Vastavalt leegioni sõnadele, teostan ma nii legendaarseid asju, et mind tuntakse terves galaktikas. | According to the Legion... ...I will accomplish things so legendary, I'll be known throughout the galaxy. [SCOFFS] |
Kuidas te seda teostate? | 'How do you accomplish such a thing?' |
Nad mõlemad teostavad ühte asja. Rong ei ole enam liikuv. | They both accomplish one thing The train is no longer mobile. |
Ta teostas kaks asja. | Well, he is accomplished at two things. |
Et seda teostada, peaks olema su pangaröövlil teadmised nihutamise kohta kvantum füüsikas, mitte mainimata jätta tehnoloogiat, mis maksaks rohkem, kui tosin panka suudaks hoida. | To accomplish this, your bank robbers would need Cutting edge knowledge of quantum physics, Not to mention technology that would cost more |
Ja tänapäeval on palju arenenud vahendeid selleks mis suudaksid just seda teostada. Kui need poleks blokeeritud vajadusest konkureerida turu jagamisel eksisteerivate energia struktuuridega. | And there are many advanced mediums today which could accomplish just that, if they were not hindered by the need to compete for market share with the established energy power structures. |
Kuidas me saaksime seda teostada? | H - How would we accomplish that? |
Me oleme teostanud kaks SPECTRE nimel põhinevat funktsiooni: Terrorism ja väljapressimine. | We have accomplished two of the functions that the name SPECTRE embodies, terror and extortion. |
No olgu siis... Olemegi vist teostanud kõik, mis täna hommikul teha oli. | I think we've accomplished everything we're going to this morning. |
Olemegi vist teostanud kõik, mis täna hommikul teha oli. | I think we've accomplished everything we're going to this morning. |
Sa oled ennast teostanud naine, sul on hämmastav karjäär ja tuhandeid sõpru ja sa istud siin ja käitud nagu sa oleks eimiski ilma minuta. | You're an accomplished woman, you have an amazing career and tons of friends, and you are sitting here and acting like you are a "Big Nothing" without me. |
Me oleme teostanud kaks SPECTRE nimel põhinevat funktsiooni: Terrorism ja väljapressimine. | We have accomplished two of the functions that the name SPECTRE embodies, terror and extortion. |