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Omitir (to omit) conjugation

65 examples

Conjugation of omitir

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I omit
you omit
he/she/it omits
we omit
you all omit
they omit
Present perfect tense
he omitido
I have omitted
has omitido
you have omitted
ha omitido
he/she/it has omitted
hemos omitido
we have omitted
habéis omitido
you all have omitted
han omitido
they have omitted
Past preterite tense
I omitted
you omitted
he/she/it omitted
we omitted
you all omitted
they omitted
Future tense
I will omit
you will omit
he/she/it will omit
we will omit
you all will omit
they will omit
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would omit
you would omit
he/she/it would omit
we would omit
you all would omit
they would omit
Past imperfect tense
I used to omit
you used to omit
he/she/it used to omit
we used to omit
you all used to omit
they used to omit
Past perfect tense
había omitido
I had omitted
habías omitido
you had omitted
había omitido
he/she/it had omitted
habíamos omitido
we had omitted
habíais omitido
you all had omitted
habían omitido
they had omitted
Future perfect tense
habré omitido
I will have omitted
habrás omitido
you will have omitted
habrá omitido
he/she/it will have omitted
habremos omitido
we will have omitted
habréis omitido
you all will have omitted
habrán omitido
they will have omitted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I omit
(if/so that) you omit
(if/so that) he/she/it omit
(if/so that) we omit
(if/so that) you all omit
(if/so that) they omit
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya omitido
I have omitted
hayas omitido
you have omitted
haya omitido
he/she/it has omitted
hayamos omitido
we have omitted
hayáis omitido
you all have omitted
hayan omitido
they have omitted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have omitted
(if/so that) you have omitted
(if/so that) he/she/it have omitted
(if/so that) we have omitted
(if/so that) you all have omitted
(if/so that) they have omitted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have omitted
(if/so that) you have omitted
(if/so that) he/she/it have omitted
(if/so that) we have omitted
(if/so that) you all have omitted
(if/so that) they have omitted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera omitido
I had omitted
hubieras omitido
you had omitted
hubiera omitido
he/she/it had omitted
hubiéramos omitido
we had omitted
hubierais omitido
you all had omitted
hubieran omitido
they had omitted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese omitido
I had omitted
hubieses omitido
you had omitted
hubiese omitido
he/she/it had omitted
hubiésemos omitido
we had omitted
hubieseis omitido
you all had omitted
hubiesen omitido
they had omitted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have omitted
(if/so that) you will have omitted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have omitted
(if/so that) we will have omitted
(if/so that) you all will have omitted
(if/so that) they will have omitted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere omitido
I will have omitted
hubieres omitido
you will have omitted
hubiere omitido
he/she/it will have omitted
hubiéremos omitido
we will have omitted
hubiereis omitido
you all will have omitted
hubieren omitido
they will have omitted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's omit!
Imperative negative mood
no omitas
do not omit!
no omita
let him/her/it omit!
no omitamos
let us not omit!
no omitáis
do not omit!
no omitan
do not omit!

Examples of omitir

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Creo que debería omitir Esa página de su lista.- That's OK for now but you might want to omit that page from your reference list.
Deme respuestas directas, y seré lo suficientemente amable para omitir las circunstancias de nuestra entrevista.Give me straight answers, and I'll be kind enough to omit the circumstances of our interview.
Elementos de estilo de la 17ava instrucción... recomienda el omitir palabras innecesarias.Elements of Style's 17th instruction recommends to omit... needless words.
Es común omitir ciertos datos sobre los casos difíciles con el fin de despejar el camino en el mundo para aquellos que están atrapados entre la maleza.It's common to omit certain information on difficult cases in order to clear a path in the world for those stuck in the weeds.
No, creo que voy a omitir ese paso.No, I think I'm going to omit that step.
Y omito todas las sospechas que afirman su relación con la Mafia.And I'm omitting to mention all the suspects that allege your Mafia links
Yo nunca omito nada.I never omit anything.
sino que también sobre lo que omito hacer, lo que decido no hacer.but it's also about what I omit to do, what I decide not to do.
Neal, tú falseas, omites y tergiversas la verdad.Neal, you've double-talked, omitted, and bent the truth.
Sí, podría marcar un poco más rápido... si omites la parte en que me encuentro aquí dentro.Yeah, um, she might dial the phone a little faster if you omit the part about me being in here.
Yo estoy intentando hacer un punto serio... sobre lo que un amor masculino de belleza física y de belleza moral... y de la belleza de la sed por el conocimiento humano - omites y has omitido que el soporte principal de sociedad Ateniense.I'm trying to make a serious point... which is that a masculine love of physical beauty and of moral beauty... and of the beauty of the thirst for human knowledge - you omit that and you've omitted the mainstay of Athenian society.
-¿El Sr. Rollins no se enfadará si la Casa Blanca omite documentos?- Mr. Rollins won't be angry if the White House omits documents?
Aunque, a veces, omite el velo.Although sometimes she omits the veil entirely.
Ella no me quiere para votar, simplemente omite la información... dejandome con cero.She doesn't want me to vote, she simply omits the information... leaving me with zero.
Estamos de acuerdo con las fechas de la srita. Kaswell, excepto que ella omite un dato clave.We agree with Ms. Kaswell's timeline, except she omits one key fact.
La CIA puede exhibir su fuerza de muchos e impresionantes modos, pero el poder real no está en lo que uno dice, si no en lo que omite.The CIA may flex its power in many impressive ways, but real power lies not in what one says, but what one omits.
Algo en lo que somos atrevidos, y presumimos en la entrevista, y otras cosas que omitimos. esperando que nadie nos pregunte.Some of the stuff we put in bold and we brag about in the interview, some of the stuff we omit and hope no one asks us about it.
Cuando omitimos lo de ser un radar, y un escudo... se les hace más fácil a los demás entender lo que hay entre nosotros.Once we omit anything about you being a radar, and me a shield It's much simpler for others to understand what we have between us.
Solo... omitimos algunos detalles pertinentes.Just... omitted a few pertinent details.
¿Qué opinas si te doy uno y nosotros omitimos una oración o dos?How about if I give one to you and we omit one of two sentences?
Soy más afortunado que medio mundo y aún así siento que me omiten.§ I'm more fortunate than half of the world § § But yet I still feel omitted §
- Sí, lo omití.Yes, she omitted it.
- Ya veo. Ahora dijo muchas cosas que no me Parecieron importantes, así que simplemente las omití.A lot of things you said weren't important, so I just omitted them.
Después de ese día, si omití la frase en mi discurso, la gente empezó a gritar:After that day, if I omitted that phrase from my speech, the people started shouting:
Lo omití de tus registros médicos.I omitted it from your medical records.
Mira, omití la parte sobre ser nominada al premio Nobel de la Paz.Look, I omitted the part about being nominated... for a nobel peace prize.
Aquí hay una prueba que omitiste del caso, Tommy.That's a key piece of evidence you omitted from the case file, Tommy.
Correcto, pero omitiste la más importante.That is correct. Except that you've omitted the last and most important word.
Estás casada. Y lo omitiste deliberadamente cuando salimos.You're married, which is something you deliberately omitted when we first met.
Lo omitiste de tu declaración.You omitted that from your statement.
Pensamiento en el que convenientemente omitiste la parte en la que estabas preparado para usar un barco de guerra español para arrasar el fuerte para lograr ese fin.Though you conveniently omitted the part about how you were prepared to use a Spanish warship to annihilate the fort to achieve that end.
"Jesús dijo, no he venido a traer la paz si no la espada", pero omitió la última parte..."Jesus said, I did not come to bring peace but a sword," but he omitted the last part--
- Debo deducir que omitió hablar del tema.I infer that Adele omitted that detail.
Antes de recibir el castigo, los católicos pueden renunciar a su fe. Con KANG, no solo se omitió ese procedimiento... sino que fue ejecutado en la isla, sin ser enviado a la corte.Before being punished, Catholics may renounce their faith, but for KANG not only was that procedure omitted, but he was executed on the island without being sent to a court.
Claramente, omitió la parte en que debía dispararle.Clearly, he omitted the "getting shot" of it all.
En ella Giuliano omitió los nombres de quienes dieron las órdenes, y en su lugar escribió un montón de mentiras, sin advertirme de ello y arruinando las vidas de sus compañeros.In it Giuliano omitted the names of the men behind the massacre, writing a bunch of lies in their place, telling me nothing about it and destroying his comrades' lives!
Ahora, Sr. Armstrong tengo frente a mí, señor varias declaraciones juradas de sus colegas en las que dice que Ud. Sabía con anticipación que el Prexelin jamás sería aprobado por la FDA porque por órdenes del Dr. Schiller y suyas, en secreto se omitieron intencionalmente datos sobre la efectividad de la droga.I have before me, sir, several sworn depositions from your colleagues stating that you knew well in advance that Prexelin would never gain FDA approval because, on orders from Dr. Schiller and yourself, in cahoots, key elements to the drug's effectiveness were intentionally omitted. Senator Sweeney,
No intenten buscarle lógica, porque aquí omitieron la lógica.Don't try to find no logic. A lot of this in here, logic is omitted.
eli Mi nAdos omitieron algo.- [Beeping] - Something's been omitted.
omitieron varios pasivos significativos.omitted some significant liabilities.
Y omitiré la historia de mi descenso a mi condición miserable actual.And I will omit the story of my descent to my present squalid condition.
Doctor, omitirá este incidente de su registro médico.Doctor, you will omit this entire incident from your medical log.
El catálogo de crímenes no omitirá nada que pueda ser concebido... por sus orgullos patológicos, crueldad y su anhelo por el poder.The catalogue of crimes will omit nothing that could be conceived by their pathological pride, cruelty, and lust for power.
- De mí, señorita Moneypenny, y le ruego omita su coqueteo habitual con 007.- She is me, Miss Moneypenny, and kindly omit the customary by-play with 007.
-¿Que tiene de malo? Sr. Katzmann, omita la última parte de la pregunta.Mr. Katzmann, omit the last part of the question.
Comience desde el principio y no omita ningún detalle, por muy aburrido que sea.You begin right at the beginning, sir, and don't omit any of the details no matter how boring they may be, sir.
Dado que el consejo reconoce la indescriptible naturaleza de los cargos... quisiera proponer, por respeto a la joven... cuya presencia como testigo es necesaria... que el consejo omita los detalles al leer los cargos y especificaciones... y que simplemente cite al acusado con el cargo... de violación al artículo de guerra 92 por ambos cargos.Since the court acknowledges the unspeakable nature of the charges, I would like to suggest that out of deference to the young lady whose presence is necessary as a witness, that the court omit reading of the charges and specifications in detail and simply cite the accused as charged with violation of the 92nd Article of War on both counts.
Deme los detalles, y no omita nada...Tell me the details, and omit nothing.
Cuando escribas la Biblia, mejor que omitas este último milagro.When you're writing the Bible, you might want to omit that last miracle.
Cuéntanos tu historia y por favor esta vez no omitas nada.Tell us your story and does not omit anything.
Sí, mejor que omitas eso en tu informe.Yeah, best to omit that from your report.
Y al emperador intervenir en favor de Francia, para establecer paz entre ambos países omitamos todos lo hechos, de cualquier clase, hasta la vuelta de Harry a Francia.The emperor's coming in behalf of France to order peace between them and omit all the occurrences, whatever chanced, till Harry's back return again to France.
Por lo tanto, mis señores, no omitáis ni una hora feliz que pueda dar fomento a vuestra expedición, por que ahora no tenemos pensamientos sino para Francia, salvo esos que son de Dios y se anteponen a nuestros asuntos.Therefore, my lords, omit no happy hour that may give furtherance to our expedition, for we have now no thought in us but France, save those to God that run before our business.
Por tanto, lores, no omitáis ni una hora feliz que pueda dar fomento a nuestra expedición, porque ahora no tenemos pensamientos sino para Francia,Therefore, my lords, omit no happy hour... that may give furtherance to our expedition.
Asumo que instriurás a tus sirvientes para que omitan el humor Pinocchio.I assume you'll instruct your servers to omit the Pinocchio humor.
"Ella es" porque el sujeto es omitido."She is" as the subject is omitted.
Ahora, he omitido eso, esperando que nadie pregunte, pero lo hiciste.Now, I had omitted that in hopes that no one ever asked me, but you did.
Bueno, quizás haya cambiado algunos hechos omitido detalles desagradables pero lo principal, mis sentimientos, mis ideas, mi humor ¿no es así como soy?Okay, I may have dressed up a few facts, omitted a few unpleasant details, but in the main, I mean, my feelings, my ideas, my humor... I mean, isn't that who I am? Christ.
Correcto. Pero has omitido la última palabra y la más importante:That is correct, except that you omitted the last and most important word.
Creo que lo que hay escrito es que estaba yaciendo en las aguas heladas del Támesis, lo que es verdad, aunque he omitido mencionar que dichas aguas habían sido vertidas en una bañera.I think you will find I wrote that she was lying in the icy waters of the Thames. Which indeed she was, even if I omitted to mention that the said icy waters had been decanted into a bath.
"omitiendo de valerse de secretarios y asistentes..."omitting to use secretarial staff and assistants...
Ahora cantaremos el himno 256... dos, cinco, seis... omitiendo los versos tres y cuatro.We will now sing Hymn number 256. 256, omitting verses three and four.
Está omitiendo .It's omitting.
Fabricas este escenario falsificando pruebas y omitiendo puntos claves.You are fabricating this scenario by misrepresenting the evidence and omitting key facts.
Leía tus cartas en voz alta, omitiendo detalles escabrosos.He'd read your letters aloud, omitting the more lurid details.

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