Kui mina finantseerin, siis jah. | When I finance it, yes. |
Ma finantseerin ta näidendit. | I am gonna finance her play. |
Ta on olnud ühenduses kellegagi, kes finantseerib neid. | He's been in contact with someone who finances terrorist operations. |
Tema finantseerib teid, on see nii? | He's the one who finances you, right? |
Tundub, et ta on olnud ühenduses kellegiga, kes finantseerib terroristide tegemisi. | Apparently he's been in contact with someone who finances terrorist operations. |
Valitsus finantseerib tema Kunstilaegast. | The government finances his Ark of the Arts. |
Niiet enamus arvab, et me peaks selle lämmastiku alles jätma, Müüme maha, finantseerime tervet reisi ja päästame Strange Wilderness'i. | So most of us think that we should keep the nitrous, sell it so we can finance the entire trip, save Strange Wilderness. |
Inglased finantseerivad neid väljakaevamisi. | Nevertheless, there it sits. The British have financed a dig to uncover this church. |
Jackman ja Wordsley finantseerivad meid puuduva summaga. | Jackman and Wordsley are going to gap-finance the rest. |
Kindralleitnant Sangania, hunta relvajõudude ülemjuhataja, ütles äsjasel pressikonverentsil, et tema eesmärk on vabastada lõuna regioon PLF-st, mida tema hinnangul finantseerivad ja toetavad välisriikide valitsused. | Lieutenant General Sangania, commander-in-chief of the armed forces responsible for the junta, stated in a recent press conference that it was his intention to rid the southern regions of the PLF, who he accused of being financed and supported by foreign institutions. |
Kuidas need noored finantseerivad oma allutamatut reisikirge, on minu jaoks mõistatus. | How the young finance their irrepressible desire for travel is a mystery to me. |
Mitteametlik äri finantseeritakse eraldi ja selle kohta pole arvatavasti tõendeid,.. ..aga iga ametlik NID tegevus peab käima läbi Pentagoni - täpselt nagu sõjaväes. | Unofficial business is financed privately and can be kept off the books, but any official NID action has to be filed with the Pentagon, same as the military. |
II Maailmasõja ülesehitamise ajal ning konflikti jooksul, - finantseerisid pankurid jälle mõlemaid pooli, nagu nad olid teinud ka Napoleoni ajal. | In the build-up to World War II, and during the conflict, - the bakers again financed both sides, just as they had done with Napoleon. |
Nad finantseerisid su uuringut? | They financed your research? |
Sa andsid Dixonile ädal aega stuudio aega, ja finantseerisid minu võtteid. | Plus, you bought Dixon a recording studio for a week, and then you financed my commercial shoot. |
Bartok'i Teaduspark finantseeris seda? | Bartok Science Industries financed this? |
Bartoki Teaduspark finantseeris seda? | Bartok Science Industries financed this? |
Meie lõunaid finantseeris vanaema. | Our meals are financed by Grandma. |
Meie finantseerisime seda projekti. | We financed it. |
Ära ainult ütle, et me finantseerisime sinu operatsiooni. | Just don't tell me we financed your operation. |
Röövi finantseeriti 3 miljoni euro ülekandmisega jälitamatule kontole Bahamale. | The theft was financed by transferring 3 million euros into an untraceable account in the Bahamas. |
Praegusel ajal ei finantseeri teda keegi. | Currently financed by... no one. |
Kedagi peab ju süüdistama, sest Pacey unistused tähendavad, et ma pean finantseerima... veel ühe kolledþist välja langeja haridust. | Well, l gotta blame someone because Pacey's big dreams means l'm gonna have to finance another dropout's half-assed education. |
Ma olin nii hullunud teie ilust et nõustusin vist just äsja finantseerima Mr. Trumpi uut projekti. | l was so distracted by your beauty l think l just agreed to finance Mr. Trump's new project. |
Selleks aga pead siia jääma ja tema näidendit edasi finantseerima. | And to do that, you're gonna have to stay right here and continue to finance her play. |
Alicia Fuentes püüdis mu kampaania rahastamise kohta soppa finantseerida. | Alicia Fuentes was trying to fabricate dirt on my campaign finances. |
Ameerika pered laenasid, et finantseerida nende maja... nende autosi, nende tervishoidu... ja nende laste haridust. | American families borrowed to finance their homes... their cars, their healthcare, and their children's educations. |
Ja sa oled kasutanud raha, et finantseerida, seda 'gorillade' operatsiooni. teisejärguline prügi, mida sa kutsud relvadeks, panevad sind uskuma, Che Guevara, et kõik jooksevad sinu eest, sa püüad õppida moodsaid sõjatehnikaid, ilma oma mütsi taga ajamata. | And you've been using the money to finance your so-called guerrilla operation up here... secondhand junk you call weapons... makin"believe you"re Che Guevara, runnin"around in the bushes... trying to learn how to do column manoeuvres without running over your hat. |
- Arvad, et on oma operatsioone niimoodi finantseerinud? | - Think that's how he financed his operation? |