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Pieuter (to crash) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of pieuter

Present tense
je pieute
I crash
tu pieutes
you crash
il/elle/on pieute
he/she/it crashes
nous pieutons
we crash
vous pieutez
you all crash
ils/elles pieutent
they crash
Present perfect tense
j’ai pieuté
I crashed
tu as pieuté
you crashed
il/elle/on a pieuté
he/she/it crashed
nous avons pieuté
we crashed
vous avez pieuté
you all crashed
ils/elles ont pieuté
they crashed
Past impf. tense
je pieutais
I was crashing
tu pieutais
you were crashing
il/elle/on pieutait
he/she/it was crashing
nous pieutions
we were crashing
vous pieutiez
you all were crashing
ils/elles pieutaient
they were crashing
Future tense
je pieuterai
I will crash
tu pieuteras
you will crash
il/elle/on pieutera
he/she/it will crash
nous pieuterons
we will crash
vous pieuterez
you all will crash
ils/elles pieuteront
they will crash
Past perfect tense
j’avais pieuté
I had crashed
tu avais pieuté
you had crashed
il/elle/on avait pieuté
he/she/it had crashed
nous avions pieuté
we had crashed
vous aviez pieuté
you all had crashed
ils/elles avaient pieuté
they had crashed
Past preterite tense
je pieutai
I crashed
tu pieutas
you crashed
il/elle/on pieuta
he/she/it crashed
nous pieutâmes
we crashed
vous pieutâtes
you all crashed
ils/elles pieutèrent
they crashed
Past anterior tense
j’eus pieuté
I had crashed
tu eus pieuté
you had crashed
il/elle/on eut pieuté
he/she/it had crashed
nous eûmes pieuté
we had crashed
vous eûtes pieuté
you all had crashed
ils/elles eurent pieuté
they had crashed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pieuté
I will have crashed
tu auras pieuté
you will have crashed
il/elle/on aura pieuté
he/she/it will have crashed
nous aurons pieuté
we will have crashed
vous aurez pieuté
you all will have crashed
ils/elles auront pieuté
they will have crashed
Present subjunctive tense
que je pieute
that I crash
que tu pieutes
that you crash
qu’il/elle/on pieute
that he/she/it crash
que nous pieutions
that we crash
que vous pieutiez
that you all crash
qu’ils/elles pieutent
that they crash
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pieuté
that I have crashed
que tu aies pieuté
that you have crashed
qu’il/elle/on ait pieuté
that he/she/it have crashed
que nous ayons pieuté
that we have crashed
que vous ayez pieuté
that you all have crashed
qu’ils/elles aient pieuté
that they have crashed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pieutasse
that I would crash
que tu pieutasses
that you would crash
qu’il/elle/on pieutât
that he/she/it would crash
que nous pieutassions
that we would crash
que vous pieutassiez
that you all would crash
qu’ils/elles pieutassent
that they would crash
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pieuté
that I had crashed
que tu eusses pieuté
that you had crashed
qu’il/elle/on eût pieuté
that he/she/it had crashed
que nous eussions pieuté
that we had crashed
que vous eussiez pieuté
that you all had crashed
qu’ils/elles eussent pieuté
that they had crashed
Conditional mood
je pieuterais
I would crash
tu pieuterais
you would crash
il/elle/on pieuterait
he/she/it would crash
nous pieuterions
we would crash
vous pieuteriez
you all would crash
ils/elles pieuteraient
they would crash
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pieuté
I would have crashed
tu aurais pieuté
you would have crashed
il/elle/on aurait pieuté
he/she/it would have crashed
nous aurions pieuté
we would have crashed
vous auriez pieuté
you all would have crashed
ils/elles auraient pieuté
they would have crashed
Imperative mood
let's crash!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pieuté
have crashed
ayons pieuté
let's have crashed
ayez pieuté
have crashed

Examples of pieuter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Oh bien. - Je vais devoir me pieuter.- I'm gonna have to crash out.
- On... - Vous voulez pieuter ici ?You need a place to crash?
C'est parce que finalement j'ai un p'tit blème pour pieuter ce soir...alors je voudrais savoir si c'était possible de...me loger quoi...?Well I have a little problem to crash tonight... So I wanted to know if it was possible to...?
C'est quoi le rapport ? J'ignore comment tu fais, mais je n'inviterais pas une ex sexy à pieuter chez moi.I don't know how your team plays, but I wouldn't invite a hot ex-girlfriend to crash at my place.
C'est super sympa de me laisser pieuter ici quand tu ne prends rien dehors.You know, it's so cool of you to let me crash here when you ain't getting nothing out of it.
Je suis rentré, j'étais crevé, J'ai bu quelques bières et je me suis pieuté.I got home, I was tired, I had a couple of beers, and I crashed.
Des fois je pieute ici.Sometimes I do crash here.
Et je pieute après en général.And I usually crash afterwards.

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