Mul on tunne, et pommitan sind oma jutuga. | I get the feeling I'm bombing. |
"Bin Laden on sitaauk, sest mõrvas need inimesed." Ja mina ütlesin:" Jah, seda küll aga ta pole kunagi nii suur sitaauk kui Bush kes pommitab nafta kasumi pärast üle maailma. | But he'll never be as big an asshole as Bush who bombs all over the world for oil profits." |
Ja mina ütlesin:" Jah, seda küll aga ta pole kunagi nii suur sitaauk kui Bush kes pommitab nafta kasumi pärast üle maailma. | And I said, "Yeah, that's true. But he'll never be as big an asshole as Bush... ...who bombs all over the world for oil profits." |
-Hästi. Seejärel pommitame seda. | Good, let's find it and then bomb it. |
Ja me pommitame seda. | And we're gonna bomb it. |
Kui me nüüd aatomit pommitame, lendavad osakesed laiali. | My finger will bombard this blender and... we have radioactivity. |
Kutsume Lexi, pommitame teda tunnetega, kuni mingi neist külge haakub? | Pull a Lexi, bombard her with emotions till one of them sticks? |
Olin juba peaaegu ots-otsaga koos, kui algab see loll sõda... ...ja teie pommitate kõik mu kohvikud maatasa. | I'm nearly in the black when this stupid war starts... ...and you guys bomb all my cafés. |
Teie mässulised pommitate mu laagreid. | Look, you rebels are bombing my camps. You're killing my men. |
- Mida, kas nad pommitavad seda? | - What, they got bombs in there? |
- Nad pommitavad meid! | - They're bombing us! |
- Nad pommitavad! | On a bomb run! |
Kas nad kirikuid ei pommita? | They're not bombing churches? |
Kindral Daniel Chase, Pentagoni personaliülem, selgitas, et USA õhuvägi ei pommita üle 17. kraadi idas asuvaid sihtmärke. | General Daniel Chase, Chief-of-staff at the Pentagon, explains: The US Air Force does not bomb... ...targets south of 17 degrees latitude... |
Ma pommitasin iga päev Beirutit | I bombed Beirut every day |
Ma pommitasin täna Beirutit | I bombed Beirut today |
"Hästi, tule minuga homme" Ja nii ma tulingi... aga nemad pommitasid raadiojaama segi. | "All right, come with me tomorrow", so I came and... they bombed the station. |
"Olgu, tule minuga homme kaasa", niisiis ma tulin ja... Nad pommitasid jaama. | "All right, come with me tomorrow", so I came and... they bombed the station. |
- Venelased pommitasid Helsinkit! | The Russians have bombed Helsinki! |
- Kaks päeva tagasi pommitas Iisrael viite Iraani tuumarajatist. | Israel bombed five nuclear sites deep inside Iran. |
- Ta pommitas keemiarelvade ladu ja mürgitas terve küla. | Zamani's home. He bombed a chemical weapons facility... poisoning the village. |
Aga Londonit ju pommitas? | He bombed London. |
Capitol pommitas pinnase räbalateks. | Capitol bombed the surface to rubble. |
Ma ei unusta iialgi seda õhtut kui me Machbo Grandet pommitasime. | I'll never forget the night we bombed Macho Grande. |
Me pommitasime Hiina valitsuse maja. | We bombed a building owned by China. |
Venelaste arvates pommitasime äsja Kremlit. | As far as the Russians are concerned, we just bombed the Kremlin. |
Eelmisel õhtul pommitati Atlantat ja nad olid hirmul. | Atlanta was bombed the night before and they were scared. |
Kas me andsime alla, kui Pearl Harborit pommitati? | Did we give up when PearI Harbor was bombed? |
Kui muuseumi pommitati, siis üks vana mees, professor lmamovich, leidis raamatu kiviprügi seest, Nüüd on see kusagil kindlas kohas. | When the museum was bombed, the old guy, Professor Imamovich, he found the book in the rubble. Now it's somewhere safe. |
Lau ja su isa olid õiges ning läksid Pilausse ja Brunner, kes vedas telliseid, pommitati Ringle käsul surnuks. | Lau and your father were with the real one are going to Pilau and Brunner, who was transporting bricks, was bombed by Ringle. |
Kas ilma pommita poleks parem? | Would it be better without the bomb, you think ? |
Kas nad kirikuid ei pommita? | They're not bombing churches? |
Kindral Daniel Chase, Pentagoni personaliülem, selgitas, et USA õhuvägi ei pommita üle 17. kraadi idas asuvaid sihtmärke. | General Daniel Chase, Chief-of-staff at the Pentagon, explains: The US Air Force does not bomb... ...targets south of 17 degrees latitude... |
Ärge pommitage! | Stop bombing! |
- Kas nad lähevad jäämäge pommitama? | Are they gonna go bomb the glacier? |
- Kui nii, siis tuleb neid hakata pommitama! | - No kidding. If that's the way it's going to be, we'll have to bombard them. |
Aga kui linna hakatakse pommitama? | - No, dear. - What if the town is bombed? |
"Meie Five Point Kiriku uurimine Cooper's Dellis on paljastanud äärmiselt vaenuliku kodumaise terroristliku raku, mis on raskelt relvastatud, ja kavatses käesoleval hommikul kohalikku kaubanduskeskust pommitada." | "Our investigation of the Five Point Church... at Cooper's Dell has uncovered an extremely hostile... domestic terrorist cell, heavily armed... with intentions of bombing a local shopping mall this morning." |
Armeede lõunas maandamise asemel võiks seda hoopis ülalpool teha. Oleksite võinud vähem ka linnu pommitada.. | Instead of landing your armies so far south you should have landed much further up, you would have bombed fewer cities. |
Dimitri, kuule, kui see ettekanne vastab tõele, ja lennukil õnnestub pommitada sihtmärki, - - kas see siis käivitaks 'viimsepäevamasina'? | Dimitri, look, if this report is true... ...and the plane manages to bomb the target... this gonna set off the doomsday machine? |
Aga see on lihtsalt ekstremistide kate. Nad on pommitanud tehaseid, ärisid, suletud kogukondi ja pole veel teolt tabatud. | They've fire-bombed factories, businesses, gated communities... ...and have yet to be caught in the act. |
Kui kaua on nad üle meie kodude lennanud, pommitanud meie pulmi ja matuseid, mõrvanud meie naisi ja lapsi? | How long have they flown over our homes, bombed our weddings and funerals, murdered our women and children? |
Ma pole kedagi pommitanud. | I haven't bombed anybody. |
Nad on pommitanud tehaseid, ärisid, suletud kogukondi ja pole veel teolt tabatud. | They've fire-bombed factories, businesses, gated communities. And have yet to be caught in the act. |
See ehitati alles pärast seda, kui kentaurlased olid meid puruks pommitanud. | A government program built that after... We were bombed by the Centauri. |
Neid on pommitatud. | They've been bombed. |
Ja peitmine ookeanis ei peata neid pommitamast seda küla ja selle elanikke. | And hiding in the ocean is not gonna stop them from bombing this town and all the people in it. |