Secuestrar (to kidnap) conjugation

106 examples

Conjugation of secuestrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I kidnap
you kidnap
he/she/it kidnaps
we kidnap
you all kidnap
they kidnap
Present perfect tense
he secuestrado
I have kidnapped
has secuestrado
you have kidnapped
ha secuestrado
he/she/it has kidnapped
hemos secuestrado
we have kidnapped
habéis secuestrado
you all have kidnapped
han secuestrado
they have kidnapped
Past preterite tense
I kidnapped
you kidnapped
he/she/it kidnapped
we kidnapped
you all kidnapped
they kidnapped
Future tense
I will kidnap
you will kidnap
he/she/it will kidnap
we will kidnap
you all will kidnap
they will kidnap
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would kidnap
you would kidnap
he/she/it would kidnap
we would kidnap
you all would kidnap
they would kidnap
Past imperfect tense
I used to kidnap
you used to kidnap
he/she/it used to kidnap
we used to kidnap
you all used to kidnap
they used to kidnap
Past perfect tense
había secuestrado
I had kidnapped
habías secuestrado
you had kidnapped
había secuestrado
he/she/it had kidnapped
habíamos secuestrado
we had kidnapped
habíais secuestrado
you all had kidnapped
habían secuestrado
they had kidnapped
Future perfect tense
habré secuestrado
I will have kidnapped
habrás secuestrado
you will have kidnapped
habrá secuestrado
he/she/it will have kidnapped
habremos secuestrado
we will have kidnapped
habréis secuestrado
you all will have kidnapped
habrán secuestrado
they will have kidnapped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I kidnap
(if/so that) you kidnap
(if/so that) he/she/it kidnap
(if/so that) we kidnap
(if/so that) you all kidnap
(if/so that) they kidnap
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya secuestrado
I have kidnapped
hayas secuestrado
you have kidnapped
haya secuestrado
he/she/it has kidnapped
hayamos secuestrado
we have kidnapped
hayáis secuestrado
you all have kidnapped
hayan secuestrado
they have kidnapped
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have kidnapped
(if/so that) you have kidnapped
(if/so that) he/she/it have kidnapped
(if/so that) we have kidnapped
(if/so that) you all have kidnapped
(if/so that) they have kidnapped
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have kidnapped
(if/so that) you have kidnapped
(if/so that) he/she/it have kidnapped
(if/so that) we have kidnapped
(if/so that) you all have kidnapped
(if/so that) they have kidnapped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera secuestrado
I had kidnapped
hubieras secuestrado
you had kidnapped
hubiera secuestrado
he/she/it had kidnapped
hubiéramos secuestrado
we had kidnapped
hubierais secuestrado
you all had kidnapped
hubieran secuestrado
they had kidnapped
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese secuestrado
I had kidnapped
hubieses secuestrado
you had kidnapped
hubiese secuestrado
he/she/it had kidnapped
hubiésemos secuestrado
we had kidnapped
hubieseis secuestrado
you all had kidnapped
hubiesen secuestrado
they had kidnapped
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have kidnapped
(if/so that) you will have kidnapped
(if/so that) he/she/it will have kidnapped
(if/so that) we will have kidnapped
(if/so that) you all will have kidnapped
(if/so that) they will have kidnapped
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere secuestrado
I will have kidnapped
hubieres secuestrado
you will have kidnapped
hubiere secuestrado
he/she/it will have kidnapped
hubiéremos secuestrado
we will have kidnapped
hubiereis secuestrado
you all will have kidnapped
hubieren secuestrado
they will have kidnapped
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's kidnap!
Imperative negative mood
no secuestres
do not kidnap!
no secuestre
let him/her/it kidnap!
no secuestremos
let us not kidnap!
no secuestréis
do not kidnap!
no secuestren
do not kidnap!

Examples of secuestrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Ha conspirado para secuestrar y matar," dijo"She conspired to kidnap and murder, " he said,
"Su plan para secuestrar a la esposa ha funcionado."'Your plan to kidnap you wife has worked.'
"Un espía británico, que trabajaba bajo el nombre de Ellis, y viajaba con pasaporte falso, ha intentado secuestrar a un general húngaro en Budapest."British spy, work name Ellis, "travelling with false Hungarian papers, "has attempted to kidnap an unnamed Hungarian General in Budapest.
- Aceptaste inmediatamente secuestrar a un hombre en un baño público.- You did agree immediately to kidnap a man from a public restroom.
- Alguien trató de secuestrar a Nikita.- Someone tried to kidnap Nikita.
"408 días desde el secuestro" Porque es pecado vivir sin perdón. "408 días desde el secuestro"408 days since the kidnapping For it is sin to live without forgiving 408 days since the kidnapping
"7 de Febrero, 2001. 5 días desde el secuestro"February 7, 2007 5 days since the kidnapping
"Asalto, asesinato, secuestro... - ... tortura". - Este aquí..."Assault, manslaughter, kidnapping, torture...." This here...
"Asìì terminaba el intento de secuestro del astrólogo Ennio Lombardi, conocido como profesor Cavan, gracias a su programa "La zona oscura", emitido por esta cadena.And so ended the attempted kidnapping of Ennio Lombardi, better known as Professor Cavan from "The Dark Zone" shown on this station.
"Autoridades han nombrado a Charles DiLaurentis como el principal sospechoso del secuestro de cinco adolescentes de Rosewood así como de una sexta victima de Courtland.'Authorities have named Charles DiLaurentis' 'as a lead suspect in the kidnapping' 'of five Rosewood teens' 'as well as a sixth victim from Courtland.'
"Mirame soy un gran padre", y luego secuestras a un niño, idiota!'Look at me, I'm a great dad', and then you kidnap a kid. Idiot!
- No secuestras a tu propia hija.You can't kidnap your own daughter.
- Por eso lo secuestras.- So you kidnap him? Good solution.
- ¿Ahora secuestras niños?- Are you kidnapping kids now?
Aggi, ¿por qué secuestras a la chica?Aggi, why are you kidnapping the girl?
- Que secuestra a niñas pequeñas.-Who kidnaps little girls.
- Quien secuestra bebes?- Who kidnaps babies?
- y luego nos secuestra?- and then kidnaps us?
- ¿Quién me borró la lucha turca? ¿Qué has escuchado de cuando una persona secuestra a otra...How many affairs have you heard of where a person kidnaps another
- ¿Te secuestra y encima lo defiendes?- He kidnaps you, and you defend him?
- La gente pensará que le secuestramos.- People will think we kidnapped him.
- La secuestramos.- We kidnap her.
- Le secuestramos a su hijo.- We kidnap the kid from her.
- No secuestramos a Dawson.We did not kidnap Dawson.
- Nosotros la secuestramos.-We kidnapped her.
Así que, me secuestráis?So, you kidnap me?
¿Cómo puedo cuando secuestráis, robáis y quizá asesináis?How can I when you've kidnapped and stolen? For all I know, even murdered.
¿Soy huérfano, si me secuestráis quién les va a pagar?I'm an orphan. If I'm kidnapped, who is going to pay?
(Enfurruñado) De entre todos los arqueólogos, secuestran a este fantasma...They had to kidnap this clown. Of all people.
- "No puede salir tan fácil ' - 'Le secuestran'- 'He can not get off that easy.' - 'We kidnap him.'
- Dado que secuestran a la gente?Since when did we kidnap people?
- Estoy siendo secuestrado, ¡me secuestran!I'm being kidnapped, kidnapping me!
- Las viejitas también secuestran niños. - Como tú digas.#Little old ladies could kidnap kids, too.
- La gente va a pensar que te secuestré.- People are gonna think I kidnapped you.
- La secuestré.- I kidnapped her.
- Te secuestré ¿esa es la historia?- I kidnapped you. Is that the story?
- ¿Crees que yo la secuestré?Do you think I kidnapped her?
- Bueno, tu secuestraste un policía!- Well, you kidnapped a cop!
- No... tu la perseguiste, la secuestraste... la forzaste a casarse contigo.No, you stalked her, you kidnapped her. You forced her to marry you.
- Nos secuestraste.You kidnapped us.
- Tu secuestraste y violaste un adolescente.Charming? - You kidnapped, and raped a teenage boy.
- Tú las secuestraste.-You kidnapped my wife and daughter.
"el psicopata Martin Brest secuestró a Rudi Wurlitzer el lunes por la noche de un hospital.""The psychopathic Martin Brest kidnapped Rudi Wurlitzer on Monday night from a hospital."
(Jessica) ¿Quién te secuestró?(Jessica) Who kidnapped you?
(Polly reconoce a Cherub) Tú! tú eres el que secuestró al Doctor!you're the one that kidnapped the Doctor!
- ...secuestró a mi hija.- ...kidnapped my daughter.
- A lo mejor es cosa mía, pero no dejaría que una persona que casi no conozco que trabaja para la gente que nos secuestró, sujete una cuchilla sobre mi garganta, en Blackham es previsible,Maybe it's just me, but I don't think I'd let a man I barely know who works for the people who kidnapped us hold a straight blade to my throat. Blackham I could see...
Desde que me secuestrasteis.Since you guys kidnapped me.
Ella cree que lo secuestrasteis, o hicisteis algo para que no viniera.She thinks you kidnapped David, or did something to prevent him from coming.
Estaba comiendo en mi hotel y me secuestrasteis... en Jodhpur, ¿recuerdas?l was having food in my hotel and you kidnapped me.. Jodhpur, remember.
Está bien, Lynn, sabemos que tú y tu compañero de batallas Wade secuestrasteis y asaltasteis a Tamika Johnson y Jethro Carson.Okay, Lynn, we know you and your battle buddy Wade kidnapped and assaulted Tamika Johnson and Jethro Carson.
Josephine Lindus está en la comisaría ahora mismo, y ella insiste en que tu y el chico secuestrasteis a su marido hace una hora.Josephine Lindus at the station house right now, and she's insisting that you and the boy wonder kidnapped her husband about an hour ago.
"Me secuestraron cuando era niña,"I was kidnapped when I was a little girl,
"Papá, me secuestraron."Dad, been kidnapped.
, no lo secuestraron, ¿verdad?He wasn't kidnapped, was he?
- secuestraron. - ¡Siéntate!- They kidnapped me.
- A mí, también me secuestraron. - ¿Sí? - No es que me cortaran...Me too I was kidnapped, but I didn't have a finger cut...
Te secuestraré, te meteré en la cajuela y conduciré al lugar secreto de la fiesta, ¿que tal?I will kidnap you, throw you in the trunk, and drive you to a secret location to party, huh?
Ahora, Fantomas lo secuestrará también.Now, Fantomas will kidnap him as well.
Aquí está el sicario que secuestrará al barón mientras duerme.Here's the hitman who will kidnap the Baron during his sleep.
Mi abuelo me secuestrará.My grandfather will kidnap me.
Nick nos secuestrará... nos atendremos al plan. Funcionará.Nick will kidnap us... we'll stick to the plan, it'll work.
Si lo liberamos secuestrará a alguien más... y nos pedirá liberar a 50 personas encarceladas.If we release him he will kidnap someone else and ask us to release 50 persons from jail
- Nosotros lo secuestraremos. - Si!We will kidnap him.
Si se trata de algo serio, sólo nos lo tiene que decir, yo y mis hermanos la secuestraremos para usted.If it is something serious, you only have to say, and I and my brothers will kidnap her for you.
Mañana secuestraréis al Canciller Palpatine en el festival de Naboo.Tomorrow you will kidnap Chancellor Palpatine at the festival on Naboo.
pero ahora... dicen que si no les devuelvo su dinero en 3 días, me... - secuestrarán.But now... they say that if l don't return their money within 3 days, they will... they will kidnap me.
He estado pensando bastante y no puedo encontrar alguna razón del porqué alguien me secuestraría.I mean, I've been racking my brain, and I can't think of any reason why someone would kidnap me.
Nadie secuestraría a Dalia.No one would kidnap Dalia.
No entiendo por qué un magnate secuestraría al Sr. Frío.I don't see why a theme-park mogul would kidnap Mr. Freeze.
Pero Sra., ¿quién secuestraría a su marido?But, Mrs Claus, who would kidnap Santa?
Si fuera yo, secuestraría a Dono.If it were to be me, I would kidnap Dono.
Buscamos un motivo por el cual secuestrarían a nuestra oficial.We're looking for a reason why someone would kidnap our Naval officer.
- Quiere que la secuestre un pirata.- She wants to be kidnapped by a pirate.
-Si , pero yo no la secuestre.-Yeah, but I didn't kidnap her.
Aparece entonces un desfile de borrachos que les separa el tiempo suficiente para que Terry secuestre a Charles.Enter a parade of drunks that separated the two of you long enough for Terry to kidnap Charles.
Contratamos a alguien que secuestre a esa bebé horrible y gorda.We hire somebody to kidnap their fat, gross baby.
Eso explica por qué Yowie Yahoo hace que Huracàn secuestre gente.That would explain why the Yowie Yahoo is having Wildwind kidnap people.
- Quiero que secuestres a alguien para mí.I want you to kidnap someone for me.
- quiero que secuestres a alguien para mí.I want you to kidnap someone for me.
A menos que los secuestres y los obligues a conversar. Ya quisiera...Unless you wanna just kidnap 'em and make 'em talk.
De hecho necesito que secuestres a mis hijos.Actually -- I need you to kidnap my children.
Entonces, necesito que me secuestres.So, I need you to kidnap me.
Así que, una vez que secuestremos al superpoli, ¿entonces qué?So, once we kidnap supercop, then what?
Caballeros, propongo que secuestremos a Sir Oinksalote.Gentlemen, I propose we kidnap Sir Oinkcelot.
Lo siento, Estaba practicando a correr para cuando secuestremos a Awesome para su despedida de soltero.Sorry, man, it was a practice run for when we kidnap Awesome for his bachelor party.
No después que secuestremos a su princesa.Not after we've kidnapped their princess.
No saldrá de allí a menos que la secuestremos.She's not getting out of there unless we kidnap her.
- Yo tampoco. No, solo necesito que secuestréis a Shivrang para conseguir que Cece esté sola.I just need you to kidnap Shivrang so I can get Cece alone.
Ni os creo, así que a menos que me secuestréis, voy a ir a buscar a mi familia.Or believe you, so unless you're kidnapping me, I'm going to go find my family. Oh!
- Mamá teme que me secuestren también.- Mom's afraid I'll be kidnapped also.
- Simplemente intenta y no hagas que la nueva chica explote, la secuestren, disparen en su primer día, eso es todo.- Let's just try and not get the new girl blown up, kidnapped, shot on her first day, that's all.
- ¿Quieres que secuestren a tu esposa?- You want your own wife kidnapped?
- ¿Qué pasa cuando te secuestren?- What happens when you're kidnapped?
Así que, una compañía de petróleo y gas te contrata para entrenar a sus chicos en caso de que los secuestren.So, an oil and gas company hires you to train their guys in case they're kidnapped.
Vosotros 4 secuestrad a Bond usando mascarasYou four kidnap Bond using masks,
" ...fue secuestrado y vendido como esclavo."he was kidnapped and sold as a slave.
"Ayer mi hermana salió y la han secuestrado"."Yesterday my sister went out and she was kidnapped".
"Bebé secuestrado desde la Clínica St. Raymond la pasada noche.""Baby kidnapped from St. Raymond's clinic last night.
"El 24 de enero, Raymond Fong, agente especial del FBI de la oficina de San Francisco fue secuestrado y le robaron $50000 de fondos federales."On January 24th, FBI Special Agent Raymond Fong of the bureau of San Francisco field office was kidnapped and robbed of $50,000 in government funds.
"En sus marcas, listos, Die", y hubo una donde nuestro padre fue secuestrado y la única pista fue una abolladura Ballantine puede."On Your Mark, Get Set, Die," and there was one where our father was kidnapped and the only clue was a dented Ballantine can.
- Entonces porque la esta secuestrando?-Then why is he kidnapping?
- Está secuestrando a mi hija.- He's kidnapping my daughter.
- Los están secuestrando.-They're kidnapping them.
- Me estás secuestrando.This is kidnapping, you know.
- Porque la esta secuestrando?-Why is he kidnapping her?

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