Emitir (to issue) conjugation

89 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to broadcast, emit, broadcast, to emit

Conjugation of emitir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I issue
you issue
he/she/it issues
we issue
you all issue
they issue
Present perfect tense
he emitido
I have issued
has emitido
you have issued
ha emitido
he/she/it has issued
hemos emitido
we have issued
habéis emitido
you all have issued
han emitido
they have issued
Past preterite tense
I issued
you issued
he/she/it issued
we issued
you all issued
they issued
Future tense
I will issue
you will issue
he/she/it will issue
we will issue
you all will issue
they will issue
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would issue
you would issue
he/she/it would issue
we would issue
you all would issue
they would issue
Past imperfect tense
I used to issue
you used to issue
he/she/it used to issue
we used to issue
you all used to issue
they used to issue
Past perfect tense
había emitido
I had issued
habías emitido
you had issued
había emitido
he/she/it had issued
habíamos emitido
we had issued
habíais emitido
you all had issued
habían emitido
they had issued
Future perfect tense
habré emitido
I will have issued
habrás emitido
you will have issued
habrá emitido
he/she/it will have issued
habremos emitido
we will have issued
habréis emitido
you all will have issued
habrán emitido
they will have issued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I issue
(if/so that) you issue
(if/so that) he/she/it issue
(if/so that) we issue
(if/so that) you all issue
(if/so that) they issue
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya emitido
I have issued
hayas emitido
you have issued
haya emitido
he/she/it has issued
hayamos emitido
we have issued
hayáis emitido
you all have issued
hayan emitido
they have issued
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have issued
(if/so that) you have issued
(if/so that) he/she/it have issued
(if/so that) we have issued
(if/so that) you all have issued
(if/so that) they have issued
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have issued
(if/so that) you have issued
(if/so that) he/she/it have issued
(if/so that) we have issued
(if/so that) you all have issued
(if/so that) they have issued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera emitido
I had issued
hubieras emitido
you had issued
hubiera emitido
he/she/it had issued
hubiéramos emitido
we had issued
hubierais emitido
you all had issued
hubieran emitido
they had issued
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese emitido
I had issued
hubieses emitido
you had issued
hubiese emitido
he/she/it had issued
hubiésemos emitido
we had issued
hubieseis emitido
you all had issued
hubiesen emitido
they had issued
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have issued
(if/so that) you will have issued
(if/so that) he/she/it will have issued
(if/so that) we will have issued
(if/so that) you all will have issued
(if/so that) they will have issued
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere emitido
I will have issued
hubieres emitido
you will have issued
hubiere emitido
he/she/it will have issued
hubiéremos emitido
we will have issued
hubiereis emitido
you all will have issued
hubieren emitido
they will have issued
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's issue!
Imperative negative mood
no emitas
do not issue!
no emita
let him/her/it issue!
no emitamos
let us not issue!
no emitáis
do not issue!
no emitan
do not issue!

Examples of emitir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Como Capitán del Colorado es mi obligación emitir un despido basado en conducta inmoral.As captain of the Colorado, it's my obligation to issue a discharge based upon immoral conduct.
- En ciertos casos, los jueces, bajo presión de la opinión pública, se ven obligados a emitir ...órdenes de captura, de tomar medidas ¿cómo decirlo? Quizá un poco excesivas.- In certain cases, the Judges, under pression from the public opinion, are forced to issue arrest warrants, to take steps how should I call them?
- ¿Quiere emitir una orden de arresto?- So you wish to issue a warrant for arrest?
Así que para emitir bonos para esto, necesitas donaciones de 25 millones al menos.So to issue bonds for this, you need donations of at least 25 million.
Bien, no hay un juez en toda Georgia... que vaya a emitir una orden, basada en las acusaciones de Ben Wilson.Let's do this. All right, there's not a judge in all of Georgia who's going to issue a warrant based on Ben Wilson's accusations.
- Entonces emito una declaración...So I issue a statement...
Como Gobernador General del Sudán, emito el presente decreto.As governor general of the Sudan, I issue the following proclamation.
Como Presidente Provisional, sólo yo emito la moneda corriente oficial.Yet, as president of the provisional government, only I can issue currency.
Como alternativa, arrojo a Maya en una celda, emito una orden para matarte, y encuentro a Ruth por mi cuenta.Alternatively, I throw Maya in a cell, issue a kill order on you, and find Ruth myself.
Por el poder que me ha sido concedido por su Santidad el Papa Celestino III, emito este santo edicto.By the power vested in me by His Holiness Pope Celestine III, I issue this holy edict.
Cuando emites un bono, usted está vendiendo una promesa.I was gonna say money. When you issue a bond, you're selling a promise.
Entonces emites tu informe--So you issued your report...
Oh, rey, si emites un decreto para que nadie en Babilonia en ningún lugar del imperio le ore a nadie, ya sea a Dios o a un hombre, excepto a ti por un período de 30 días.If, oh king, you were to issue an edict that none in Babylon nor anywhere in the empire may pray to anyone, be it to God or man, except to you for a period of 30 days.
Tú emites esas órdenes, el Fundador lo sabrá.You issue those orders, the Founder will know.
...emite el siguiente veredicto en vista de los artículos 575, 337 y 697 del Código de Procedimiento Penal declara a los acusados culpables de los cargos que se les imputan, y condena a Federico Amati a la pena de 24 años, y a Claudio Sabatini a la pena de 28 años de reclusión.The Court of Rome issues the following sentence: according to articles 575, 337 and 697 of the Penal Code, this court finds the accused guilty as charged, and sentences Federico Amati to 24 years imprisonment, and Claudio Sabatini to 28 years imprisonment.
Acabo de tener un poco de ruido emite a mí mismo, me conseguirlo.I just had some noise issues myself, I get it.
Alerta al General Grant y le pide volver a Washington, emite directivas de emergencia a las autoridades policiales y militares, órdenes a los Detectives de la Policía Nacional, para iniciar una persecución del desconocido asesino y notifica al Vice Presidente Johnson que el presidente se está muriendo.He alerts General Grant and calls him back to Washington, issues emergency directives to police and military authorities, orders the National Detective Police to initiate a manhunt for the as-yet unknown assassin, and notifies Vice President Johnson that the president is dying.
Desde sus tejidos, parece que causa una reacción química a nivel celular que soldifíca el agua en sus células y emite una enorme energía,lo cual destroza el cuerpo.From his tissues, it appears to cause a chemical reaction on the cellular level that both solidifies the water in his cells and emitted massive energy, which shattered the body.
El Correo emite estampillas con la imagen del Gato.The Post office issues stamps with the effigy of the Cat
- Señor, si emitimos...- Sir, we could issue...
Algunas veces emitimos autorización de arresto.Sometimes we issue an arrest warrant.
Cerca de un tercio, unos 250 mil millones por año, es para importaciones de petróleo. Pedimos dinero al mundo, emitimos notas de crédito, títulos de valor de mil millones de dólares por día, o por día útil, para financiar nuestras importaciones de petróleo.So we borrow from the world, we issue lOU's, treasury bills, whatever to the tune of about a billion dollars a day, every working day, anyway to finance our oil imports.
El primer cheque que emitimos se ha devuelto!The first check we issued has bounced!
Entonces, emitimos una autorización de arresto o les soltamos.After that, we either issue an arrest warrant or we let them go.
A los Chicos que emiten cheques sin fondos les dan una paliza así.Guys who issue dud checks get beaten up like that.
Cuando nuestros líderes emiten alguna orden, no los cuestionamos porque ante nuestros ojos son mejores jueces que nosotros.When our leaders issue an order, we don't argue Because we see them as better judges.
Cuando se emiten los cheques de asistencia social.When Welfare checks are issued.
Donde emiten cupones de racionamiento.They issue ration cards.
El cheque es su separación oficial, pero le debemos el pago retroactivo, horas extras ... se pone en un montón de horas y usted ha sido un empleado leal, así que en vez de un cheque que tenía ellos emiten en efectivo.The check is your official severance, but we owe you back pay, overtime... you put in a lot of hours and you've been a loyal employee, so instead of a check I had them issue it in cash.
Cuando me hicieron capitán interino, emití un estado de excepción congelando la cadena de mando.When I was made acting captain, I issued a state of emergency freezing the chain of command.
El departamento del Sheriff está respondiendo a un boletín que emití respecto de cualquier víctima a la que le falte piel.- Sheriffs are responding to a bulletin I issued regarding any victims with missing skin.
Pero ya emití la citación.But I've already issued the subpoena.
Recibí la llamada y emití el 444.I received the call and issued the 444.
Sr. Stone, emití un cheque.Mr. Stone, I issued a check.
Antes de irnos emitiste protocolos estrictos acerca de cómo lidiar contigo.Before we left you issued strict protocols regarding how to deal with you.
"En abril de 1957, el Partido Central emitió la siguiente directriz...""On April 27, 1957, Party Central issued the following directive...
"En otro incidente sorpresivo en Washington, J. Edgar Hoover el director del Depto. Federal de Investigaciones emitió hoy una declaración negando que el Departamento estuviera implicado en reclutar médiums en la batalla contra el comunismo".""ln yet another startling development in Washington J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation today issued a statement denying the Bureau was involved in recruiting psychics in the battle against Communism.""
- A las tres horas del tiroteo el RUC emitió un comunicado.Why? Three hours after the shooting, the RUC issued a statement.
- Debes saber que el juez emitió una orden por Chardo al liberarte.- You should know... the judge issued a warrant for Chardo after authorizing your release.
- El ayatolá emitió un comunicado.- The ayatollah's issued a statement.
"Como precaución se emitieron las órdenes esta tarde llamando a los hombres de las unidades Anti Aéreas del ejercito de tierra..."'As a precaution orders were issued this afternoon 'calling up men of the Anti Aircraft units of the Territorial Army...'
- ¿Sabemos a quién se la emitieron? - Brody Miller.Do we know who it was issued to?
Ahora sabemos que esta llave la emitieron para el Presidente Hassan y su familia en la ONU.Now we know that this key card was issued to President Hassan and his family at the U.N.
Así que emitieron una orden para su arresto y una orden de alejamiento.So they issued a warrant for his arrest and a restraining order.
Cuando todo se vino abajo, emitieron estados financieros falsos.When the bottom fell out, they issued false financials.
Me informará regularmente sobre su progreso... y yo, a cambio, emitiré vales bimestrales de su paga... por sus servicios.You will provide me with regular updates on your progress and I in turn will issue you bi-monthly pay vouchers for your services.
Mientras tanto, emitiré una orden temporal de protección que exige que el acusado se abstenga de conductas violentas, ofensivas agresivas o acosadoras y que permanezca alejado del querellante hasta nuevo aviso...In the meantime, I will issue the temporary order of protection requiring this defendant to refrain from violent, offensive, assaultive or harassing conduct and to remain away from the complainant until further ordered...
No obstante, después de considerar el caso, emitiré el recurso.However, upon consideration, I will issue a writ of habeas corpus. Thank you, Your Honour.
Para sancionar el traslado, emitiré una bula en el nombre del Papa enviando a Lucía a Ferrara.To sanction the transfer, I will issue you a bull in the pope's name sending Lucia to Ferrara.
Si ella lo contacta y usted le ayuda, emitiré una orden en contra suya.If she contacts you and you assist her in any way, I will issue a warrant for your arrest.
El Tribunal Supremo emitirá esta mañana el comunicado de prensa.The High Court will issue this press release tomorrow.
En dos horas, el primer ministro emitirá un comunicado pidiendo ayuda internacional.In two hours the prime minister will issue a statement asking the world for assistance.
Interpol emitirá un Aviso Rojo.Once we get the weapons and trace them back to La Grenouille, he'll go underground. Interpol will issue a red notice.
La Liga emitirá un comunicado en breve.The League will issue a statement soon.
Ningún juez emitirá una en base a rumores.No judge will issue one on hearsay.
Si no puede demostrar antes del alba... que Gorodetsky es inocente de las muertes de los Otros de la Oscuridad... con pruebas apropiadas... emitiremos una orden... para que sea eliminado.If you can't prove before dawn... that Gorodetsky is innocent in regard to the deaths of the Dark Ones... providing suitable evidence... we will issue a warrant... for his elimination.
Hemos recibido unas palabras, que el colegio de cardenales ha votado unánimemente la bienvenida a los visitantes como potenciales miembros de la iglesia y emitirán una declaración en breve condenando todos los discursos antivisitantes de su clero.We've just received word that the college of cardinals has voted unanimously to welcome the visitors as potential members of the church and will issue a statement shortly condemning all anti-V rhetoric among its clergy.
Podría hacerlo todo el día. La juez emitiría una orden de arresto para ti si lo hicieras.The judge would issue a bench warrant for you if you did.
Quiero que me expliques por qué una Agencia Federal emitiría un reporte por un niño que murió hace 32 años.I want you to explain to me why a federal agency would issue a report for a boy who died 32 years ago.
Si así fuera, el Palacio de Buckingham emitiría un boletín.If that were so, Buckingham Palace would issue a bulletin.
A pesar de las dificultades, siempre y cuando se emita la orden, vamos a hacerlo.Despite the difficulties, as long as he issues the order, we'll get it done.
Acciones a tomar para que el Presidente emita proclamas.Things that need to be done for the president to issue a proclamation.
Agente, emita un boletín de búsqueda de un hombre en buen estado físico entre 30 a 40 años, posiblemente veterano.Trooper, issue a Be on The Lookout to law enforcement for a physically fit male in his 30s to 40s, possibly a veteran.
Antes de que emita su declaración,Before he'll issue his statement,
Antes que la corte emita su veredicto.Before the court can issue it's verdict...
Mira, sólo dame algún dato sobre Wolford antes de que emitas la orden, por favor.Look, just give me a jump on Wolford before you issue the warrant, please.
Necesito que emitas un visado.I need you to issue a visa.
Necesito que emitas una orden de búsqueda para Zachary Wallace Zander.I need you to issue a BOLO for a Zachary Wallace Zander.
Quiero que emitas tu informe sobre la muerte de Foster, y digas que fue un accidente.I am. I want you to issue your report on Foster's death, and say that it was an accident.
El acento estadounidense nos da opciones limitadas entonces, emitamos pasaportes canadienses.Look, North America accents gives us limited options, so we get the Canadians to issue them passports.
El subdirector Granger tiene 30 minutos... para hacer venir a su gente... antes de que emitamos órdenes de arresto.Assistant Director Granger has 30 minutes to get his people here-- before we issue warrants to bring them in.
No hasta que emitamos un comunicado de prensa.Not until we issue a press release.
Sugiero que emitamos una advertencia y nos vayamos todos a casa.I suggest we issue a warning notice, and all go home.
Vamos a elevar tanto los precios en este tramo de Oxford Street que debemos estar seguro hasta que emitamos acciones.We've driven the prices so high this end of Oxford Street we should be safe enough until our stock issue.
"del presente emitan una orden que entre en vigencia de inmediato..."of forewith issues of writ effective immediately
- que emitan una orden.- to issue a bolo.
Debes terminarla antes de que emitan un decreto que diga que la literatura también es aria.I wonder. You should get it done... before they issue a decree that now literature also... is Aryan.
En cuanto emitan la orden de registro...The police aren't going anywhere, and once the search warrant is issued...
Entonces probablemente emitan algún tipo de... retiro voluntario emiten advertencias y pautas todo el tiempo, pero la gente ya no escucha.But... once people figure out that something's wrong... Then they'll probably issue some kind of... voluntary recall.
"El CDC ha emitido esta lista actualizada de síntomas de explosión luego de una cuidadosa revisión de la creciente epidemia de explosión:"The CDC has issued this updated list symptoms explosion after careful review growth of epidemic explosion:
"El Presidente Segovia ha emitido una orden de evacuación a la luz de informes verosímiles de que ocurrirá otro desmayo global."President Segovia has issued an evacuation order "in light of credible reports that another global blackout will hit."
"En un comunicado conjunto, emitido simultáneamente en Washington, ..."in a joint communicay, issued simultaneously in Washington
"Es verdad que podría haber emitido tal order yo mismo."It is true that I could never have issued such an order myself.
"Todo gran avance en la ciencia ha emitido desde una nueva audacia de la imaginacion "."Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination."
- Nos dicen que el FBI está emitiendo...- We're getting word the FBI is issuing...
Ahora, ellos nos están diciendo que se están emitiendo una retirada completa para su pre-cocida ofertas de pollo y también su pollo Buffalo ofertas.Now, they're telling us that they're issuing a full recall for their precooked chicken tenders and also their Buffalo chicken tenders.
Bajo la autoridad investida en mí por la Emergency Powers Act, Estoy emitiendo una orden que se le celebrada en un centro de detención militar para de la duración de la emergencia.Under the authority vested in me by the Emergency Powers Act, I'm issuing an order that you'll be held in a military detention centre for the duration of the emergency.
El Juez Witherspoon está emitiendo una orden para la exhumación.Judge Witherspoon is issuing a court order for exhumation.
El departamento del sheriff del condado de Absaroka, Wyoming, está emitiendo una alerta ámbar de un niño desaparecido de ocho años...The Sheriff's department of Absaroka county, Wyoming, is issuing an Amber alert for a missing 8-year-old boy...

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