
- ¿Qué creyó que quemaríamos?- What did you think we would burn?
Dijeron que quemarían su edificio con usted en él, así que, sí.They said they would burn your building down with you in it, so, yeah.
Dijiste que sólo quemarían Barnum y los muelles de madrugada, cuando no hubiera gente inocente cerca.You said it would just be Barnum's and the docks that would burn, late at night, when no innocent people were around.
En mi planeta natal, quemarían nuestras granjas para que no tubieramos nada que comer.On my home planet, They would burn our farms so we had nothing to eat
Los elementos polarizados rápido se quemarían.The polarised elements would burn out quickly.
Los niños quemarían todo por así en las colinas de California.The kids would burn every Petrox gas station in the country.
! ¡Ójala se queme toda la casa!I hope the whole house burns down!
"Por favor, por favor, yo sé que usted es un caballero, por favor queme esta carta y esté en la puerta a las diez en punto. "'Please, please as you are a gentleman burn this letter and be at the gate by ten o'clock.'
"Querido Lucifer, que se queme en el infierno como tú me estás quemando a mí.""Dear Lucifer, ...let her burn in hellfire as you're burning me".
"Si le vuelves a poner una mano encima a mi hija... te despellejaré vivo e incendiaré tu casa, dejando que se queme toda, contigo adentro.I will skin your ass alive "and burn your house down to the ground with you in it. "
"Volver a la bandeja ... o que se queme"."Return it to the tray... or burn it."
"No te quemes así""do not burn thus"
* Pero solo porque te quemes no significa que vayas a morir *♪ But just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die ♪
- Cuidado, no te quemes. - No.Careful you don't burn yourself.
- Está bien, quememos otro.Okay, but we burn the others.
Ahora, quememos este lugar.- Now let's burn this place to the ground. - Yes.
Al menos lo harán cuando quememos el almacén hasta sus cimientos.At least they will when we burn the warehouse to the ground.
Aunque quememos el bote.Even if we burn the boat.
Bien, quememos a la perra.Okay, let's burn the bitch.
Cuando yo haya muerto... .. no queméis coches, trenes o taxis.After I'm dead.. ...don't burn down cars, trains or taxis.
Dice..."No queméis a los Sagrados".It's uh, uh... please, don't burn the holy Ones.
Niños, cuidado, no os queméis.Children, be careful to not get burned.
No importa lo mucho que lo intentéis, nos cortéis a piezas, queméis este sitio hasta los cimientos, dejaréis rastro de pruebas.No matter how much you try, cut us to pieces, burn this place to the ground, you will leave trace evidence.
No os queméis, ¿vale?Don't burn yourselves, okay?
"Ojalá os muráis, que os quemen vivos.""Wish you drop dead, wish your burn alive."
"Si, lo mas probable es que se te quemen al sol.""Yeah, those probably do hurt when they're sunburned."
"entren y destrocen todo o quemen todo""Do come in and tear the place apart or burn it down?"
# Y quemen el parque de casas rodantes ##And burning' down the trailer park #
- Diles que no nos quemen.- Tell them not to burn us down!
Que estábamos allí y encendimos el mechero Bunsen y puede que quemáramos el colegio.That we were there and we lit the Bunsen burner and we may have burned down the school.
¡Te dije que los quemáramos!I told you we should have burned them out!
- Desmontad lo que podáis y quemad el resto.Dismantle what you can and burn the rest.
- El viejo dijo destruid la cabeza y quemad el cuerpo.- The old man said destroy the head and burn the body.
Acabad con los guardias, prended fuego al carruaje, quemad la Biblia y a los otros... lameculos de dentro.Bring down the guards, set the wagon afire, burn the Bible and all the other... boot-lickings inside.
Ahora quemad la casa y volved a casa.Now burn down the hut and return home.
Pulverizad sus dientes, quemad sus huellas y desfiguradle la cara.Pulverize her teeth, burn off her fingerprints and disfigure her face.
! ¿Por qué no lo habeis quemado todo?Why have you not burned everything?
"...si entrego mi cuerpo para ser quemado, pero no tengo amor, no gano nada.""...if I deliver my body to be burned, - but have not love, I gain nothing."
"Billy Bonney fue quemado vivo, y no tiene parientes vivos"."Billy Bonney was burned to death, leaving no surviving relatives. "
"Bueno, ahora se ha quemado el otro diez por ciento."Well, she burned the other 10 percent now.
"Con el olor de asado quemado en el aire,"So with the smell of burned stew still in the air,
" No soy un hombre sin honor, algo me sucede, un incendio está quemando mi corazón.""I am not a deshonorable man. But something happened to me. A fire is burning my heart."
"Algo se está quemando ¿no es así Danny? Lo arruinaste."Something's burning, isn't it Danny?"
"El tercer ángel tocó su trompeta... y una gran estrella cayó del cielo,... quemando como una antorcha.""The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch."
"Querido Lucifer, que se queme en el infierno como tú me estás quemando a mí.""Dear Lucifer, ...let her burn in hellfire as you're burning me".
"Roma se está quemando," dijo él mientras se servía otro trago."Rome is burning," he said, as he poured himself another drink.

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