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Seisma (to stand) conjugation

74 examples

Conjugation of seisma

Pass. Neg.
Present tense
I stand
you stand
he/she/it stands
we stand
you all stand
they stand
ei seisa
(do/does) not stand
it is stood
ei seista
it is not stood
Past tense
I stood
you stood
he/she/it stood
we stood
you all stood
they stood
ei seisnud
did not stand
it was stood
ei seistud
it was not stood
Conditional mood
seisaksin, seisaks
I would stand
seisaksid, seisaks
you would stand
he/she/it would stand
seisaksime, seisaks
we would stand
seisaksite, seisaks
you all would stand
seisaksid, seisaks
they would stand
ei seisaks
would not stand
it would be stood
ei seistaks
it would not be stood
Imperative mood
let him/her/it stand
let's stand
let them stand
be stood
Imperative negative mood
ära seisa
do not stand
ärgu seisku
let him/her/it not stand
ärgem seiskem, ärme seisame
let him/her/it not stand
ärge seiske
do not stand
ärgu seisku
let them not stand
ärgu seistagu
do not be stood
Infinitive -ma
Infinitive -da
Past active participle
Past passive participle
been stood
Pass. Neg.
Perfect tense
olen seisnud
I have stood
oled seisnud
you have stood
on seisnud
he/she/it has stood
oleme seisnud
we have stood
olete seisnud
you all have stood
on seisnud
they have stood
ei ole seisnud, pole seisnud
(have/has) not stood
on seistud
it has been stood
ei ole seistud, pole seistud
it has not been stood
Pluperfect past tense
olin seisnud
I had stood
olid seisnud
you had stood
oli seisnud
he/she/it had stood
olime seisnud
we had stood
olite seisnud
you all had stood
oli seisnud
they had stood
ei olnud seisnud, polnud seisnud
had not stood
oli seistud
it had been stood
ei olnud seistud, polnud seistud
it had not been stood
Conditional perfect mood
oleksin seisnud; oleks seisnud; seisnuksin; seisnuks
I would have stood
oleksid seisnud; oleks seisnud; seisnuksid; seisnuks
you would have stood
oleks seisnud; seisnuks
he/she/it would have stood
oleksime seisnud; oleks seisnud; seisnuksime; seisnuks
we would have stood
oleksite seisnud; oleks seisnud; seisnuksite; seisnuks
you all would have stood
oleksid seisnud; oleks seisnud; seisnuksid; seisnuks
they would have stood
ei oleks seisnud; poleks seisnud; ei seisnuks
would not have stood
oleks seistud
it would have been stood
ei oleks seistud; poleks seistud
it would not have been stood
Quotative tense
he/she/it (allegedly) stands
ei seisvat
(allegedly) does not stand
(allegedly) it is stood
ei seistavat
(allegedly) it is not stood
Pass. Neg.
Quotative perfect tense
olevat seisnud; seisnuvat
he/she/it (allegedly) has stood
ei olevat seisnud; polevat seisnud; ei seisnuvat
(allegedly) has not stood
olevat seistud
(allegedly) it has been stood
ei olevat seistud; polevat seistud
(allegedly) it has not been stood
Jussive mood
so that he/she/it stand
ärgu seisku
so that he/she/it do not stand
so that it be stood
ärgu seistagu
so that it not be stood
Jussive perfect mood
olgu seisnud
so that he/she/it have stood
ärgu olgu seisnud
so that he/she/it do not have stood
olgu seistud
so that it have been stood
ärgu olgu seistud
so that it not have been stood
des form
ma inessive
ma elative
ma translative
ma abessive
participle pres. active
participle pres. passive
Other forms
while standing
while standing
(due to/following/for) standing
for the purpose of standing
without stand
that can be stood
being stood

Examples of seisma

Example in EstonianTranslation in English
"Hei, mina olen Kirk Kettner ja ma olen siin, seisan sinu ees... siinsamas."Hey, I am Kirk Kettner and I am right here, standin' in front of you right here.
"Ime minu elus pole mitte see, et elasin üle lastehalvatuse ja et seisan täna siin."The miracle in my life is not that I survived polio and am standing here today.
"Kas seisad püsti või istud maha?" Selleks ajaks ma..."Are you standin' up or sittin' down?" By that time I...
"Kas seisad püsti või istud maha?""Are you standin' up or sittin' down?"
"Sa saad esimese kuuli kohe, kui mikrofoni juurde seisad. " ...alljuht Harvey Milk."You get the first bullet the minute you stand at the microphone. ' ' ...Supervisor Harvey Milk.
"Anarhia "seisab inim mõistuse vabastamise eest"Anarchism stands for liberation of the human mind...
"Karastatuna ebaõnnes, seisab ta Ameerika, kõige võimsamate vägede kõrval,""Forged by adversity, he stands alongside America 's finest special operations forces
"Nagu tähed, mil taga tule- ja verejutt, katastroofid Päikesel ja niiske õhk... seisab Neptuni impeerium. "As stars with trains of fire and dues of blood... disaster's in the sun and the moist air... upon whose influence Neptune's empire stands... "
"A," me seisame siin ja üritame üksteist tappa- sel juhul ei saa keegi raha, vaid surma- või "B," liigume soost välja, teeme oma vahetuse ja võtame oma nutsu.A - we stand here and try to kill each other, but then no one gets paid and someone gets dead, or - B - we get out of the swamp, make our drop and collect our dough.
"A," me seisame siin ja üritame üksteist ära tappa- sel juhul ei saa keegi raha, vaid keegi saab surma- või "B," liigume soost välja, teeme oma vahetuse ja võtame oma nutsu."A," we stand here and try to kill each other- and then no one gets paid and someone gets dead- or "B," we get out of the swamp, make our drop and collect our dough.
"Lehvita lippu Hudson Highborn'ile, näita neile kuidas me seisame!"# Wave the flag for Hudson High, boys # # Show them how we stand #
- Carol? Teie ei hooli, vaid seisate seal ja sosistate minust nagu alati.You don't care and just stand there... ...and whisper to each other about me,
- Jah. Te seisate tema peal?Yeah. you're standing on him, aren't you?
- Miks te seisate?- Why you standing there?
"Kui need rahvused seisavad kõrvuti, mil iganes nad on vääratanud, on türannia kogunud jõudu.""As these nations stand together", "whenever they have faltered, tyranny has gathered strength".
Aga ma ei seisa lava taga!But I will not stand in the back!
Aga ma tegutsen ja ei seisa käed rüpes midagi tehes.But I will act and I will not stand by and do nothing.
"Ja ma seisin mereliiva peal Ja nägin koletist kes tõusis merest.""And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea".
"Neli elu ühe vastu." Ma seisin seal ja kuulasin."Four lives against one." I just stood there hearing him over and over.
- Ma seisin ja vaatasin, kuidas ta magab.I stood looking at her while she was asleep and I could have...
- Jah, olen kindel. Benny ja Agneta seisid umbes siin.- Benny and Agneta stood here.
- Sa lihtsalt seisid seal, kui nad üritasid meid tappa.- You just stood there. When they were going to kill us.
- Sa seisid enda eest. - Ma olin sulle ikka võlgu.- You stood up for yourself.
- Sa seisid enda eest.- You stood up for yourself.
" Hämmastunult saatan seisis... ja tundis kui kohutav on headus."- [ Engine Revs ] - "Abashed the devil stood... and felt how awful goodness is." "And felt how awful goodness is."
" Next, kellele ta seisis, vaikselt, muutub... ""Next to whom he stood, quietly, becoming..."
"Haud seisis puutumata ja linades surnud... kriiskasid ja vadistasid Rooma tänavatel. "The grave stood tenantless... and the sheeted dead did squeak and gibber... in the Roman streets.
"Haud seisis puutumata ja linades surnud... kriiskasid ja vadistasid Rooma tänavatel."The grave stood tenantless... And the sheeted dead did squeak and gibber... In the Roman streets.
"Hämmeldunult saatan seisis... Ja tundis, kui kohutav on headus."Abash, the devil stood... and felt how awful goodness is.
"Modellid". Me seisime liikumatult, et ta saaks meid maalida.We stood very still, so he could paint us.
- Me seisime tapaväljadel!We stood in a field of carnage.
1914 seisime vastu Austria-Ungari impeeriumile ja me saime neist jagu.In 1914, we stood against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and we brought it down.
Aga ta tõusis alati jalule, ning meie seisime ta kõrval just nii nagu tema meiegi kõrval seisis.But he always rose above, and we stood by him, just like he stood by us.
Ja surete täna teadmises, et seisite vend vennaga kõrvutiIf you should die this day, die with the faith that you have stood shield to shield with your brothers.
Kui te ütlesite, et seisite seljaga kosmose poole... - Just. ... kuidas teil see õieti õnnestus?When you say that you stood with your back to space...Yes. ...how exactly did you achieve that?
Kui te ütlesite, et seisite seljaga kosmose poole... - Just.When you say that you stood with your back to space...
Kus te täpselt selle kammajaa ajal seisite?So, where were you actually stood during all of this kafuffle?
Ja sina seisaksid tema kõrval.And you would stand beside him.
Kuidas sa saad olla kindel John seisaksid selle täpse koha?How could you be sure John would stand on that exact spot?
Ma tõesti arvasin, et kui kohtume ühise vaenlasega, kes tahab hävitada meie linna ja kõike, mille eest see võitleb, siis seisaksid sa meie kõrval.I truly believed that, when faced with a common enemy, an enemy that wants to destroy our town and everything it stands for, that you would stand with us.
Stannis istuks praegu troonil. Ja sina seisaksid tema kõrval.Stannis would now sit upon his rightful throne, and you would stand beside him.
Peale kõva lärmi, lasi ta meid tasuta sisse... lootes, et me seisaksime vaikselt taga, ega suitsetaks.After a lot of bad noise he let us in for nothing... provided we would stand quietly in the back and not smoke.
Peale kõva lärmi, lasi ta meid tasuta sisse... lootes, et me seisaksime vaikselt tagapool, ega suitsetaks.After a lot of bad noise, he let us in for nothing, provided we would stand quietly at the back and not smoke.
"Ta ei seisa paigal.""He won't stand still !"
"Ära lihtsalt seisa seal!""Don't just stand there!"
- Alison, ma austan su unikaalsust ja isiksust. Ja sa oled iseenda peremees ja kui sa tahad oma uute sõpradega... ühe dringi võtta, siis ma ei seisa sul ees.If you want to go with our new friends. . . . . .I won't stand in your way.
- Baby, seisa sirgelt.Baby, stand up straight.
"Palun seiske kollase joone taha.""Please stand behind the yellow line!"
- Palun, seiske eemale.- Please, stand back.
- Siis ärge seiske!- Then don't stand!
- Ärge seiske niisama.- Don't just stand there!
Palun ära seisa seal ning ära tule mulle ütlema, et sul ei ole õrna aimugi, kus su isa...Please do not stand there and tell me - that you have no idea where your father--
"See, kes tahab õppida lendama, peab enne õppima seisma ja kõndima.""He who would learn to fly must first learn to stand and walk."
- Ei, jääge seisma.-No, remain standing.
- Gibbs! Me peame seisma jääma.We have to make a stand .
""Me ei saa siin seista...sa oled aluspesus."Anyway, we can't stand here...in your underwear.
"Me ei saa siin seista...sa oled aluspesus."Anyway, we can't stand here...in your underwear.
"Pange selga Jumala sõjavarustus, et te suudaksite seista kuradi salanõude vastu.""Put on the whole armor of God, "that he may be able to stand the wiles of the devil.
"See toimus Nikaias, kus neljandal sajandil maailma piiskopid kuulutasid, et ohverdades Jumala Poja, sai inimene üheks Jumalaga, olles esimest korda üle kõigist elusolenditest, et seista Jumala kõrval Taevas.""For it was there at Nicene... that the world's fourth-century bishops... declared that with the sacrifice of God's Son man became one with God, for the first time Iifted above all other creations... to stand at His side in Heaven."
* kuigi tundub, et mul paks nahk. * * Ja see tegi mulle haiget, kui sõbrad * * kunagi allatuult ei seisnud *" Though I seem thick-skinned " And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind
* kunagi allatuult ei seisnud ** Never stood downwind *
- Igal tasandil oled seisnud...On every level, you've stood...
- Kindlalt oled mu kõrval seisnud.- Granted, you stood by me.
Ma olen seisnud selles punktis nii palju kordi, oodates, et sa midagi ütleksid ja sa otsustad seda teha praegu?I have stood in this spot so many times, just waiting for you to say something, and you decide to do it now?
Ma olen seisnud teie mõlema kõrval.I stood by you and I have stood by him,
Adam Lang on seisnud sõjas terroristide vastu Ameerika kõrval ja ma olen uhke seismaks tema kõrval sel pärastlõunal.Adam Lang has stood by America's side in the war against terror, and I'm proud to stand by his side this afternoon.
Kuid selle India Hotelli haldaja ja vastutava juhatajana võin teile uhkusega öelda, et see hoone on seisnud sajandeid ja seisab veel sama kaua 100% tip-top korras.But, as the manager." and chief executive supervising officer of this Marigold Hotel, I can tell you with great pride that the building has stood for centuries... and will continue to stand for many more in 100% shipshape condition.
Läbi meie ajaloo oleme seisnud tagapool oma vapratest juhtidest, kes kaitsesid me kultuuri ja tavasid maailma eest, mis muidu oleks näinud meid hääbumas.Throughout our history we have stood behind brave leaders who protected our culture and traditions from a world that would see us gone.
Me seisame vabade inimestena, oleme seisnud aegade algusest - seisnud vastu tugevatele, kõrilõikajatele, spekulantidele.We stand as free humans have stood since the beginning of time - against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
Keegi oli seisnud umbes...siin.Someone had stood about... here.
Mind huvitab, kas me satume kunagi ka püsti seistes kokku.I wonder if we'll ever bump into each other while standing up.
Siis ma ei pea ju oma eravalduses seistes lollidele küsimustele vastama.Then, I don't have to answer stupid questions while standing on my own property. Let's go.
Inimesed seisaks kolm tundi järjekorras, et siia saada.People would stand in line for 3 hours if I opened a club.
Kui visata hobuseraud potti, kas arvad, et see seisaks püsti?If one tossed a horseshoe into the pot, do you think it would stand erect?

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