Nemalonu nuvilti, bet tai tik vanduo. | I'm sorry to disappoint you, it's only water. |
Tu nenori nuvilti mylimų žmonių, bet kartais tai neišvengiama. | You don't want to disappoint the people you love, but sometimes it's inevitable. |
Nesu pratusi jo nuvilti. | I'm not used to disappointing him. |
Mielai tave nuviliu. | I'm happy to disappoint you. |
Aš nuolat nuviliu savo tėvą, bet išmokau su tuo susigyventi. | I'm a constant disappointment to my own father and I've learned to live with it. |
Gaila, kad nuvyliau tave. Bet nėra nieko bloga. | I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there is nothing wrong. |
Atleisk, jog nuvyliau. | I'm sorry to disappoint. |
- Atleisk, kad nuvyliau. | I'm sorry to disappoint you. |
Atleisk, kad nuvyliau. | Sorry 10 disappoint you. |
Teta Bese, jaučiu, kad nuvyliau jį. | Oh, Aunt Bessie, I feel I've disappointed him. |
Tu mane nuvylei. | You've disappointed me. |
tu mane nuvylei, Benai. | You disappoint me, Ben. |
Bet tu nuvylei mane labiau negu visos anos kvaišos. | Anyway, you ended up disappointing me more than, um- more than any of the other silly girls. |
Dar gavau faksogramą iš Mirandos Pristli. Lš visų padėjėjų tu ją labiausiai nuvylei. | Next thing you know, I got a fax from Miranda Priestly herself... saying that of all the assistants she's ever had... you were, by far, her biggest disappointment. |
Gruodžio mėn. Kopenhagoje įvykusios JT klimato kaitos konferencijos rezultatai nuvylė. | The outcome of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December was a disappointment. |
Metų pradžioje Europos Sąjungos prioritetas buvo vėl atgaivinti derybas po 2009 m. gruodžio mėn. Kopenhagos konferencijos, kurios rezultatai nuvylė. | For the EU the priority in the early part of the year was to reinvigorate the negotiations after the disappointing outcome of the Copenhagen conference in December 2009. |
Jis turbūt jus labai nuvylė, sere. | He must be a great disappointment to you, sir. |
Tai taip nuvylė. | So disappointing. |
Tai nuvylė... | Well, that was disappointing. |