Ma hangin paroolid. | I'll acquire the passwords, then you'll lead the conversation. |
- Sa hangid sellise julguse, või ma löön sulle enda terasest jala kuni põlveni persse. | Right now, you're going to acquire that courage, or I'm going to break my steel leg off into your ass. |
Kuidas sa sellist infot hangid? | So how do you acquire this information? |
Sydney, sina murrad sisse kindrali seifi ja hangid materjalid. | Sydney, you're to break into the General's safe and acquire the intel. |
- Kui ta selle hangib, vahetan ma selle välja. | Once she acquires it I'll swap it out. |
Me ei tegutse otse, vaid hangime andmeid ja levitame neid. | We just acquire information and disseminate it. Nothing more. |
Me hangime endile tuirelvi. | We gonna acquire us some fire. |
Me hangime lihtsa gripiviiruse tüve ja seejärel programmeerin ma selle hävitama DNA paljunemise mehhanisme. | We'll acquire a simple flu strain, then program it to destroy the reproductive functions of any D.N.A. it encounters. |
Nii te oma toodet ju hangite? | That's how you acquire your product. |
Tema töötajad kõigepealt hangivad seadme. | Her operatives acquired the device in the first place. |
Aga ma hankisin täna informatsiooni, mis andis mulle kindlustunde, et Charlotte'ile ei tehta kunagi liiga. | But I acquired information today that made me certain that Charlotte would never be harmed. |
Hoor, kelle hiljuti hankisin, ei midagi enamat. | A serving wench I recently acquired, no more. |
Mina hankisin ainult luureinfo. | I only acquired the intel. |
Nagu sa näed, hankisin ma veidi uusi ehteid. | As you can see, I acquired some new jewelry. |
Kus... kaks 12nest laevast hankisid endale laadungi viimase nelja nädala jooksul. | Where... two of the 12 ships acquired cargo from that port within the last four weeks. |
Me teame, et sa hankisid luureinfot Saundersile. | We know you acquired intelligence for Saunders. |
Alustad temaga juttu ja selgitad välja millised narkootikumid ta neile hankis. | You will lead him into a conversation and find out what drugs he'd acquired for them. |
Jack Bauer hankis tõendi, mis tõestab President Logani osalsut David Palmeri surmas. | Jack Bauer's acquired evidence implicating President Logan in David Palmer's death. |
Keegi Corto Maltesest häkkis ARGUSE serverisse ja hankis andmeid. | Someone from Corto Maltese hacked into the server and acquired the A.R.G.U.S. actual. |
Kriminaalse äri kasvades hankis ta mitmeid investoreid. | And as his criminal enterprise grew, he acquired a number of investors. |
- Rääkisid jah. Simon või su isa rääkisid sulle relvast, mille me endale hankisime. | Simon or your father told you about the weapon we've acquired. |
Kas te hankisite kõik selle ise? | And you acquired all of this by yourselves ? |
Tegite endale peaaegu otsa peale, seega on meil tarvis teada, kust te seda ravimit hankisite. | Well, you nearly killed yourself, so we need to know where you acquired the drugs. |
Hollandi Ida-India Kompanii oli riigi ja äriringkondade ühine ettevõte, mis saatis laevu maailma kaugetesse nurkadesse hankima haruldasi kaupu, et need Euroopas kasudega maha müüa. | The Dutch East India Company... ...was a combined governmental and commercial enterprise... ...which sent shipping to the far corners of the world... acquire rare commodities and resell them at a profit in Europe. |
Kuid kõigepealt peame hankima vajaminevad osad. | But first we must acquire the parts we need. |
Kuid kõigepealt peame hankima vajaminevad osad | But first we must acquire the parts we need. |
Kuna su jäljendajal juba on orhidee, ei pea ta hankima neid teisi aineid, mida sa mainisid. | Because your impostor already has the orchid, he doesn't need to acquire any of the other substances you mentioned. |
CTU usub, et ta üritab hankida endale relvaklassilist uraaniumit. | CTU now believes he's also trying to acquire weapons-grade uranium. |
CTU usub, et ta üritab hankida relvaklassi uraaniumi. | CTU now believes he's also trying to acquire weapons-grade uranium. |
Darcy üritab meile hotelli hankida. | Darcy's looking into a hotel he may acquire. |
Kas ta on kindlustanud oma positsiooni? Kas ta on hankinud tulirelvi? | Was it far to find his position? has he acquired firearms? |
Oskused mida ma olen hankinud väga pikka karjääri jooksul. | Skills I've acquired over a very long career. |