Les condicions en què viu l'ós Arturo al zoològic provincial de Mendoza són deplorables i, malgrat tot, no deixen d'indignar-nos cada dia més: ara circula per YouTube un vídeo en què es pot veure com els empleats del Zoo utilitzen mànegues per refrescar l'animal que continua vivint al mateix recinte mentre acaben de construir-ne un de nou. | The conditions that Arturo the bear is living in at Mendoza's zoo are deplorable, yet they continue to outrage us even more everyday: There is now a video going around on YouTube that shows the zoo employees using hoses to refresh the animal that is still living in the same enclosure while they finish building a new one. |
Els aficionats de la companyia es van indignar, però si vas comprometre't amb les forces primordials de l'obscuritat, has d'esperar una mica de...incomoditat social. | The dilettantes among the company were outraged, but if one is to engage with the primordial forces of darkness, one must expect a bit of... social awkwardness. |
Aquest comentari fet recentment per un moderador d'un canal de televisió indi ha indignat molts nepalesos, que han expressat l'enuig en unes quantes xarxes socials. | A recent remark by a moderator of an Indian TV channel had outraged many Nepalis who vented their reactions on different social networking sites. |
Mohsen Makhmalbaf , un director de cinema iranià de renom internacional, ha indignat molts iranians en acceptar una invitació al Festival de Cinema de Jerusalem que va tenir lloc el juliol de 2013 a Israel. | An internationally renowned Iranian filmmaker, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, outraged many Iranians by accepting an invitation to the Jerusalem Film Festival in Israel this month. |
Farzad Lami, indignat per l'incident, va tuitejar una fotografia on es mostra a la policia i a la multitud observant mentre el cos de Farkhunda es crema. | Farzad Lami, outraged by the incident, tweeted a picture which shows the police and the mob watching while Farkhunda's body burns. |
Estic sorprès i trist per la seva mort i indignat pels danys causats a la companyia del meu avi pel que ha fet. | I am shocked and saddened by his death and outraged by the damage his actions have wrought upon my grandfather's company. Alleged actions. |
Estic indignat. | I'm outraged. |