Pretender (to pretend) conjugation

100 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to court, to intend, intend, to woo, woo, to aim

Conjugation of pretender

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I pretend
you pretend
he/she/it pretends
we pretend
you all pretend
they pretend
Present perfect tense
he pretendido
I have pretended
has pretendido
you have pretended
ha pretendido
he/she/it has pretended
hemos pretendido
we have pretended
habéis pretendido
you all have pretended
han pretendido
they have pretended
Past preterite tense
I pretended
you pretended
he/she/it pretended
we pretended
you all pretended
they pretended
Future tense
I will pretend
you will pretend
he/she/it will pretend
we will pretend
you all will pretend
they will pretend
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would pretend
you would pretend
he/she/it would pretend
we would pretend
you all would pretend
they would pretend
Past imperfect tense
I used to pretend
you used to pretend
he/she/it used to pretend
we used to pretend
you all used to pretend
they used to pretend
Past perfect tense
había pretendido
I had pretended
habías pretendido
you had pretended
había pretendido
he/she/it had pretended
habíamos pretendido
we had pretended
habíais pretendido
you all had pretended
habían pretendido
they had pretended
Future perfect tense
habré pretendido
I will have pretended
habrás pretendido
you will have pretended
habrá pretendido
he/she/it will have pretended
habremos pretendido
we will have pretended
habréis pretendido
you all will have pretended
habrán pretendido
they will have pretended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I pretend
(if/so that) you pretend
(if/so that) he/she/it pretend
(if/so that) we pretend
(if/so that) you all pretend
(if/so that) they pretend
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya pretendido
I have pretended
hayas pretendido
you have pretended
haya pretendido
he/she/it has pretended
hayamos pretendido
we have pretended
hayáis pretendido
you all have pretended
hayan pretendido
they have pretended
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have pretended
(if/so that) you have pretended
(if/so that) he/she/it have pretended
(if/so that) we have pretended
(if/so that) you all have pretended
(if/so that) they have pretended
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have pretended
(if/so that) you have pretended
(if/so that) he/she/it have pretended
(if/so that) we have pretended
(if/so that) you all have pretended
(if/so that) they have pretended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera pretendido
I had pretended
hubieras pretendido
you had pretended
hubiera pretendido
he/she/it had pretended
hubiéramos pretendido
we had pretended
hubierais pretendido
you all had pretended
hubieran pretendido
they had pretended
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese pretendido
I had pretended
hubieses pretendido
you had pretended
hubiese pretendido
he/she/it had pretended
hubiésemos pretendido
we had pretended
hubieseis pretendido
you all had pretended
hubiesen pretendido
they had pretended
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have pretended
(if/so that) you will have pretended
(if/so that) he/she/it will have pretended
(if/so that) we will have pretended
(if/so that) you all will have pretended
(if/so that) they will have pretended
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere pretendido
I will have pretended
hubieres pretendido
you will have pretended
hubiere pretendido
he/she/it will have pretended
hubiéremos pretendido
we will have pretended
hubiereis pretendido
you all will have pretended
hubieren pretendido
they will have pretended
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's pretend!
Imperative negative mood
no pretendas
do not pretend!
no pretenda
let him/her/it pretend!
no pretendamos
let us not pretend!
no pretendáis
do not pretend!
no pretendan
do not pretend!

Examples of pretender

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
*No tienes que pretender ser*♪ Don't have to pretend ♪
- Aún así... es mejor no pretender que no habrá problemas.Even so, it's best not to pretend it'll be plain sailing.
- En pocos meses podremos pretender que no existe.A few months from now, we may be able to pretend it's not there.
- Le gusta pretender que es mi hija.- He likes to pretend he's my daughter.
- No es tan banal como le gusta pretender.He's not really so trivial as he likes to pretend.
! - No pretendo como usted no sabe...- Don't pretend like you don't know...
" pero yo no pretendo conocer las respuestas. ""but I don't pretend to know the answers."
"Hey,sólovoyaserunactor, porqueesoes lo quelos actoreshacen, pretendo" .'Hey, I'll just be an actor, because that's what actors do, pretend.'
"No pretendo ir a dormir"i do not pretend to go to sleep.
#No me importa, pretendo que sea domingo... #* I don't care, let's pretend that it's Sunday... *
"si pretendes estar allí...""if you pretend to be there..."
- A veces pretendes serlo...Sometimes, you pretend you are, so...
- En el que pretendes que no te gusto.- The one where you pretend you're not into me.
- Entonces, ¿pretendes hacer como que no paso?- So what, you pretended like it didn't happen?
- Será algo de eso, pero también, estás con un tio que prácticamente representa todo lo que pretendes odiar.- That's some of it, but it's also, you're with a guy that pretty much represents everything you pretend to hate.
'Exactamente a la misma hora, Charlie entra en la "Llave Inglesa" 'y pretende quedarse sin gasolina en el camino hacia Mill Creek.''At the same time, Charlie enters the Monkey Wrench 'and pretends we ran out of gas on the road to Mill Creek.'
, y no una chica de fantasia que pretende gustar de ti para que la ayudes a sacar mejores notasNot some fantasy girl who pretends to like you 'cause you help her dumb ass get better grades.
- Claudia Joy pretende ser una santa.Claudia Joy pretends to be such a saint,
- Ella no es lo que pretende ser.- She's not who she pretends to be.
- Rasmus pretende que es una niña.- Rasmus pretends he's a girl.
"¡Sólo pretendemos serlo!""We just pretend to be!"
# #Si, sé que se torna cansador, pero es mejor de lo que pretendemos#Yeah, I know it gets tired, but it's better when we pretend
, Amy. Ni pretendemos casarnos.We're not even pretend married.
A veces pretendemos no ver, pero lo vemos todo. Clarísimo.Sometimes we understand very well but pretend not to.
Ahora pretendemos que nunca sucedió?Now we pretend it never happened?
- ¿Por qué pretendéis no hacerlo?- Why are you pretending it's not true?
Entonces... pretendéis ser...So... If you're pretending to be...
Tíos, de verdad pretendéis ser yo?- You guys really pretend that you're me?
¿Por qué pretendéis ser tan puros?Why do you pretend to be so pure, above temptation?
# Nosotros cuatro, oh, sí, solos de nuevo # # nuestras cortinas llevadas al sol poniente # # niños hermosos que pretenden jugar # # pretendiendo que es tan divertido ## The four of us, oh, yes, alone again # Our curtains drawn into the setting sun # Beautiful children that pretend to play
' Quizá ni estos autómatas son lo que pretenden ser.'Perhaps even these automata are not what they pretend to be.'
- Créeme, esa gente no son lo que pretenden ser.- Believe me, these people are not who they pretend to be.
- Ellos pretenden que no se conocen.They're pretending not to know each other.
- ¿Así que están todos juntos y pretenden ser paises?- So you guys get together and pretend to be countries?
- Bueno, nada. Sólo pretendí no escucharlo.I just pretended i didn't hear him.
- Nunca pretendí -- - ¡No necesito la perfección!I never pretended... I don't need perfection!
Así que, los días siguientes pretendí que Joy y yo, seguíamos casados.So the next few days, I pretended Joy and I were still married.
Creo que pretendí no conocer tus sentimientos... aunque los conocía.I think I pretended not to know about your feeling even though I knew about it.
Después que se fue, le escribí sugiriéndole el divorcio, pero nunca me contestó, así que... sólo pretendí que lo estábamos.After she left, I did write to her suggesting we divorce, but she never replied, so... I just pretended that we were.
El resto de chicos fingían saberlo todo y tú nunca pretendiste saber nada.All the other boys pretended to know everything and you never pretended to know anything.
Excepto por la última en la que pretendiste ser ¿quién?Except for that last one where you pretended to be who?
Pero tu pretendiste que te gustaba.! But you pretended to like it.
Por lo que pretendiste estar atraída por Peter para acercarte a él, para robar su gran día de pago, ¿es eso? .What, so you pretended to be attracted to Peter to get close to him, to steal their big payday, is that it?
Señora, yo... Una vez pretendiste ser un hechicero omnisciente,Madame, l... once you pretended to be an omniscient magus.
Ahora... si Reggie pretendió ser alguien que no era, hacer que la gente lo amara, y después traicionar a esas personas, puedo entender porque alguien querría herir a la familia a la que ama.Now... if Reggie pretended to be someone he's not, made people love him, and then betrayed those people, I can understand why someone would want to hurt the family he loves.
Así es que él salió del auto y pretendió dejar una nota.So he got out - and pretended to leave a note. - Okay.
Así que Steve pretendió adorar eso y decidió abrirlo al publico.So Steve pretended he loved that And decided to open it up to the public.
Bill vino a mí y pretendió convencerme de que no valían nada.Bill came to me and pretended they were worthless.
Conocí a mi padre hoy, y pretendió que no existía.I met my dad today, and he pretended I didn't exist.
A veces pretendimos ponernos del lado de Iemitsu.Sometimes we pretended to side with Iemitsu.
Asi que vino a casa y fuimos al atico... y ambos sabiamos que no habia un murcielago, pero pretendimos buscarlo.So he came over and we went in the attic... and we both knew there was no bat, but we pretended to look for it.
Bueno, los Jane nunca pretendimos tener poderes, especialmente con personas dentro del espectáculo, pero los Barlow siempre trataron de hacerse pasar a sí mismos como psíquicos "reales".Well, the Janes never pretended to have powers, especially with people in the show, but, uh, the Barlows always tried to pass themselves off as "real" psychics. Mm.
Ninguno de nosotros pretendimos jamás que fuera algo serio.We neither of us ever pretended it was serious.
¡Las matamos, y luego las enterramos y pretendimos que nunca había pasado!We killed them, and then we buried it and pretended it never happened!
Chicas que una vez pretendieron ser "Sarah" de PortlandGirls who once pretended to be "Sarah" from Portland.
El resto, apuntó para arriba- O no dispararon. O pretendieron estar ocupados haciendo otra cosa.The rest aimed high, didn't fire at all, ...or pretended to be busy doing something else.
Ellos pretendieron ir al sexto.They pretended to go to the sixth.
La encontraba de borregos... porque aunque muchos... se comprometieron con la causa... muchos otros... simplemente pretendieron ser de izquierdas.He found it sheep-like... because even many... married the cause... many others... simply pretended to be left.
Bueno entonces, pretenderé con usted.Well then, I will pretend with you.
Si no pretendemos nada malo, otros tampoco lo pretenderán ,If we pretend nothing's wrong, others will pretend too,
- Yo pretendería...- I would pretend...
Howard pretendería caer por los escalones.Howard would pretend to fall down the stairs.
Los alemanes de la ciudad y yo ideamos un plan: Yo pretendería ser el prisionero de los alemanes de la ciudad.The town germans and I came up with a plan that I would pretend to be the town germans' prisoner.
¿Quién pretendería ser un ladrón callejero?Who would pretend to be a street robber, huh?
"Por eso, pretenda ser ese tipo y llamela"That's why, pretend to be that guy and call her up.
- No pretenda que no lo sabe.Don't pretend you don't know.
- O al menos que pretenda hacerlo. - Sí.-Or at least pretend to.
- Por favor no pretenda ocultar que usted ha motivado la indecisión de Mary.- Oh, please. Don't pretend Mary's sudden reluctance can't be traced back to you.
A Kels le encantará que yo pretenda ser su amigo.Kels will love it if I pretend to be their friend now.
"No pretendas No... saber.""Don't pretend you don't... know. "
"No pretendas...""Don't pretend..."
- Necesito que pretendas que nuestra conversación es interesante y estás muy entretenida.I need for you to pretend we are having a scintillating conversation... and you are wildly entertained.
- No pretendas que no me amas. - ¿Amor?- Don't pretend you don't love me.
- No pretendas que no sabes.-Don't pretend like you don't know.
"No, no haré más sesiones donde pretendamos ser hermanos"."No, I won't do any more sessions where we are pretending to be brother and sister."
*Sé que recién nos conocemos, pero pretendamos que es amor*♪ I know we only met, but let's pretend it's love ♪
Ahora pretendamos que acabo de hacer la broma más graciosa del mundo.Now let's pretend I just made the funniest joke ever.
Ahora pretendamos que cenamos y digamos "Buenas noches".So, I guess this is where we pretend we had dinner and say "good night".
Ahora, pretendamos que tú eres el niño.Now, let's pretend that you're the boy.
"Miren, no voy a mentir al respecto, pretendan que rockeamos, con sentimiento.""Look, I'm not going to lie about it, pretend we're rocking, man, feeling it."
- Uh, pretendan que no estoy aquí.- Uh, just pretend I'm not here.
Ahora, pretendan hacer sus cosas como de costumbre.Now, pretend to go about your business as usual.
Bueno, entonces solo pretendan que no estoy aquí.Well, then, just pretend I'm not here.
De acuerdo, pretendan que se gustan.All right, pretend you like each other.
* I just pretended that I had* I just pretended that I had
Hasta entonces pretended que soyUntil that time pretend that I'm
Hasta ese momento pretended que soyUntil that time pretend that I'm
He's the man who pretended to weep at a symposium in Paris afewweeks ago.He's the man who pretended to weep at a symposium in Paris afewweeks ago.
I don't know if you wanna begining snippy with your pretended boyfriend, who fixed your pear phone source to work without an extension cord?I don't know if you wanna begining snippy with your pretended boyfriend, who fixed your pear phone source to work without an extension cord?
"Has pretendido no verme. ¿Te vigilaban?""You pretended not to see me. Was someone watching you ?
De hecho, si no hubieras pretendido ser mi cita de hoy, mi día habría sido absolutamente basura.In fact, if you hadn't have pretended to be my date today, my day would have been utterly rubbish.
De otra manera, no hubieras pretendido que era tu fiesta, cuando era mía.Otherwise, you wouldn't have pretended it was your party when it was mine.
Esta no es la primera vez que he pretendido ser alguien que no soy.This ain't the first time I've pretended to be someone I'm not.
Gavin ha sido mi amigo más tiempo que el que tú has pretendido ser mi padre.Gavin's been my friend longer than you pretended to be my dad.
# No estoy pretendiendo #♪ I'm not pretending ♪
# Paralizaron pretendiendo# Stood pretending
# Todos pretendiendo que vivimos una vida decente.All pretending we're living a decent life
- Estamos hablando piso con respaldo, con las piernas abiertas, pretendiendo que es Magnum, P.I.We're talking flat-backed, spread-eagled, pretending he's Magnum, P.I.
- Mientras que los Stados han estado molestados por personas malintencionadas. pretendiendo haber recibido revelaciones de las 3D cada mil años desde que el Tiempo comenzo, ha sido unimemente resuelto por el Gran Consejo que en el primer dia de cada milenio, todo apostol de las 3D... sera encarcelado y ejecutado en los tres dias siguientes,- Whereas the States have been troubled by ill-intentioned persons pretending to have received revelations of Three Dimensions every thousand years since Time Began, it has been unanimously resolved by the Grand Council that on the first day of each millennium,
Cuando pretendés, es como si fuese una perdida de tiempo.Believe me. When you pretend it's just like a waste of their time.

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