Jooksen läbi hiie ja ulun. Need on kõigest unenäod. | I'm running through the Godswood howling. |
Jooksen läbi hiie ja ulun. | I'm running through the Godswood howling. |
Ma jooksen läbi hiie ja nuusutan maad. Tunnen suus vere maiku pärast looma tapmist. Ma ulun. | I'm running through the Godswood, sniffing the dirt, tasting blood in my mouth when I've made a fresh kill, howling. |
Ma pean põhimõtteliselt kellegi tapma, ja siis, pauk, järgmise täiskuu ajal, ulun ma neljakäpukil. | I basically have to cause death, And then, boom, next full moon, I'm howling on all fours. |
- Ja siis ulud kuu poole. | - And then you howl at the moon. |
Ja kui tunned ta lõhna, tõstad pea üles ja ulud. | When you smell him, lift up your head and howl. |
Mida sa raibe ulud? | What are you howling, wicked? |
Ja nii igal ööl, ta vaatab üles taevasse... ja näeb kuud ning ulub tema nime. | And every night he looks up in the sky and sees the moon and howls her name. |
Kas sa üldse tead, miks hunt ulub? | Do you even know why a wolf howls? |
Kui hunt on üksi, ta ulub signaale oma asukoha kohta ülejäänud karjale. | When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. |
Esimese asjane võtame omale kuuese paki Lucky Lagerit... ja ronime selle kuulsa Hollywoodi kirja otsa ja ulume sealt kuu poole. | By God, the first thing we'll do is get a six-pack of Lucky Lager and we'll climb up to that famous Hollywood sign and we'll howl at the moon. |
Ja lähme ulume selle kuu poole. | And let's go take a howl at that moon. |
Kui ütlesin, et vaatame osakeste kiirendi sisse lülitamist, mõtlesin pigem, et rebime riided seljast ja ulume kuu poole. | - You know, when I said we should watch The particle accelerator turn on, I just meant we should get naked and howl at the moon. |
Lähme ulume selle kuu poole. | Let's go take a howl at that moon. |
Te ulute täna väga hästi, semud. | Oh, you'll howl real good today, fellas. |
Te ärkate iga päev oma 21 tollise ekraani ees ja ulute Ameerikast ja demokraatiast. | You get up on your little 21 inch screen and howl about America and democracy. |
" Jälitatavad röövlid uluvad...kui kuulevad ta urisemist " | " Hounding hoodlums with a howl...hear his growl " |
"Ära mata mind... vanasse preeriasse, kus koiotid uluvad." | Oh, bury me not On the old prairie Where the coyotes howl |
Siis ulus öö otsa. Nüüd joob ta ainult õlut. | And he howled all night... |
Siis ulus öö otsa. | Then he howled all night. |
Tema advokaadid lasid Tedi uurida,kuna pärast tema tegusid ronis ta metsas puu otsa,kus ta ka tappis tüdruku, ja ulus nagu koer. | His lawyers asked me to have a look at him because after his deeds were done he climbed into the trees of the forest where he killed her and howled like a dog. |
Tema advokaadid lasid Tedi uurida,kuna pärast tema tegusid- -ronis ta metsas puu otsa,kus ta ka tappis tüdruku, ja ulus nagu koer. | His lawyers asked me to have a look at him because after his deeds were done... ...he climbed into the trees of the forest where he killed her... ...and howled like a dog. |
Aleu kallis, palun ära ulu niimoodi. | [ Howling ] Aleu, honey, please don't howl like that. |
Ära ulu nii kõvasti ! | For howling out loud ! |
Kui ma ta autosse jätan, siis ta hakkab nutma, uluma. | If I leave him in the car, he cries, he howls. I can't leave him in the car. |
Ta peaks nina täis võtma ja kuu poole uluma. | What she needs to do is get drunk and howl at the moon. |
- See on õige. Ainult ära omadele räägi, et pärast seda, kui kõik kätte saad, tahaks hundina uluda. | Only don't tell them that once you've gotten everything you wanted you feel like howling. |