Sempre és més fàcil quedar-se a casa i veure com passa el temps sense involucrar-nos-hi. | It is easier to stay at home and watch the world go by without us than to get involved. |
El nom "SouriaLi" resulta d'un joc amb les paraules "sourialia" (surrealisme) i "Souria lee" (que es tradueix de l'àrab com "la meua Síria"), que conjuguen així la consciència sobre la caótica situació present del país, cada cop més surrealista, i la necessitat de tots els sirians d'involucrar-se en la construcció de la seua pròpia Síria. | The name "SouriaLi" comes from a play on the words "sourialia" (surrealism) and "Souria lee" (which translates to My Syria from Arabic) to combine awareness of Syria's chaotic present, that has become surreal, and the need for all Syrians to get involved in the building of their own Syria. |
Estic segur que te vas involucrar en la companyia per la mateixa raó. | I'm certain that you involved yourself with the company for the same reason. |
El treball que el va involucrar Com van matar a trets, però, no li va disparar i va matar a aconseguir. | Work that involved him getting shot and killed, but not you getting shot and killed. |
Saps que no m'agrada involucrar-me en política. | You know I don't like getting involved with politics. |
No m'involucro amb coses d'aquestes. | I don't get involved in this kind of thing. |
Quina mena d'assassinat riutal diries que involucra un pelador de patates? | Would you say involves a potato peeler? But until we have somebody else in custody, |
El poble belga no ha oblidat tampoc l'afer de l'any 2007 en què el príncep Llorenç de Bèlgica, fill menor del rei, va estar involucrat per malversació de fons destinats a l'armada, d'on va emprar una part per moblar la seva casa nova, ni tampoc el seu viatge no autoritzat a la República del Congo, que de poc li fa perdre la designació oficial. | Belgian people haven't forgotten that in 2007, Prince Lorenz, the king's youngest child, was involved in a embezzlement case of Navy funds , part of which were used to furnish his new house, or his non-authorized trip to Republic of the Congo , that almost caused him to lose his official assignement. |
Per exemple, Ciril Gontxarov , estudiant de Moscou involucrat en la política juvenil, en una publicació al Facebook es mostrava especialment impressionat amb el que ell considera una expulsió de naturalesa no jeràrquica: | For example, Kirill Goncharov , a Moscow student involved in youth politics, was particularly impressed with what he saw as the non-hierarchical nature of Morsi's removal, writing on his facebook : |
La periodista Monica Waldvogel va recordar al seu Twitter que només el sotstinent Adir Serrano està involucrat en com a mínim 63 morts. | Journalist Monica Waldvogel noted on her Twitter that Sub-lieutenant Adir Serrano has been involved in at least 63 deaths. |
L'altre sotstinent, Rodney Archanjo, està involucrat en sis morts. | Sub-lieutenant Rodney Archango has been involved in six deaths. |
Tot i que encara no se sap la identitat dels cossos trobats, molts s'aventuren a assegurar que es tracta dels estudiants desapareguts, cosa que representaria un gran cop per al govern atès que estaria directament involucrat en la matança de civils desarmats. | Even though the bodies haven't been identified yet, there are many venturing to guess that they belong to the missing students. If true, it would come as a great blow to the government, as it would mean that it is directly involved in the killing of unarmed civilians through its municipal police force: People involved with the investigation confirm that the 43 student teachers are in the mass grave found in Iguala. |
Portada en secret, ignorada, i segurament donant lloc a una sèrie d'assassinats per venjança que involucrarien la vostra pròpia família. | Carried out in secret, unacknowledged, and likely to give rise to a series of revenge killings that would involve your own family. |
Sé que no vols cap mal per a aquesta noia i que no tenies més elecció que mostrar-li la teva identitat, però li estem demanant que s'involucri en una cosa molt perillosa. - La podem protegir. | Oliver, I know you don't want to hurt this girl and you didn't have any choice in telling her who you really were, but we're asking her to get involved in some pretty dangerous stuff. |
Però no pot esperar que vulgui que això involucri a la seva pròpia filla. | I do. You can't expect him to want you to involve his own daughter. |
Oliver. Sé que no vols cap mal per a aquesta noia i que no tenies més elecció que mostrar-li la teva identitat, però li estem demanant que s'involucri en una cosa molt perillosa. | Oliver, I know you don't want to hurt this girl and you didn't have any choice in telling her who you really were, but we're asking her to get involved in some pretty dangerous stuff. |
He de dir que estic una mica sorpresa de que t'involucris tant en la guarderia. | Look, I'm just a little surprised you so involved with the kindergarden. |
Casar-se. Et vaig avisar, no t'involucris. | I warned you, don't get involved. |
Per tant, és molt important que els moçambiquesos s’involucrin per a un futur sostenible en les zones costeres, i que hi hagi persones que treballin com a bussos professionals, com a conservadors i com a professionals del turisme. | So involvement of Mozambicans as dive professionals, tourism professionals and conservationists is crucial to a sustainable future for Mozambique's coastal areas. |
El vídeo conté una estranya demanda de rescat de naturalesa personal involucrant al Primer Ministre, i una detallada llista d'instruccions en relació a com dur a terme aquesta demanda. | 'The video contains a bizarre ransom demand of a personal nature 'involving the Prime Minister, and a detailed list of instructions 'relating to the enactment of this demand. |