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Mengecualikan (to exclude) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengecualikan

Present tense
I exclude
Past tense
sudah mengecualikan
I excluded
Present perfect tense
sudah mengecualikan
I have excluded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengecualikan
I will have excluded
Future recent tense
mengecualikan nanti
I will exclude
Future distant tense
mengecualikan kelak
I am going to exclude
Present continuous tense
sedang mengecualikan
I exclude
Past distant tense
dulu mengecualikan
I (a long time ago) excluded
Past recent tense
mengecualikan tadi
I (recently) excluded
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengecualikan
I (just now) excluded

Examples of mengecualikan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Maka itu tidak benar, untuk mengecualikan ku dari beberapa hal, karena aku bukan anak kecil lagi.Then it's not right to exclude me from things, because I'm not a child.
Rupanya kuda , benar, alami mengecualikan satu sama lain .Apparently horses, right, naturally exclude one another.
Kita tahu bahwa Charles meninggalkan kekayaannya untukmu dan Yvette, namun ia lupa menulis dalam wasiatnya untuk mengecualikan anak haramnya atas klaim untuk mendapatkan bagian mereka.We know that Charles left his fortune to you and Yvette, but he failed to include language in his will that would exclude his bastard children from laying claim to their share of it.
Kenapa kau mengecualikan saya?Why'd you exclude me?
Dan kita hanya akan mengecualikan seluruh jenis kelamin perempuan.And we'll just exclude the entire female gender.

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