La idea és garantir unes eleccions creïbles que siguin justes i transparents, i ajudar a posar la societat civil al capdavant per a que pugui diagnosticar, anticipar i preparar-se per a l'acció immediata en cas de frau o violència. | The idea is to ensure credible elections that are fair and transparent, and to help put civil society at the forefront so they can diagnose, anticipate and prepare for immediate action in the event of fraud or violence. |
A Zhu Ling, que aleshores era una estudiant brillant de segon de carrera a la universitat més prestigiosa de la Xina, li van diagnosticar enverinament intencionat per tal·li, una substància química altament tòxica que s'utilitza en la fabricació d'insecticides. | Zhu Ling, a promising sophomore at the most prestigious university in China then, was diagnosed as having been intentionally poisoned by thallium, a highly toxic chemical used in insect poisons. |
" síndrome de Tourette - no és fàcil de diagnosticar..." | I know, "Tourette's Syndrome is not easily diagnosed, No,,," |
Jason Gideon, expert en la psique criminal encara es incapaç de diagnosticar les inclinacions autistes del Dr. Reid. | Jason Gideon, an expert in the criminal psyche, yet unable to diagnose the autistic leanings of the very insecure Dr. Reid. |
Quant el van diagnosticar càncer per primer cop, podries haver-t'he rendit. | When you were first diagnosed with cancer, you could have given up. |
Ets un psicòpata diagnosticat. | You're a diagnosed psychopath. |
molt probablement li han diagnosticat un càncer. | Your dad has most probably been diagnosed with cancer. |
Bé, com tots sabem, Julius ha estat diagnosticat amb càncer. | Well, as we all know Julius has been diagnosed with cancer. |
- L'han diagnosticat? Alguna cosa del ronyó. | Either the boy was diagnosed ? |