Trass i alle forsøk på å forby hvalfangst fins det land og pirater som fortsatt slakter ned disse harmløse skapningene. | Despite all attempts at banning whaling, there are still countries and pirates currently engaged in the slaughter of these inoffensive creatures. |
De prøvde å forby ham, men de kunne ikke stoppe ham. | They tried to ban him, but they couldn't stop him. |
I tilfelle din gud bestemmer seg for å forby bukser. | - In caseyour God decides to ban pants, huh? |
Han har fått svenske myndigheter. -til å forby handel med alkoholholdige drikker i Lappland. | He has made Swedish authorities ban the trade of alcohol in Lappland. |
La meg bare minne deg på, madame President, du støttet innsatsen med å forby misbruk og tortur. | Let me just remind you, madam president, you supported the effort to ban abuse and torture. |
Trass i alle forsøk på å forby hvalfangst fins det land og pirater som fortsatt slakter ned disse harmløse skapningene. | Despite all attempts at banning whaling, there are still countries and pirates currently engaged in the slaughter of these inoffensive creatures. |
De prøvde å forby ham, men de kunne ikke stoppe ham. | They tried to ban him, but they couldn't stop him. |
Snart skiter den vel i heisen òg. Man burde forby dyr i leiegårder. | Animals should be totally banned from the entire building. |
Kontroversen startet i South Park, der foreldrerådet prøvde å få forby filmen. | The controversy began in the town of South Park where the PTA is trying to ban the movie. |
- Hva mer skal du forby? | -What else will you ban? |
foreldrerådet forbyr ikke bøker. | The P.T.A. doesn't ban books. |
Senator Myers har laget et lovforslag som forbyr forræderiske bannere. | Senator Myers drafted a bill that would outlaw treasonous banners. |
Det er heIIig grunn. TaIiban viI aIdri begi seg dit. -Gud forbyr det. | This is sacred ground, the Taliban have not come, that is forbidden by God, Allah. |
Du drar til Firenze og forbyr ham å forkynne Guds ord. | You will travel to Florence and you will ban him from preaching the word of God. |
Jeg leser ikke noe kirken forbyr. | I'm not reading anything banned from our church. |
De forbød ham å spille på sin gamle skole. | They banned him from playing his old high school. Lakeridge's own Sammi Curr. |
Føderasjonen forbød forskningen fordi talaron er biogent. | Research was banned in the Federation because Thalaron is biogenic. |
De kom ut av kontroll, så universitetet forbød dem på livstid. | They got really out of hand, so the university banned them for life. |
Claudius den grusomme forbød alle ekteskap fordi han ville at alle soldatene skulle konsentrere seg om krig. | Claudius the Cruel banned all marriages because he wanted his soldiers to concentrate on war. |
Hun forbød nesten Gregorys foreldre å komme i bryllupet vårt. | She nearly banned Gregory's parents from our wedding. They never acted up again. |
En spesiell lærer leste bøker for meg som var forbudt i Boston. | Got a special tutor to read me books that were banned in Boston. |
- Jeg trodde det var forbudt. | - I thought they were banned here. |
Nå skjønner jeg hvorfor denne boken ble forbudt! | I can certainly see why they banned this one. |
Det er forbudt av keiseren. | It has been banned by the emperor. You're absolutely sure? |
Visste du at det en gang var forbudt å spille fløyte? | Did you know that flute playing was once banned by law? |