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Pirater (to hack) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of pirater

Present tense
je pirate
I hack
tu pirates
you hack
il/elle/on pirate
he/she/it hacks
nous piratons
we hack
vous piratez
you all hack
ils/elles piratent
they hack
Present perfect tense
j’ai piraté
I hacked
tu as piraté
you hacked
il/elle/on a piraté
he/she/it hacked
nous avons piraté
we hacked
vous avez piraté
you all hacked
ils/elles ont piraté
they hacked
Past impf. tense
je piratais
I was hacking
tu piratais
you were hacking
il/elle/on piratait
he/she/it was hacking
nous pirations
we were hacking
vous piratiez
you all were hacking
ils/elles pirataient
they were hacking
Future tense
je piraterai
I will hack
tu pirateras
you will hack
il/elle/on piratera
he/she/it will hack
nous piraterons
we will hack
vous piraterez
you all will hack
ils/elles pirateront
they will hack
Past perfect tense
j’avais piraté
I had hacked
tu avais piraté
you had hacked
il/elle/on avait piraté
he/she/it had hacked
nous avions piraté
we had hacked
vous aviez piraté
you all had hacked
ils/elles avaient piraté
they had hacked
Past preterite tense
je piratai
I hacked
tu piratas
you hacked
il/elle/on pirata
he/she/it hacked
nous piratâmes
we hacked
vous piratâtes
you all hacked
ils/elles piratèrent
they hacked
Past anterior tense
j’eus piraté
I had hacked
tu eus piraté
you had hacked
il/elle/on eut piraté
he/she/it had hacked
nous eûmes piraté
we had hacked
vous eûtes piraté
you all had hacked
ils/elles eurent piraté
they had hacked
Future perfect tense
j’aurai piraté
I will have hacked
tu auras piraté
you will have hacked
il/elle/on aura piraté
he/she/it will have hacked
nous aurons piraté
we will have hacked
vous aurez piraté
you all will have hacked
ils/elles auront piraté
they will have hacked
Present subjunctive tense
que je pirate
that I hack
que tu pirates
that you hack
qu’il/elle/on pirate
that he/she/it hack
que nous pirations
that we hack
que vous piratiez
that you all hack
qu’ils/elles piratent
that they hack
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie piraté
that I have hacked
que tu aies piraté
that you have hacked
qu’il/elle/on ait piraté
that he/she/it have hacked
que nous ayons piraté
that we have hacked
que vous ayez piraté
that you all have hacked
qu’ils/elles aient piraté
that they have hacked
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je piratasse
that I would hack
que tu piratasses
that you would hack
qu’il/elle/on piratât
that he/she/it would hack
que nous piratassions
that we would hack
que vous piratassiez
that you all would hack
qu’ils/elles piratassent
that they would hack
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse piraté
that I had hacked
que tu eusses piraté
that you had hacked
qu’il/elle/on eût piraté
that he/she/it had hacked
que nous eussions piraté
that we had hacked
que vous eussiez piraté
that you all had hacked
qu’ils/elles eussent piraté
that they had hacked
Conditional mood
je piraterais
I would hack
tu piraterais
you would hack
il/elle/on piraterait
he/she/it would hack
nous piraterions
we would hack
vous pirateriez
you all would hack
ils/elles pirateraient
they would hack
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais piraté
I would have hacked
tu aurais piraté
you would have hacked
il/elle/on aurait piraté
he/she/it would have hacked
nous aurions piraté
we would have hacked
vous auriez piraté
you all would have hacked
ils/elles auraient piraté
they would have hacked
Imperative mood
let's hack!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie piraté
have hacked
ayons piraté
let's have hacked
ayez piraté
have hacked

Examples of pirater

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Le soleil vert est fait d'hommes" n'est pas qu'une référence à un film, la phrase sera difficile à pirater en opérant au hasard."Soylent green is people" is not only a reference to the last great American film, and therefore unlikely to be cracked by a hacker attempting random code phrases, but the six-syllable pattern encompasses each frequency unique to Mr Black,
"Tout le monde" a peut-être coupé notre courant, mais ils ne peuvent pas pirater notre générateur.Everyone may have had our power turned off, but they can't hack our generator.
- De là, je devrais être en mesure de pirater leurs systèmes et de régler la surcharge de l'E2PZ.From there,I should be able to hack into their system and set the zpms to overload.
- Elle ne peut pas le pirater.She can't hack it.
- Elle s'est fait pirater.So, a hack job.
"Il a originellement clamé que son compte avait été piraté,"Originally claimed his account had been hacked,
- Aller, combien de fois j'ai piraté des informations classifiées et les ai partagées avec toi ?Oh, come on, how many times have I hacked classified data and shared it with you?
- Alors peut être que cette personne a piraté ton compte bancaire, a vu que tu as fais un dépôt récemment, ensuite a cherché ton nom sur google, et c'est comme ça qu'elle a pu inventer toute cette larmoyante histoire.- So maybe this person hacked into your bank account, saw you made a recent deposit, then googled your name, and that's how she was able to make up this entire sob story.
- Attendez, on est toujours piraté.Wait, wait, wait. We're still being hacked.
- C'était piraté- It was hacked
'Je suis un pirate informatique et ceci est mon manifeste.''I am a hacker and this is my manifesto.'
- Andrew Gibbons, pirate à louer.Andrew Gibbons, hacker for hire. I guess.
- August Harris, pirate notoire.August Harris, known hacker.
- Ben, alors, remonte au pirate.Well, then, trace back to the hacker.
- Bien sûr, je ne pirate plus.I'm not hacking anymore.
- Vous piratez des gens et moi, je suis vieux jeu.You hack people. Me? I'm old-fashioned.
Allez, piratez-moi ça !Right, hack this!
Alors, vous piratez le système de Ventura ?So, you'll hack into Ventura?
Mais pourquoi on continuerai pas de parler sur cette ligne sécurisée que vous piratez pour que je puisse vous localiser et enfin se rencontrer ?But, hey, why don't we keep chatting on this secure line you've hacked so I can draw a bead on your location and we can get some quality face time?
Mendiez, empruntez, piratez, truandez, faites tout ce que vous voudrez !Beg, borrow, hack, tap, bypass! I don't care what you do!
"Sauver des vies en piratant les médias‎.""How to save lives by hacking media outlets."
Actuellement, l'hypothèse est que c'est le nom de code d'un suspect qui a causé la mort des hommes tatoués et de Karuma en piratant leur cyber-cerveau, les poussant au suicide.At present, the hypothesis is that it may be the codename for a suspect who may have caused the deaths of the tattooed men and Ka Ru-Ma by hacking into their cyberbrains and forcing them to kill themselves.
D'accord, d'accord, je me suis peut-être fait un peu d'argent en piratant le département des autos pour retirer des points sur quelques permis.All right, all right, I may have made a few bucks hacking the DMV to take points off a few people's licenses.
Eh bien, même si fourchette masquent notre présence physique ici, nous bougeons les objets autour de nous, Claudia serait capable de cacher ça en piratant le F.I.S.H, mais...Well, even though the fork's masked our physical presence here, we're moving artifacts around, so Claudia was able to cloak that by hacking into the F.I.S.H., but...
En piratant les votes.By hacking the votes.

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