Michael necesitaba el auto de su papá... y fue a encarar a su hermano Gob. | Michael needed his father's car... so he went to confront his brother Gob. |
Si lo encaro, me mentirá de nuevo. | What do I do now? If I confront him, he's gonna lie to me again. |
La diferencia entre Alan Maxfield y un niño es cuando encaras a un niño de nueve con el hecho de que están mintiendo, confiesan, dicen lo siento. | But the difference between Alan Maxfield and a child is that when you confront a nine-year-old child with the fact that they're lying, they own up, they say sorry. |
Mike, me gustaría ver qué sucede si.. lo encaras con los nombres de los chicos desaparecidos. | Mike, I want to see what happens if we confront him with all the names of the missing boys. |
Mas es un guerrero, cuando le encaran, ataca. | Mac's a warrior. When confronted, he attacks. |
- Y me encaré con él. | - And I confronted him. |
Cuando Nathan pasó por la tienda ayer, lo encaré... y él admitió haberse bautizado y unido a Smith y a sus seguidores. Manténgase alejado de mi hija. | When Nathan came in the store yesterday, l confronted him and he openly admitted he has been baptized and joined Smith and his followers. |
Interrumpí la operación... y me encaré con el inspector English... por intentar enredar al Sr. Blunt... con falsas acusaciones en relación con drogas, que básicamente... violarían su condicional y le llevarían a la cárcel. | What happened next? I interrupted the operation and confronted Inspector English about his attempt to entrap Mr. Blunt with phony drug charges that would basically violate his bail and incarcerate him. |
La encaré, pero me amenazó con involucrarme si hablaba. | I confronted her about it, and she threatened to off me if I talked. |
Lo encaré cuando salió. | I confronted him when he came out. |
Así que te encaraste con él? | So you confronted him? |
Ella te enfadó, le encaraste y se pelearon. | She angered you, you confronted her, and you fought. |
Le esperaste a que se fuera y entonces le seguiste a casa, donde te encaraste a él. | You waited for him to leave And then you followed him home, where you confronted him. |
Lo pusiste en evidencia, te encaraste con él, lo presionaste. | You put him on the spot, confronted him, pushed him. |
Al siguiente día, el tío Barney se encaró finalmente con Matthew Panning, el semental de la escuela de secundaria Port Richmond | The next day, Uncle Barney finally confronted Matthew Panning, the stud of Port Richmond Middle School. |
Cuando Avatar se encaró con Lobo Negro, él se puso furioso. | When Avatar confronted Blackwolf, he was enraged. |
Dijeron que la habían encontrado, que su padre se encaró con ella, que escapó a casa de Evans para eludir el castigo. | Say they had found it, her father confronted her, she ran away to Evans to escape her punishment. |
Hamlet encaró a su madre, y ella sabe muy dentro de su alma... que ella va a tener por siempre esas manchas en su alma. | Hamlet's confronted his mother, and she knows deep down in her soul... she's gonna have these stains forever on her soul. |
Justo antes del accidente, se encaró conmigo y me enseñó unas hojas de registro del hospital de su madre. | Just before the accident, she confronted me with some old log-in sheets from her mother's hospital. |
Lo encararé con la Carozza. | I will confront him with La Carozza. |
Cuando lo encare por su consumo de drogas, me dijo que mantenía su cubierta, pero creo que va más allá. | When I confronted him with his drug use, he said he was maintaining his cover, but I think it is more than that. |
¿ Lo has encarado? | Have you confronted him? |
Bob se esta encarando con la multitud. | Bob's confronting the crowd. |