Implanter (to implant) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of implanter

Present tense
I implant
tu implantes
you implant
il/elle/on implante
he/she/it implants
nous implantons
we implant
vous implantez
you all implant
ils/elles implantent
they implant
Present perfect tense
j’ai implanté
I implanted
tu as implanté
you implanted
il/elle/on a implanté
he/she/it implanted
nous avons implanté
we implanted
vous avez implanté
you all implanted
ils/elles ont implanté
they implanted
Past impf. tense
I was implanting
tu implantais
you were implanting
il/elle/on implantait
he/she/it was implanting
nous implantions
we were implanting
vous implantiez
you all were implanting
ils/elles implantaient
they were implanting
Future tense
I will implant
tu implanteras
you will implant
il/elle/on implantera
he/she/it will implant
nous implanterons
we will implant
vous implanterez
you all will implant
ils/elles implanteront
they will implant
Past perfect tense
j’avais implanté
I had implanted
tu avais implanté
you had implanted
il/elle/on avait implanté
he/she/it had implanted
nous avions implanté
we had implanted
vous aviez implanté
you all had implanted
ils/elles avaient implanté
they had implanted
Past preterite tense
I implanted
tu implantas
you implanted
il/elle/on implanta
he/she/it implanted
nous implantâmes
we implanted
vous implantâtes
you all implanted
ils/elles implantèrent
they implanted
Past anterior tense
j’eus implanté
I had implanted
tu eus implanté
you had implanted
il/elle/on eut implanté
he/she/it had implanted
nous eûmes implanté
we had implanted
vous eûtes implanté
you all had implanted
ils/elles eurent implanté
they had implanted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai implanté
I will have implanted
tu auras implanté
you will have implanted
il/elle/on aura implanté
he/she/it will have implanted
nous aurons implanté
we will have implanted
vous aurez implanté
you all will have implanted
ils/elles auront implanté
they will have implanted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’implante
that I implant
que tu implantes
that you implant
qu’il/elle/on implante
that he/she/it implant
que nous implantions
that we implant
que vous implantiez
that you all implant
qu’ils/elles implantent
that they implant
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie implanté
that I have implanted
que tu aies implanté
that you have implanted
qu’il/elle/on ait implanté
that he/she/it have implanted
que nous ayons implanté
that we have implanted
que vous ayez implanté
that you all have implanted
qu’ils/elles aient implanté
that they have implanted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’implantasse
that I would implant
que tu implantasses
that you would implant
qu’il/elle/on implantât
that he/she/it would implant
que nous implantassions
that we would implant
que vous implantassiez
that you all would implant
qu’ils/elles implantassent
that they would implant
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse implanté
that I had implanted
que tu eusses implanté
that you had implanted
qu’il/elle/on eût implanté
that he/she/it had implanted
que nous eussions implanté
that we had implanted
que vous eussiez implanté
that you all had implanted
qu’ils/elles eussent implanté
that they had implanted
Conditional mood
I would implant
tu implanterais
you would implant
il/elle/on implanterait
he/she/it would implant
nous implanterions
we would implant
vous implanteriez
you all would implant
ils/elles implanteraient
they would implant
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais implanté
I would have implanted
tu aurais implanté
you would have implanted
il/elle/on aurait implanté
he/she/it would have implanted
nous aurions implanté
we would have implanted
vous auriez implanté
you all would have implanted
ils/elles auraient implanté
they would have implanted
Imperative mood
let's implant!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie implanté
have implanted
ayons implanté
let's have implanted
ayez implanté
have implanted

Examples of implanter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"implanter ses propres cellules ou son sang dans une autre personne,"implant her own cells or blood into others,
- Et les implanter...- and implant them...
- Il avait le mobile... les moyens, et de nombreuses occasions d'implanter le souvenir dans son fils.What? He had the motive, the means, and plenty of opportunity to implant the memory in his son.
- On va implanter une M-valve.We're implanting an M-valve.
- Vous devez implanter le tissue maintenant.- You need to implant the tissue now.
"Le navire sera implanté"The vessel will be implanted
- C'est probablement un truc implanté derrière son omoplate.- You know, it's probably something implanted behind her shoulder.
- Le fœtus est implanté hors de son utérus, quelque part dans son abdomen.- The fetus is implanted outside of her uterus, somewhere in her abdomen.
- Quiconque t'a implanté un EGO il y a quelque semaine, t'a volé tes souvenirs.- She is not! - Amanda, whoever implanted you with that EGO device a few weeks ago, they stole your memories.
- Un outil de surveillance implanté dans chaque être humain- A surveillance tool, a computer chip that has been implanted in the skin of every human being
- Il lui implante un ovule.He implants an egg. Fertilized by Mr. Tolliver.
Alors, le zygote s'implante dans l'utérus, et alors la grossesse commence.Then the zygote is then implanted into the uterus, and that is conception.
Apparemment, si t'es sympa, l'hôpital t'implante des abdos et des pectoraux gratuitement.Apparently, if you're a nice guy, the hospital throws in a six-pack and some pec implants free of charge.
Chacune de ces puces est génétiquement programmée pour etre controlée par un seul individu, celui qui l'implante.Each one of these bugs is genetically engineered to be controlled by a single individual, the individual who implanted it.
Charlie, je vais demander qu'on vous implante un joli petit réveil.Charlie, we're going to surgically implant a snooze button.
- implantez la puce dans son cerveau.KGB safehouse on Gansevoort... you will implant the microchip... into his brain.
Prenez un œuf, enlevez le noyau, injectez l'ADN du donneur dedans, implantez-le dans la mère porteuse, laissez les statistiques faire le reste.You remove the nucleus, you inject donor DNA into it, And then you implant it into the surrogate, And then you let statistics do the rest.
Vous cliquez parmis nos fichiers de donneurs d'oeuf, trouvez votre bonheur, créez un embryon parfait, et l'implantez dans une mère-porteuse.You click through our egg donor files, find your match, create a perfect embryo, and then implant it in a surrogate.
Vous entrez, coupez, implantez et basta.You just go in and cut and implant, and you're done.
En implantant des cellules nerveuses, nous espérons que la myéline repoussera.By implanting nerve cells, we expect to see the growth of new myelin.
Et les âmes radioactives de ces pauvres créatures extraterrestres éliminées... entrent continuellement dans nos corps... implantant des engrammes et des idées fausses sur Jésus, Dieu, la psychiatrie.- Yes. And the radioactive souls of these poor vaporized alien creatures... continue to enter into our bodies... implanting engrams and false ideas about Christ and God and psychiatry.
J'ai eu accès aux recherches en m'implantant dans une scientifique étudiant le projet.I gained access to Kelowna's research by implanting myself in a scientist on the naquadria project.
Les Anciens étaient ici en premier, implantant la science des vortex que je cherche.Ah, the Ancients were here first, implanting the wormhole knowledge I seek.
Mais ce qui est vraiment important, c'est la possibilité de guérir les démences en implantant des souvenirs ou en ajustant les relais synaptiques.And of course, more importantly we can offset the ravages of dementia by implanting memory or adjusting the synaptic connections.

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