Ejecutar (to execute) conjugation

120 examples

Conjugation of ejecutar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I execute
you execute
he/she/it executes
we execute
you all execute
they execute
Present perfect tense
he ejecutado
I have executed
has ejecutado
you have executed
ha ejecutado
he/she/it has executed
hemos ejecutado
we have executed
habéis ejecutado
you all have executed
han ejecutado
they have executed
Past preterite tense
I executed
you executed
he/she/it executed
we executed
you all executed
they executed
Future tense
I will execute
you will execute
he/she/it will execute
we will execute
you all will execute
they will execute
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would execute
you would execute
he/she/it would execute
we would execute
you all would execute
they would execute
Past imperfect tense
I used to execute
you used to execute
he/she/it used to execute
we used to execute
you all used to execute
they used to execute
Past perfect tense
había ejecutado
I had executed
habías ejecutado
you had executed
había ejecutado
he/she/it had executed
habíamos ejecutado
we had executed
habíais ejecutado
you all had executed
habían ejecutado
they had executed
Future perfect tense
habré ejecutado
I will have executed
habrás ejecutado
you will have executed
habrá ejecutado
he/she/it will have executed
habremos ejecutado
we will have executed
habréis ejecutado
you all will have executed
habrán ejecutado
they will have executed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I execute
(if/so that) you execute
(if/so that) he/she/it execute
(if/so that) we execute
(if/so that) you all execute
(if/so that) they execute
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya ejecutado
I have executed
hayas ejecutado
you have executed
haya ejecutado
he/she/it has executed
hayamos ejecutado
we have executed
hayáis ejecutado
you all have executed
hayan ejecutado
they have executed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have executed
(if/so that) you have executed
(if/so that) he/she/it have executed
(if/so that) we have executed
(if/so that) you all have executed
(if/so that) they have executed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have executed
(if/so that) you have executed
(if/so that) he/she/it have executed
(if/so that) we have executed
(if/so that) you all have executed
(if/so that) they have executed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera ejecutado
I had executed
hubieras ejecutado
you had executed
hubiera ejecutado
he/she/it had executed
hubiéramos ejecutado
we had executed
hubierais ejecutado
you all had executed
hubieran ejecutado
they had executed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese ejecutado
I had executed
hubieses ejecutado
you had executed
hubiese ejecutado
he/she/it had executed
hubiésemos ejecutado
we had executed
hubieseis ejecutado
you all had executed
hubiesen ejecutado
they had executed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have executed
(if/so that) you will have executed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have executed
(if/so that) we will have executed
(if/so that) you all will have executed
(if/so that) they will have executed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere ejecutado
I will have executed
hubieres ejecutado
you will have executed
hubiere ejecutado
he/she/it will have executed
hubiéremos ejecutado
we will have executed
hubiereis ejecutado
you all will have executed
hubieren ejecutado
they will have executed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's execute!
Imperative negative mood
no ejecutes
do not execute!
no ejecute
let him/her/it execute!
no ejecutemos
let us not execute!
no ejecutéis
do not execute!
no ejecuten
do not execute!

Examples of ejecutar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Es mejor si, en vez de esperar a ejecutar a unos degenerados por sus crímenes o dejarles sumidos en su imbecilidad, la sociedad pueda prevenir su propagación por medios médicos"."It is better for all the world... "if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offsprings for crime... "or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent their propagation...
"Lamento informar que Air Europa es incapaz de ejecutar el contrato..."Regret to advise Air Europa unable to execute contract...
"Zachy--loco" en el centro de serv ... como, ya sabes, estamos tratando de ejecutar platos."Zachy-wacky" in the middle of serv... like, you know, we're trying to execute dishes.
"que el guardia responsable de la ejecución... "señala al verdugo cuando debe ejecutar al condenado... "haciendo", sigo citando:"The guardian responsible for the execution orders the executioner to execute the prisoner by giving him a discreet hand signal a few seconds after the end of the declaration."
"¿Puedes cambiar la orden por ejecutar en vez de torturar?""Can you change the order to execute rather than torture?"
"Como albacea testamentario de Red Stevens... ejecuto y asigno por la presente... el control y dominio total a Jason Stevens... del resto del patrimonio de Red... incluyendo todas sus propiedades, su cartera de acciones... e inversiones en el extranjero... con un valor total de más de dos mil millones de dólares"."As executor of the estate of Red Stevens... "I hereby execute and otherwise assign... "complete and controlling interest to Jason Stevens...
A cualquier hombre que me hable así, lo ejecuto.Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute.
Asi que ¿ustedes dos podrían salir mientras ejecuto la orden?So, you two wanna step outside while we execute the warrant?
Así que, supongamos, que yo ejecuto a uno de ellos con una bala en el cerebro, el resto de ellos se meterá bajo tierra y tú irás a cazarlos por mí, ¿no?so, let's suppose, that I execute one of them with a bullet to the brain the rest of them go under ground you're going to hunt them down for me, are ya?
Coronel, con el debido respeto, si ejecuto dicha orden, mis hombres matarían civiles inocentes.Colonel, with all due respect, if I execute this order... my men would kill innocent civilians.
Claro. Tú juzgas, tú condenas, entonces tú ejecutas.You judge,you sentence,so you execute.
Esperas 10 segundos, te levantas, caminas a la cocina y ejecutas al hijo de puta.You wait 10 seconds, you get up, you walk through the kitchen, you execute the son of a bitch.
Examinas una situación, haces un plan y lo ejecutas.You examine asituation, you plan a course of action, you execute it.
No me puedo creer que esta mujer proponga que los órganos de los reos ejecutas deberían ser extraidos sin su consentimiento.Can you believe this woman is proposing that executed prisoners should have their organs harvested without their consent? !
Porque ejecutas a todos los que te dicen algo.Because you have everybody executed who tells you anything.
"Go To" ejecuta la siguiente línea.Oh, "Go To" executes the next line.
- El ejecuta.- He executes.
- Ella ejecuta personas.She executes people.
26 de mayo, el Colonel Gois, acompañado por la Guardia Nacional y por rebeldes, ejecuta a 51 rehenes en la calle Haxo.May 26, Colonel Gois, escorted by National Guard and rebels, executes 51 hostages in Haxo Street.
- Después, lo ejecutamos.- Then we'll execute him?
- Pero no lo ejecutamos / él, está claro.But we didn't execute him. Oh, didn't we.
-Lo ejecutamos.-MEGARA 2: We execute it,
-¿No ejecutamos en el Sabbath?- We don't execute people on the Sabbath.
A discreción del comandante, por cada soldado alemán que muere, ejecutamos a diez civiles italianos.At a commander's sole discretion, for every one German soldier killed, we execute ten Italian civilians.
Todos lo ejecutáis, u os ejecuto.Everybody executes it, or I execute you.
¿Con qué derecho me juzgáis y ejecutáis?By what right do you judge and execute me?
"¿Y si la ejecutan?""What if she's executed?"
- No te ejecutan por robar en una tienda.- They don't execute for shoplifting.
-Nunca ejecutan a un papi.They'd never execute a daddy.
? Todavía ejecutan en este estado?Do you people still execute in this state?
A Paul lo ejecutan pasado mañana y quieren a Mary en casa para entonces.Paul Kane's executed the day after tomorrow and they want Mary back for his special day.
- Por si no lo viste, lo ejecuté.- In case you didn't see it, I executed him.
- Yo la planeé y la ejecuté.I planned and executed it.
Durante las purgas, ejecuté a los padres de Yuri e... hice que sentenciaran a toda su familia al Gulag donde todos perecieron.During the purges,i executed yuri's father and... Had his whole family sentenced to the gulag Where they all perished.
Es hora de pagar por los dos hombres que ejecuté.It's time to pay for the two men I executed.
Fue idea de David, y yo la ejecuté.This was David's plan executed by me.
Así que ejecutaste a mi hermana por un malentendido.So you executed my sister on a misunderstanding.
Coll, ejecutaste a un civil.Cole, you just executed a civilian.
Entraste a la casa de mi padre y ejecutaste a Helen en su maldita bata.You walked into my father's home and executed Helen in her goddamn bathrobe.
Fue mi orden y tú la ejecutaste perfectamente, y te apoyo.It was my order and you executed it flawlessly, and I stand by it.
Ha sido una delicada danza, que ejecutaste de forma brillante.It was a delicate dance, which you executed brilliantly.
- El ejecutó a un niño frente a mí.He executed a child in front of my eyes.
- Mi hijo... - ¡Su hijo ejecutó a un guardia a sangre fría!- My son... - Your son executed a guard in cold blood!
- Todas esas personas que ejecutó.All those people he's executed.
- ¿Los ejecutó?- You executed him?
-¿La policía los ejecutó?- Think the police executed them?
Id a la televisión a las 8:00 esta noche, contadle al mundo cómo ejecutasteis a mi madre, o Clark morirá.Go on television by 8:00 tonight, tell the world how you executed my mother, or Clarke dies.
Salid esta noche en televisión a las ocho y contadle al mundo cómo ejecutasteis a mi madre o Clarke morirá.Go on television by 8:00 tonight, tell the world how you executed my mother, or Clarke dies.
Venid, debéis explicarme cómo ejecutasteis vuestro brillante plan.Come, you must tell me how you executed your brilliant scheme.
Y por eso lo ejecutasteis.And so you executed him.
Y sé que les ejecutasteis.And I know that you executed them.
"Izquierdistas argelinos y franceses lo ejecutaron.""Algerians and French leftwingers executed him."
- Lo ejecutaron.- They executed him.
- O sea, lo ejecutaron.- I mean, executed.
- ¡Si hace poco que te ejecutaron!- You've been executed!
... como estos sospechosos organizaron y ejecutaron su crimen....how these suspects organized and executed this crime.
"Y ejecutaré mi gran venganza en ellos con reproches furiosos."And I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes.
A menos que nos dé el control del ordenador, ejecutaré a todos los niños de esta nave, empezando por su hijo.Unless you release the computer to our control, I will execute every child on this ship, beginning with yours.
Diles que si intentan entrar, ejecutaré a todos los rehenes.You tell them if they even try to come in here, I will execute every last hostage.
En el nombre de ÉI, que camina tras la rosa, yo ejecutaré la sentencia.In the name of He Who Walks Behind the Rows... I will execute the judgment.
Entonces ejecutaré a su funcionarios, uno por uno... y su sangre estará en sus manos.Then I will execute your officials one by one... and their blood will be on your hands.
Aquí hay un programa que ejecutará una limpieza total del sistema.There's a program on here that will execute a full system wipe.
Barbanegra vive, y vendrá a por este artefacto, y cuando lo haga, usted lo ejecutará.Blackbeard lives, and he will come for this chronometer, and when he does, you will execute him.
Como sabe, con la declaración de guerra del Presidente contra el crimen organizado la oficina del fiscal de Busán ejecutará su operación para barrer 34 bandas activas... con 550 miembros en el área de Busán desde la medianoche del viernes.As you know, with President's war against organized crime declaration, Busan Prosecutor's Office will execute its operation to sweep 34 active gangs with 550 members in Busan area starting midnight Friday.
Contamos con el elemento sorpresa, Señor Tuvok, para no mencionar un Oficial Táctico que, estoy segura, ejecutará el ataque preciso.We'll have the element of surprise, Mr. Tuvok, not to mention a Tactical Officer who l'm sure will execute a precision strike.
Cuando sepamos la dirección, uno reconocerá el terreno y vigilará... y el otro ejecutará.Once we know the location, one will scout and secure- [Wheezing] And the other will execute.
A partir de hoy, por cada francés asesinado ejecutaremos a cinco rehenes sirios.From today on for every Frenchman murdered, we will execute five Syrian hostages.
En nombre de nuestro Señor nosotros te ejecutaremos.Yuki, In the name of our Lord we will execute you.
Las ejecutaremos dentro de 76 horas si nuestras demandas preliminares no se satisfacen.We will execute them within 76 hours if our preliminary demands are not met.
Por eso es que hoy ejecutaremos otras 40 personas. Que habían sido recientemente perdonadas.That's why today we will execute another 40 people who were recently pardoned.
Pronto sabremos todo lo que queremos saber y después la ejecutaremos.We will soon know all that we need to know, and then we will execute you.
Si os equivocáis, vos mismo ejecutaréis al rey.If you are wrong, you personally will execute the King.
- Los Maquís lo ejecutarán.- The Maquis will execute him?
- Porque, Sr. Young si cambia su declaración por culpable, lo ejecutarán. ¡Morirá!Because, Mr. Young, if you change your plea to guilty, they will execute you. You will die.
- Todos los pelotones ejecutarán, un ataque frontal a lo largo de la ruta principal de la ciudad.- All platoons will execute, a forward assault along the main route to the city.
Debés volver al palacio y nadie debe saber nunca que saliste, o serás castigada y a todos nosotros nos ejecutarán.You should return to palace as be and nobody should know that you have gone, or you will be punished and they will execute us to all.
En cuanto se muera... ejecutarán la sentencia.Since he's dying... they will execute the sentence.
Si el gobernador pudiera, ejecutaría a L'ltalien 39 veces.If the Governor had his way he would execute L'Italien 39 times.
Usted ejecutaría al mariscal de Francia por cumplir con su deber?You would execute the Marshal of France for doing his duty?
Papá, yo no sabía que les ejecutarías tan horriblemente.Papa, I did not know you would execute them so horribly.
Así que, en vez de dejar que los terrícolas maten a Finn, ¿le ejecutaríamos nosotros mismos?So, instead of letting the Grounders kill Finn, we would execute him ourselves?
- Es bueno escucharlo, dado que nuestro gobiernos nos ejecutarían si se enteraran que estamos hablando.- Good to hear, since both our governments would execute us if they knew we were talking.
- Es bueno escucharlo, dado que nuestro gobiernos nos ejecutarían... si se enteraran que estamos hablando.- Good to hear, since both our governments would execute us if they knew we were talking.
Los alemanes lo ejecutarían.The Germans would execute him.
Pero deben preguntarse si ejecutarían a un hombre cuya culpabilidad no se ha probado.But you have to ask yourselves if you would execute a man whose guilt had not been proven.
- Computadora, ejecute Odo 1.- Computer, execute Odo One.
- Sr. Sulu, ejecute la orden.- Mr Sulu, execute.
Antes de que ejecute esta orden ¿está seguro de que entiende los riesgos de poseer acciones?Uh, now, before I execute this order... are you sure you understand the risks of stock ownership?
Con el satélite pronto, quiero que Matt ejecute la redistribución.When the satellite's refitted, I want Matt to execute the redeployment.
Coronel tengo miedo de que Mot, ejecute a mi padre, ya no queda tiempo.Colonel, l fear Mot will execute my father. There is not much time.
- ¿Es necesario que lo ejecutes?- Is it really necessary to execute him?
- ¿Para que me ejecutes?- To execute me ?
Le recomiendo que inmediatamente ejecutes a todos los miembros del Tercer Batallón.I recommend you immediately execute every member of the Third Battalion.
Los pones en la secuencia correcta de tiempo antes de que las ejecutes.You put them in the correct time sequence before you execute them.
Pero ahora que me ha traicionado te ordeno que lo ejecutes.But now that he's betrayed me I'm giving the order to have him executed.
Así que Nora lo arriesgó todo por ti y vas a permitir que nosotros la ejecutemos por ello.So Nora risked everything for you, and you're willing to let us execute her for it.
Cuando ejecutemos al último, habrá acabado todo.If we execute just one more person, then it will be over.
Digo que ejecutemos al chef.Well, I say let's execute the chef.
Es una decepción interminable para la policía de Nueva York que nosotros no ejecutemos en breve a la gente que arrestan.It's an endless disappointment to NYPD that we don't summarily execute people you arrest.
Recomiendo que ejecutemos un salto de emergencia a las coordenadas preparadas.I recommend we execute jump to urgency standby coordinates.
Sea lo que sea que pase, ejecutéis el ataque o no, estoy muerta y no quiero morir.Whatever happens here today, whether you execute this attack or not, I'm dead. And I don't want to be dead.
- ...cuando la ejecuten.- when she's executed.
- No dejaré que lo ejecuten.- I would not see him executed.
- Que lo ejecuten de inmediato.- Have him executed at once.
- ¿Para que lo ejecuten?So they can execute him?
- ¿Porqué salvaste su vida? ¿Para que lo ejecuten?Then why save his life, and let him be executed ?
Cuando haya muerto ejecutad a cualquiera que dé apoyo a los músicos.After my death... execute anyone... who supports a musician.
Lo habéis oído, ¡ejecutad al viejo idiota!You heard him - execute the old fool!
Pero ejecutad a Godiva... y ella se volverá una mártir de la causa Sajona. ¡Y entonces sí que habrá guerra en estas tierras!But execute Godiva... and she will become a martyr to the Saxon cause and there will indeed be war in the land!
Vamos, ejecutad mis órdenes!Come on, execute!
" El Loco Louie, ejecutado a la luz del día... estando en el Programa de protección de testigos. "Louie the Lip, executed in broad daylight under the Witness Protection Program.
" El viejo John Brown ha sido ejecutado por traición"old john brown has been executed for treason
"Carl Chan, ejecutado el 10 de enero de 1987.""Carl Chan, executed January 10th, 1987."
"Craig Sinner ejecutado en la prisión estatal... George H. W. Bush a la 1:00 A.M.""Craig Sinner executed in George H. W. Bush state prison at 1:00 A.M."
"El Capitán Roger... sabe porque el Coronel fue ejecutado... y lo que sucedió en St Arnaud.""Capt Roger "knows why Col Duplan was executed, "and what happened in St Arnaud."
- Estamos ejecutando una orden de uso indebido de drogas.We're executing a warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act.
- Está ejecutando su final de juego.- He's executing his end game.
-Están ejecutando al hombre equivocado.You're executing the wrong man.
Así que estamos forzados a demostrar nuestra resolución ejecutando un prisionero.So we are forced to demonstrate Our resolve by executing a prisoner.
Así que está ejecutando el testamento, ¿no?So, you're executing the will, are you?

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