Componer (to compose) conjugation

73 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: fix, to repair, repair, make up

Conjugation of componer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I compose
you compose
he/she/it composes
we compose
you all compose
they compose
Present perfect tense
he compuesto
I have composed
has compuesto
you have composed
ha compuesto
he/she/it has composed
hemos compuesto
we have composed
habéis compuesto
you all have composed
han compuesto
they have composed
Past preterite tense
I composed
you composed
he/she/it composed
we composed
you all composed
they composed
Future tense
I will compose
you will compose
he/she/it will compose
we will compose
you all will compose
they will compose
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would compose
you would compose
he/she/it would compose
we would compose
you all would compose
they would compose
Past imperfect tense
I used to compose
you used to compose
he/she/it used to compose
we used to compose
you all used to compose
they used to compose
Past perfect tense
había compuesto
I had composed
habías compuesto
you had composed
había compuesto
he/she/it had composed
habíamos compuesto
we had composed
habíais compuesto
you all had composed
habían compuesto
they had composed
Future perfect tense
habré compuesto
I will have composed
habrás compuesto
you will have composed
habrá compuesto
he/she/it will have composed
habremos compuesto
we will have composed
habréis compuesto
you all will have composed
habrán compuesto
they will have composed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I compose
(if/so that) you compose
(if/so that) he/she/it compose
(if/so that) we compose
(if/so that) you all compose
(if/so that) they compose
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya compuesto
I have composed
hayas compuesto
you have composed
haya compuesto
he/she/it has composed
hayamos compuesto
we have composed
hayáis compuesto
you all have composed
hayan compuesto
they have composed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have composed
(if/so that) you have composed
(if/so that) he/she/it have composed
(if/so that) we have composed
(if/so that) you all have composed
(if/so that) they have composed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have composed
(if/so that) you have composed
(if/so that) he/she/it have composed
(if/so that) we have composed
(if/so that) you all have composed
(if/so that) they have composed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera compuesto
I had composed
hubieras compuesto
you had composed
hubiera compuesto
he/she/it had composed
hubiéramos compuesto
we had composed
hubierais compuesto
you all had composed
hubieran compuesto
they had composed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese compuesto
I had composed
hubieses compuesto
you had composed
hubiese compuesto
he/she/it had composed
hubiésemos compuesto
we had composed
hubieseis compuesto
you all had composed
hubiesen compuesto
they had composed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have composed
(if/so that) you will have composed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have composed
(if/so that) we will have composed
(if/so that) you all will have composed
(if/so that) they will have composed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere compuesto
I will have composed
hubieres compuesto
you will have composed
hubiere compuesto
he/she/it will have composed
hubiéremos compuesto
we will have composed
hubiereis compuesto
you all will have composed
hubieren compuesto
they will have composed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's compose!
Imperative negative mood
no compongas
do not compose!
no componga
let him/her/it compose!
no compongamos
let us not compose!
no compongáis
do not compose!
no compongan
do not compose!

Examples of componer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El Emperador le encarga componer 'Le Nozze di Figaro'.""The Emperor commissions him to compose "Le Nozze di Figaro."
"Toilette" se dice en francés lo que yo hago para componer la imagen de belleza que ves frente a ti.Toilette is French for the things that I do to compose the vision of beauty that you see before you.
- Quiere componer música.- She wants to compose music.
- Sobre el bloqueo para componer... ¿Sabes?- The lock to compose...
- Ya tienes con qué componer.- Now you have something to compose on.
- Hace tiempo que no compongo nada.- I have not compose anything.
Como la mayor parte de mis fieles oyentes saben, Cada año compongo una parábola que espero ilumine el espíritu navideño.As most of my faithful listeners know, every year I compose a parable that I hope will illuminate the spirit of the Christmas season.
Dado que compongo mis poemas en húngaro, mi distinción parece ser la de un pájaro piando al límite de sus pulmones en una jaula insonorizada.As I compose my poems in Hungarian, my distinction resembles that of a bird chirping at the top of his lungs in a soundproof cage.
En realidad yo me escribo, me compongo, me hago los arreglos.( indistinct noise ) Actually I write, I compose, I arrange .
Escribo canciones, compongo música y también canto.I pen songs, compose music and sing. Too
Kostik, si compones un haiku, que siga el clásico patrón:Kostik, if you compose a haiku, than follow the classical pattern:
Te arriban las noticias ráfaga. Y la compones, la descompones... y la recompones, titulas, destitulas... y despues retitula, recompagina, descompagina.News come a mile a minute And then compose, recompose... ..make titles, remake them...
Tú, mi maritchka, la compones.You, my maritchka, compose it.
Ytambién compones. Eso es demasiado.And you compose, that's too much!
¿Aún tocas, compones?You still play, still compose?
Ahora, de la misma manera que esta mezcla en nuestras venas resulta normal en el cuerpo humano, la mezcla que compone el aire es normal en el mundo.Now, in the same way this mixture in our veins is normal in the human body, the mixture which composes air is normal in the world.
B - Rama de la literatura que compone ese trabajo.B--The branch of literature that composes such work.
Cyrus compone inspirado en imágenes de la naturaleza.Cyrus composes to images of nature.
Detrás del cerebelo, en el cerebro humano, hay una sección llamada Región-L que compone una particular secuéncia de ADN.Behind the cerebellum in human brains, there's a section called the L-region that composes a particular DNA sequence.
El piano, piano de jazz, y compone también.the piano, jazz piano, and he composes, too.
Construimos ciudades, componemos sinfonías y perduramos.We build cities, we compose symphonies and we endure.
Pero en compensación cuando no componéis - y cuando yo no grabo, pago igual.On the other hand, those months when you don't compose... or I don't record, I pay the same...
Si componéis unos versos ya tenemos entremés.If you've composed a few versus already we already have an appetizer.
Algunos pintan, otros componen y otros...Some paint, others they compose and others...
Debemos ser muy precisos aquí, para no caer en la trampa común de descalificar todos los elementos que componen el edificio ideológico nazi, descalificarlos de proto-fascistas.We should be here very precise - not to fall into the usual trap of disqualifying - all elements out of which the Nazi ideological edifice - is composed, to disqualify all them as proto-fascist.
En esas galaxias nacen las estrellas, calderas ardientes donde se forman todos los átomos que componen nuestro mundo.In those galaxies the stars are born. Ardent boilers where all the atoms form that they compose our world.
La red de Stargate se componen de muchísimos planetas.The Stargate network is composed of a great many worlds.
Los asteroides se componen... de una combinación de minerales sumamente inestable, senor.These asteroids are composed of a highly unstable mineral combination, sir.
"Escucha la canción que compuse mientras lloraba tu muerte"."Listen to the song l composed while mourning your death."
"me compuse a mi misma, gritando alegremente"I composed myself, calling out cheerfully,
...a Cincinnati a mi manera especial así que le compuse una pequeña canción.- To Cincinnati in my own special way, So I composed a little song.
A los 17 años... compuse mi primera melodía.At 17... I composed my first melody.
A veces vacilas. Lo compuse todo, pero nada está escrito.. ...y, sí, hay momentos en los que las ideas me abandonan.I've composed everything, but nothing is written down and yes, there are moments when my thoughts escape me.
En esta canción, compusiste la música y Mary escribió la letra, ¿cierto?For this theme song, you composed the music and Mary wrote the lyrics, right?
Escuchemos el poema que compusiste para tu prometida.Let's hear the poem you composed for your fiancée.
Patrice millones de hombres y de mujeres esperaban la música que tú compusiste para esta fiesta europea que todos esperamos y que pronto celebraremos.Patrice... millions of men... and women... were waiting for that song that you composed... for the Unification of Europe... which we all hope to celebrate soon.
Patrice, millones de hombres y mujeres esperaron la música que compusiste para la unificación de Europa que todos esperamos celebrar pronto.Patrice... millions of men... and women... were waiting for that song that you composed... for the Unification of Europe... which we all hope to celebrate soon.
- ¿Qué, crees que la compuso ella? - Tal vez.- What, you think she composed it?
Ahora les leeré un trozo del poema que 51 compuso a los 17 para una tal Jacqueline.Now I will read a poem that 51 composed at the age of 17 for a certain Jacqueline.
Al despertar, recordó la "Tumba de los Lamentos" que compuso cuando su esposa lo dejó para ir a reunirse con la muerte y sintió mucha sed.When waking up, remembered the "Tomb of the Moans" that composed when its wife I leave it ' to go to meet with the death and felt much thirst.
Algunas las compuso pensando en mí.He composed some of them thinking of me.
Allí Mastropiero compuso la pieza que escucharemos a continuación:There Mastropiero composed the piece we shall hear next:
La compusimos nosotros mismos.We composed it ourselves.
La música de "La montaña sagrada" la compusimos Don Cherry y yo.The music of "The Holy Mountain" was composed by Don Cherry and myself.
¡Ahora vamos a cantar una canción que compusimos ayer!Now we will sing a song which we have composed yesterday!
Ellos son y no otros, quienes fundaron religiones, y compusieron grandes obras.They are and not others, who founded religions and composed great works.
Las ajorcas de la fille(hija) compusieron música.The bangles of the fille, composed music
Pero en mi opinión, el secreto enterrado en la Biblia es que esta historia ha sido fabricada hábilmente por los escribas que compusieron estos textos antiguos.But in my opinion, the secret buried in the Bible is that this history has been skilfully manufactured by the scribes who composed these ancient texts.
Vinicius y Tom Jobim estuvieron en Brasília... cuando la construían y compusieron la Sinfonía de Brasília.Vinicius and Tom went to Brasília... during its construction and composed the Brasília Symphony.
¿Es verdad que ese vals se lo compusieron en honor a usted?Is it true the waltz was composed as a homage to you?
Gao compondrá el himno, está dicho.That Gao will compose the anthem is set.
Kelsi compondrá, Ryan hará la coreografía y yo la dirigiré.Kelsi will compose, Ryan will choreograph - and I will direct. - Thank you.
A ella nunca le ha gustado la idea de que yo componga.She never liked the idea of me being a composer anyway.
Cuando deje de dirigir, y componga todo el tiempo en vez de hacerlo solo en vacaciones, será diferente.When I can give up conducting altogether and compose all the time instead of just during the holidays it'll be different.
Que un compositor como Boroff componga la música de una película capitalista...For a composer like Boroff to write the music for a capitalistic picture...
Quieren que yo componga una canción para su próxima película.They want me to compose a song in their next film.
Todo lo que componga aquí te lo dedicaré a ti.Everything I compose here I will dedicate to you.
Adiós, pero por favor, no compongas más músicas.Farewell, but compose no more music.
Bueno, será mejor que trabajes y compongas algo realmente brillante que le calle la boca de una vez por todas.Yeah? Well, you better get to work and just compose something so undeniably brilliant that it'll shut her up for good.
Después de eso aunque compongas una de las más grandes sinfonías jamás escrita nadie la escuchará porque nadie querrá nada que ver contigo.After that, even if you compose one of the greatest symphonies ever written, no one will hear it, because no one will want anything to do with you.
Mientras pueda alimentarse de la melodías que compongas, ¿no?Meanwhile he can eat the melodies you compose. Is that it?
¿No crees que ya es hora de que compongas algo para ti?Don't you think it's time you composed something for yourself?
Por tanto, querido colega, si permitís un consejo componed una música simple, ligera, escuchable para que también los paladares finos puedan digerirla y saborear el espectáculoTherefore, my dear fellow, if you permit me to advise: compose music that is simple, light, listenable so that the fine palates can both digest and enjoy the show
"Cuando me oiga gruñir, no me moleste, que estoy componiendo."When you're hear me groan, don't worry, I'm composing.
"y componiendo baladas dolientes a la ceja de su amada."And composing ballads mourners the brow of his beloved.
- Estoy componiendo un soneto.- I'm composing a sonnet.
- Estoy componiendo.I am composing.
Atender tan bondadosamente mi muy humilde plegaria me obligaría a una veneración infinita y yo me ofrezco como deudor obediente a probar mi celo infatigable componiendo, cada vez que lo desée Su Alteza Real, tanto música de iglesia,"Such a gracious granting would pledge me to infinite veneration, "and I offer myself, at all times, at Your Royal Highness' desire, "to show my diligence in composing church as well as orchestral music, and to dedicate my entire strength to Your service."
"Grand Declaration of War" esta mas pensado y no tan agresivo, pero mejor compuesto.The "Grand Declaration of War" is more wellthought and not that aggressive, but more wellcomposed.
"La luz es un movimiento lumínico compuesto por cuerpos lúcidos""Light is a luminary movement composed of lucid bodies,"
"Menos del 5°/ del cosmos está compuesto de los mismos elementos que la vida humana"."Less than 5% of the cosmos is composed of the same elements that compose human life."
"Sí, yo he compuesto música para la campaña electoral del Dr. Alberto Ortega; porque el Dr. Alberto Ortega siempre supo poner por encima de los mezquinos intereses partidistas, los supremos intereses personales."Yes, l have composed music for the election campaign of Dr. Alberto Ortega; because Dr. Alberto Ortega always subordinated petty party interests to supreme personal interests.
- Ha compuesto una pieza preciosa.- She composed the loveliest song.

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