50 sekundit ja ma elimineerin ühe. | 50 seconds and then I'm gonna eliminate one. |
Hästi. 50 sekundit ja ma elimineerin ühe. | OK. 50 seconds and then I'm gonna eliminate one. |
Leian kõik terminalid, elimineerin nad üksteise järel. | I'll scan the terminals, I can eliminate them one by one. |
Sest ma elimineerin Sanada. | If I eliminate Sanada. |
Ja pealegi sa lihtsalt elimineerid pooled oma klassi tüdrukutest. | And besides, you just eliminated about 50 percent of the girls in our class. |
Ainult vastasmängija tabamine elimineerib tema. | Only striking an opposing player eliminates them. |
Loits, mille Rändurid Mystic Fallsile panid, elimineerib hingede maagia, nii et samal ajal kui minu rahval on endiselt juurdepääs maa puhtaima maagia juurde, su sõbralt Tylerilt rebitakse maha kõik, mis nõiad temaga teinud on, esmalt ta hübriidi poole, siis ta vampirismi, | The spell the travelers cast across Mystic Falls eliminates spirit magic, so while my people continue to have access to the earth's purest magic, your friend Tyler will be stripped of everything the witches did to him, |
Rändurite loits, mis laotub üle Mystic Fallsi elimineerib hingede maagia. | The spell the travelers cast across Mystic Falls - eliminates spirit magic. |
See elimineerib looduslikud edud. | It eliminates natural advantages |
Aga nüüd elimineerime halva mõju tema üle. | But now let's eliminate the bad influence corrupting her. |
Ja ma unistan, et mustad ja valged, ja punased ja kollased ühinevad käsikäes, kui üks mees ja minu ebamaise juhtimise abil me elimineerime rassismi meie suurepäraselt maalt. | And I dream that blacks and whites, and reds and yellows... ...will be brought together hand in hand as one... ...and under my divine guidance... ...we will eliminate racism from this great country of ours. |
Kell on kolm hommikul, me jätkame seni, kuni elimineerime veel ühe mängija. | It's three a.m. We'll stay until we eliminate one more player. |
Aga Rodney tehtud täiustused elimineerivad igasuguse ohu. | I was just as concerned about doing this as you, but the adjustments Rodney's made to this technology eliminate any danger. |
Kaks meest hiilivad vaikselt ligi, väldivad vahimehi ja elimineerivad vahiposti peamasti otsas. | Two men approach quietly, evade a handful of sentries and eliminate the watch on the mainmast. |
Nad toovad turule tema geneetilise koodi ning elimineerivad ta. | They're going to market his genetic codes and eliminate him. |
Päev, mil Smersh elimineeris James Bondi. | The day Smersh finally eliminated the original James Bond. |
See elimineeris toitumiskäed, aktiveeris nende seedimissüsteemid, samamoodi nagu ka simulatsioonil, aga kahjuks lõi see ka nakkava vähisarnase haiguse, samal ajal kui see nõrgendas nende immuunsüsteeme. | It eliminated their feeding hands, it activated their digestive systems, just like it did in the simulation, but, unfortunately, it also created a virulent cancer-like disease at the same time that it was weakening their immune systems. |
Suremine elimineeris su reisija. | Dying eliminated your passenger. Hang on. |
See on päev, kui me elimineerisime türanni. | It is the day we eliminated a tyrant. |
Kui sa jõuad selle välja lõppu, elimineeri kõik kindlustused. | - Yeah. When you get to the end ofthat field, eliminate all strongpoints on those ridges. |
CTU peab elimineerima Assadi. | CTU needs to eliminate Assad. |
Ilmselt see, kelle me elimineerima peame. | it must be the one they want us to eliminate. |
Ja Hr Bauer, kui mõni nendest agentidest kaubikus satuvad teele ette, pead sa nad elimineerima, või su tütar sureb. | Oh, and Mr. Bauer, if any of those agents in that van get in the way, you will have to eliminate them, or your daughter will die. |
Kui me paljastame SD-6, peame elimineerima nende relvaallika, Ineni Hassani. | If we're gonna bring down SD-6, we have to eliminate their source of arms, lneni Hassan. |
Ma peaksin elimineerima 4400. | I'm supposed to eliminate the 4400. That's right. |
- Irooniline, kui su isa tapjad üritavad elimineerida kõik tunnistajad, on ainus asi, mis neid elus hoiab, nende vangistus. | The irony is, if your father's killers are trying to eliminate witnesses, the only thing keeping your family alive right now is their captivity. |
Ainus viis elimineerida hingega nukku on välja tirida ta silmad ja peamaha võtta. | Only way to eliminate a doll with a soul is to rid of its eyes and behead it. |
EI, me ei saa elimineerida Kesk-Läänt ega üthegi ala raketi raadiuses. | No, we can't eliminate the Midwest or any region within the missile's flying range. |
Eesmärk on elimineerida vastasmängijad. Kui kõik vastasmängijad on elimineeritud, siis allesjäänud võidavad. | Once all the players on one team are eliminated, the opposing team wins. |
Arvestades viimase ajal suurtes kogustes leiduvate laipadega, arvasin, et Lex on elimineerinud kõik oma vaenlased. | Given the large number of dead bodies rolling around lately, I thought that Lex had eliminated all of his enemies. |
Kas me ei elimineerinud teda pärast kogu seda salsajuhtumit? | Hadn't we eliminated him as a suspect after the whole salsa incident? |
Nad võivad olla ta elimineerinud. | They may have eliminated him. |
Biooht on elimineeritud. | The bio threat's been eliminated. |
Kui peamast on elimineeritud, anna märguanne. | Once the mainmast watch has been eliminated, hoist your signal. |
Ma kasutasin oma õigust võimuloleva Nõukogu juhina, et välja kuulutada sõjaseisukord, kuni ma olen veendunud, et igasugune oht meie turvalisusele on elimineeritud. | I've exercised my right as acting council leader to declare martial law until im confident that any threat to our security has been eliminated. |
Tulnukpatogeen on elimineeritud. | As far as I can tell, the alien pathogen has been eliminated. |
Operatsioon Terasrusikas on läbitud, me oleme elimineerinud terroristid. | Operation Steelfist is a success. We have eliminated the terrorists. |
Kui peamast on elimineeritud, anna märguanne. | Once the mainmast watch has been eliminated, hoist your signal. |
Ma kasutasin oma õigust võimuloleva Nõukogu juhina, et välja kuulutada sõjaseisukord, kuni ma olen veendunud, et igasugune oht meie turvalisusele on elimineeritud. | I've exercised my right as acting council leader to declare martial law until im confident that any threat to our security has been eliminated. |
Tulnukpatogeen on elimineeritud. | As far as I can tell, the alien pathogen has been eliminated. |