Inciter (to incite) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of inciter

Present tense
I incite
tu incites
you incite
il/elle/on incite
he/she/it incites
nous incitons
we incite
vous incitez
you all incite
ils/elles incitent
they incite
Present perfect tense
j’ai incité
I incited
tu as incité
you incited
il/elle/on a incité
he/she/it incited
nous avons incité
we incited
vous avez incité
you all incited
ils/elles ont incité
they incited
Past impf. tense
I was inciting
tu incitais
you were inciting
il/elle/on incitait
he/she/it was inciting
nous incitions
we were inciting
vous incitiez
you all were inciting
ils/elles incitaient
they were inciting
Future tense
I will incite
tu inciteras
you will incite
il/elle/on incitera
he/she/it will incite
nous inciterons
we will incite
vous inciterez
you all will incite
ils/elles inciteront
they will incite
Past perfect tense
j’avais incité
I had incited
tu avais incité
you had incited
il/elle/on avait incité
he/she/it had incited
nous avions incité
we had incited
vous aviez incité
you all had incited
ils/elles avaient incité
they had incited
Past preterite tense
I incited
tu incitas
you incited
il/elle/on incita
he/she/it incited
nous incitâmes
we incited
vous incitâtes
you all incited
ils/elles incitèrent
they incited
Past anterior tense
j’eus incité
I had incited
tu eus incité
you had incited
il/elle/on eut incité
he/she/it had incited
nous eûmes incité
we had incited
vous eûtes incité
you all had incited
ils/elles eurent incité
they had incited
Future perfect tense
j’aurai incité
I will have incited
tu auras incité
you will have incited
il/elle/on aura incité
he/she/it will have incited
nous aurons incité
we will have incited
vous aurez incité
you all will have incited
ils/elles auront incité
they will have incited
Present subjunctive tense
que j’incite
that I incite
que tu incites
that you incite
qu’il/elle/on incite
that he/she/it incite
que nous incitions
that we incite
que vous incitiez
that you all incite
qu’ils/elles incitent
that they incite
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie incité
that I have incited
que tu aies incité
that you have incited
qu’il/elle/on ait incité
that he/she/it have incited
que nous ayons incité
that we have incited
que vous ayez incité
that you all have incited
qu’ils/elles aient incité
that they have incited
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’incitasse
that I would incite
que tu incitasses
that you would incite
qu’il/elle/on incitât
that he/she/it would incite
que nous incitassions
that we would incite
que vous incitassiez
that you all would incite
qu’ils/elles incitassent
that they would incite
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse incité
that I had incited
que tu eusses incité
that you had incited
qu’il/elle/on eût incité
that he/she/it had incited
que nous eussions incité
that we had incited
que vous eussiez incité
that you all had incited
qu’ils/elles eussent incité
that they had incited
Conditional mood
I would incite
tu inciterais
you would incite
il/elle/on inciterait
he/she/it would incite
nous inciterions
we would incite
vous inciteriez
you all would incite
ils/elles inciteraient
they would incite
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais incité
I would have incited
tu aurais incité
you would have incited
il/elle/on aurait incité
he/she/it would have incited
nous aurions incité
we would have incited
vous auriez incité
you all would have incited
ils/elles auraient incité
they would have incited
Imperative mood
let's incite!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie incité
have incited
ayons incité
let's have incited
ayez incité
have incited

Examples of inciter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
C'est un piège pour inciter au chaos total et à la destruction !It's a trap to incite total chaos and destruction!
C'est une chose d'inciter á l'émeute en assemblée générale, mais lâcher ces animaux en classe...It's one thing to incite riots with school assemblies but dumping animals in my classroom...
Cela pourrait inciter une rébellion.It could even incite rebellion. Why me?
Dans les études, il faut inciter ceux qui en ont besoin. Mais il faut freiner celui qui court trop vite.In these kinds of studies it opportune to incite, push and encourage those in need and it is necessary to slow down those who run too fast.
Etes-vous entrain de dire qu'il faut inciter le suspect à la violence ?Are you saying, incite the suspect to violence?
Alors je dois l'arrêter pour avoir écrit l'histoire qui a incité M. Allen à assassiner M. GradyThen I have to arrest her for writing the monologue that incited Mr. Allen to kill Mr. Grady.
Cela vous rendrait complice si, par exemple, vous saviez que vôtre déclaration à la presse a enclenché un plan qui a incité à l'enlèvement de ma femme.That will make you complicit if, for instance, you knew that your statement to the press triggered a plan that incited the abduction of my wife.
Eh bien, il semble que mes nouvelles ait incité certains faits et gestes.Well, it looks like my news has incited some doings.
Et c'est la raison pour laquelle en dépit d'avoir été incité par un étranger à plusieurs reprises Saint Ibrahim ne s'est pas écarté de la voie de la vertu.And that's the reason.. ..why despite being incited by a stranger repeatedly.. ..Saint Ibrahim did not waver from his path of righteousness.
J e suis resté silencieux bien que vous ayez incité Sunanda contre moi .l remained silent though you incited Sunanda against me.
Coupons la langue à ce fou qui incite le peuple à la désobéissance.Cut out the tongue of that madman who incites the people to disobedience.
Et un roi fou incite au chaos et à la rébellion.And a mad king incites chaos and rebellion.
Et ça ne t'incite pas à l'action ?Oh, and that didn't incite you to action?
Il est fou, et un roi fou incite au chaos et à la rébellion.He is mad, and a mad king incites chaos and rebellion.
Il incite la peur.He incites fear.
Infiltrez les mines de Pax Tharkas et incitez une rébellion parmis les esclaves.Infiltrate the mines at Pax Tharkas and incite a rebellion among the slaves.
Si vous la lui enlevez, vous l'incitez à la rage.If you take it from her, you will incite rage.
En incitant les mâles à se battre, la femelle s'est réservée le meilleur partenaire, celui qui aura le plus de chances d'être le père d'une progéniture forte.By inciting the males to fight, the female has secured the best mate for herself - the one who is most likely to father the strongest offspring.
Mais alors les Genii ont allumé le courant, envoyé une impulsion massive, laquelle embrouille manifestement l'esprit des gens, les incitant à la violence, ravivant des images traumatisantes et...But then the Genii dial up the power, send out a massive pulse, which is obviously messing with people's minds, inciting violence, pulling up traumatic images and...
Nous savons comment Satan profite de l'isolement du marin, en l'incitant à des pratiques solitaires honteuses.We both know, my son, how Satan can profit from a sailor's isolation... inciting him to shameful solitary practices.
Pourquoi ne pas les appeler pour soutenir ton accusation ? Tu dis que je la corromps en l'incitant à ne pas croire aux Dieux de la cité pour suivre d'autres croyances.You say that l corrupt the young, by inciting them not to believe in the city Gods to follow other beliefs.
Tout officier blanc surpris commandant des troupes nègres... sera jugé comme incitant l'insurrection d'esclaves... et sera exécuté de la même façon."Any white officer taken in command of Negro troops shall be deemed as inciting servile insurrection and shall likewise be put to death."

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