L’any 2011 a Líbia els avions francesos són els primers a bombardejar les forces de Moammar al-Gaddafi al març, després del vot de l’Organització de Nacions Unides que autoritza la intervenció a Líbia per protegir els civils capturats durant una rebel·lió contra Kadhafi. | In March 2011 in Libya had the French airforces were the first to bomb Gaddafi forces after the vote at the United Nations authorized intervention in Libya to protect civilians caught up in the rebellion against Gaddafi. |
És un discurs molt bonic… però quan Rússia va bombardejar Geòrgia, on estaven les sancions de les Nacions Unides de les quals ara en parlen tant? | Very pretty words … but when Russia bombed Georgia, where were the UN sanctions they’re now talking about so much? |
Tot just acabe de passar per l'ambaixada dels EUA en #Amman i hi havia prop de 100 persones que es manifestaven pacíficament per la decisió d'Obama de bombardejar #Syria - #Jordan #Jo | Just passed by the US Embassy in #Amman and there were a few 100 people peacefully protesting Obama decision to bomb #Syria - #Jordan #Jo — Ali Dahmash (@AliDahmash) September 1, 2013 |
L'11 de juliol del 2014, un avió de guerra israelià va bombardejar sa casa, en el barri de Tal Al-Zaatar, al nord de Gaza. | An Israeli warplane had bombed his family home in the Tal Al-Zaatar neighborhood in Northern Gaza on the July 11, 2014. |
Tot i que l'equip del bombardeig tenia com a objectiu l'estació de trens i les atrafegades drassanes ubicats al cor de Nagasaki, van bombardejar per error el suburbi d'Urakami, al nord de la ciutat. | While the bomber crew was intent of targeting the rail depot and busy shipyards located in the heart of Nagasaki proper, they mistakenly bombed the suburb of Urakami to the north of the city. |
Tru Blood... bombardeges les fàbriques i forces als que conviuen a alimentar-se dels humans. | Tru Blood... you bomb the factories and you force mainstreamers to feed on humans. |
Els crits entre els àrabs serien "Estats Units bombardeja Iran". | The cry on the Arab street would be "U.S. bombs Iran." |
Si nosaltres bombardegem, no quedarà ni rastre de la fàbrica. | If we bombs, you will not traces factory, |
Antic mercat d'Homs després de ser bombardejat i cremat. | Old market in Homs after been bombed and burned. |
El barri sencer ha estat bombardejat. | That whole neighborhood has been bombed out. |
Hi havia un jeep i l'han bombardejat. | There was a Jeep and they bombed it. |
Londres va ser... bombardejat cada nit durant nou mesos. 200 bombes cada it. 43.381 morts fins al moment. | London was , bombed every night for nine months, 200 bombs every night, 43 381 dead so far, |
Han bombardejat les nostres fàbriques a Porsgrunn. | They have bombed our factories at Porsgrunn, |
2013 - Mali - Els francesos bombardegen els rebels islàmics després que hagin intentat ampliar la base del seu poder dirigint-se cap a la capital maliana, Bamako. | In 2013 in Mali, French bombarded Islamist rebels after they tried to expand their powerbase towards the Malian capital, Bamako. |
Només podia pensar en Israel bombardejant l'Iran per intentar impedir a l'Iran que els bombardegin a ells. | All I could think about was Israel bombing Iran to try to stop Iran from bombing them. |
Cada vegada que ISIS publica vídeos elaborats i ben editats d'ells mateixos decapitant, bombardejant o cremant algú, la cançó "Saleel Al-Sawarem" sempre s'escolta de fons. | Whenever ISIS releases a highly produced and stylized videos of them beheading, bombing or burning someone, they always have their "Saleel Al-Sawarem" song playing in the background. |
Només podia pensar en Israel bombardejant l'Iran per intentar impedir a l'Iran que els bombardegin a ells. | All I could think about was Israel bombing Iran to try to stop Iran from bombing them. |
Estan bombardejant Eindhoven. | They're bombing Eindhoven. |
No podem recollir pacients, estan bombardejant per tot arreu, ni tan sols podem arribar fins els ferits. | We cannot take patients, they're bombing all over, we can't, we cannot even reach the injured. |
Estan bombardejant allà fora. | They are bombing out there. |