En resposta a aquest fet, la família o clan Al Mekdad va començar a segrestar sirians, que es creu que pertanyien a l'ESL, a més de dos ciutadans turcs. | In response, the Al Mekdad Family or clan started kidnapping Syrians, who are thought to belong to the FSA, as well as two Turkish citizens. |
A l'abril del 2014, Boko Haram va segrestar 276 nenes escolars a Chibok, Nigèria, i es va generar una campanya global amb l'etiqueta #BringBackOurGirls (torneu-nos les nostres nenes). | In April 2014, Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria, leading to a global campaign under the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls. |
Aquesta és la raó per la qual les ciutats com París, Londres, Nova York, Brussel·les, Suïssa són importants . Quan va segrestar les nenes a Maiduguri , es va demanar a França, Gran Bretanya o Estats Units que proporcionessin recursos per ajudar a salvar-les? Per descomptat que no. | That's why Paris, London, New York, Brussels, Switzerland are important When the girls were kidnapped in Maiduguri , did you tell tell France, Britain or the United States to provide resources to help retrieve them, of course, not. |
Van disparar a un doble, a I'autèntic el van segrestar. | That was his double who was shot Van Meer himself was kidnapped |
Em sembla bé, però abans vull saber per què el van segrestar. | It's all right with me but I would like to know why they kidnapped him |
Per que segrestes la teva pròpia filla? | Why'd you kidnap your own daughter ? |
Fischer que la seva filla esta en mans d'algú molt perillos i que treballa com ell quan segresta a algú. | I walk in in Fisher's office and I tell him that his daughter is in the hands of someone who means business just as he means business when he kidnaps people |
faig saber al Sr. Fischer que la seva filla esta en mans d'algú molt perillos i que treballa com ell quan segresta a algú. Crec que ens entendrem. | I let Fisher know that his daughter is in the hands of someone... who means business just as he does when he kidnaps people... |
12 d'agost: Hassan Salim el Mekdad , un altre xiïta, va ser segrestat a Síria, presumptament també per l'ELS. | August 13: Hassan Salim el Mekdad, another Shiite, was kidnapped in Syria, allegedly by the FSA too. |
Qui t'ha dit que t'han segrestat? | Who said you were kidnapped? |
Un famos diplomàtic es segrestat davant meu i no puc explicar-ho. | A famous diplomat is kidnapped right under my own eyes and I muscle in |
Almenys podries parlar. No esta bé que posis aquesta cara nómes per que te segrestat i té apartat de les teves obligacions | Well' you might at least talk to me, it's unfair of you to sit there just because I kidnapped you from your so called duties |
Tú m'has segrestat? | You kidnapped me? |
Ara pregunti's, quin tipus d'home segrestaria aquells nens només per impressionar-nos al trobar-los? | Now ask yourself, what sort of man would kidnap those kids just so he can impress us all by finding them? |
Sep, però drogant i segrestant gent? | Yeah,but drugging and kidnapping people? |
- Sí. L'Alonzo gestiona el casino il·legal més important d'Starling City quan no està enfeinat segrestant gent. | Alonzo runs the biggest underground casino in Starling City when he's not busy kidnapping. |