Tahad, et mina domineerin? | Shall l dominate you? |
DeLauer domineerib maailma teemanditurgu. | Now, DeLauer dominates the world diamond market. |
Hetke ärevus on see,mis meie ühiskonnas domineerib Identiteedi kriis,mille käes me kõik kannatame | Anxiety of the present time that dominates our society stems from the identity crisis that we all suffer |
Ja see hirmul põhinev armastuse reaalsus domineerib sinu armastuse kogemust. | And this fear-based love reality dominates your experience oflove. |
Kõik arvavad, et Alan domineerib sinu üle. | Everybody thinks Alan dominates you. |
Me domineerime uudiste- tsüklis terve nädala. | We're gonna dominate the news cycle for a whole week. |
Aga meil kõigil on kindlad geenid, mis domineerivad meie üle, kuidas me ka ei sooviks muutuda. | But we all have certain genes that no matter how much we want to change, dominate us. |
Alaska dinosauruste kalmistul domineerivad noorte Edmontosauruste luud. | The Alaskan dinosaur bone beds are dominated by juvenile Edmontosaurus remains. |
Caprice talved domineerivad kuningannana draama, kõigi kolme koori, ja meie kooli lahtiste võrgu vähemuse õpilastele. | Caprice Winters dominated as queen of drama, all three kinds of choir, and our school's loose network of minority students. |
Ja nüüd jälle, jätkuvalt domineerivad... Keenia jooksjad, Denise. | Now, once again, it's still being dominated... |
Danton ja Robespierre domineerisid uues valitsuses, | Danton and Robespierre dominated the new government, |
Enam kui kahe miljardi aasta jooksul domineerisid Maal mikroobid. | For more than two billion years, our world had been dominated by microbes. |
Okei, Shaq, sa küll domineerisid täna aga. | Okay, Shaq, so you dominated down low tonight. |
Christoph Sumann võitis laskesuusatamise MK-etapi ja 19-aastane Gregor Schlierenzauer domineeris Kulmi suusahüpete MK-etapil. | Christoph Sumann took the Biathlon World Cup, and 1 9-year-old Gregor Schlierenzauer dominated the SkiJump World Cup at Kulm. |
Ja seal, kus Tyrannosaurus domineeris, kadusid paljud teised lihasööjad dinosaurused. | And once tyrannosaurs dominated in an area, many other meat-eating dinosaurs simply disappeared. |
Ma sündmusega mis domineeris... | - with an event dominated as ever... |
Ma... ...sündmusega mis domineeris... | I lost it. l-- - with an event dominated as ever... |
Olime siis suured, kui domineerisime merel. | We were once great when we dominated the sea. |
"...nad ei taha midagi muud,kui luua erakätes olev maailma rahandussüsteem, mis oleks võimeline domineerima poliitilist võimu igal maal ning maailma majandust tervikuna. | "...they want nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." |
Kui me ei ründa, ei hakka me kunagi oma keskkonnas domineerima. | We will never dominate our environment the way we should unless we attack. |
Kuid tee see selgeks, et Atreideste huvid peavad domineerima. | But make it clear, Atreides interests will dominate. |
Ma pean nendes stseenides täielikult domineerima. | I should dominate totally in those scenes. |
Elus tuleb domineerida, Nick. | Life is... something you dominate. |
Lugedes inimkonna ajalugu, kui te seda uurite, näete et - eliit üritab domineerida, leida ettekäändeid, Machiavellilikult tagaselja tegutseda, - ja mingil moel on nad viimased 50 aastat veennud läänt, et - valitsus on hea, ei tee halba, usaldage neid. Kuidas see juhtus? | When you read human history, when you study it, all you see is - elites trying to dominate, subterfuge, Machiavellian backstabbing, - and somehow in the last 50 years they convinced westerners that the - government's fine, can do no wrong, trust them. |
Ma suudan teda domineerida, agent Broyles. | I can dominate her, Agent Broyles. |
Rahvusvaheliste suhete nõukogu on domineerinud kõikidest administratsioonides alates FDR päevadest. | The Council on Foreign Relations has dominated every administration since the days of FDR. |
Vastasel juhul peaksid nad on domineerinud meiega ühendust nagu alati, eks? (Üksmeelselt) | Otherwise, they would have dominated us just like always, right? |
Rahvusvaheliste suhete nõukogu on domineerinud kõikidest administratsioonides alates FDR päevadest. | The Council on Foreign Relations has dominated every administration since the days of FDR. |