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Diagnosticar (to diagnose) conjugation

71 examples

Conjugation of diagnosticar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I diagnose
you diagnose
he/she/it diagnoses
we diagnose
you all diagnose
they diagnose
Present perfect tense
he diagnosticado
I have diagnosed
has diagnosticado
you have diagnosed
ha diagnosticado
he/she/it has diagnosed
hemos diagnosticado
we have diagnosed
habéis diagnosticado
you all have diagnosed
han diagnosticado
they have diagnosed
Past preterite tense
I diagnosed
you diagnosed
he/she/it diagnosed
we diagnosed
you all diagnosed
they diagnosed
Future tense
I will diagnose
you will diagnose
he/she/it will diagnose
we will diagnose
you all will diagnose
they will diagnose
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would diagnose
you would diagnose
he/she/it would diagnose
we would diagnose
you all would diagnose
they would diagnose
Past imperfect tense
I used to diagnose
you used to diagnose
he/she/it used to diagnose
we used to diagnose
you all used to diagnose
they used to diagnose
Past perfect tense
había diagnosticado
I had diagnosed
habías diagnosticado
you had diagnosed
había diagnosticado
he/she/it had diagnosed
habíamos diagnosticado
we had diagnosed
habíais diagnosticado
you all had diagnosed
habían diagnosticado
they had diagnosed
Future perfect tense
habré diagnosticado
I will have diagnosed
habrás diagnosticado
you will have diagnosed
habrá diagnosticado
he/she/it will have diagnosed
habremos diagnosticado
we will have diagnosed
habréis diagnosticado
you all will have diagnosed
habrán diagnosticado
they will have diagnosed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I diagnose
(if/so that) you diagnose
(if/so that) he/she/it diagnose
(if/so that) we diagnose
(if/so that) you all diagnose
(if/so that) they diagnose
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya diagnosticado
I have diagnosed
hayas diagnosticado
you have diagnosed
haya diagnosticado
he/she/it has diagnosed
hayamos diagnosticado
we have diagnosed
hayáis diagnosticado
you all have diagnosed
hayan diagnosticado
they have diagnosed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have diagnosed
(if/so that) you have diagnosed
(if/so that) he/she/it have diagnosed
(if/so that) we have diagnosed
(if/so that) you all have diagnosed
(if/so that) they have diagnosed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have diagnosed
(if/so that) you have diagnosed
(if/so that) he/she/it have diagnosed
(if/so that) we have diagnosed
(if/so that) you all have diagnosed
(if/so that) they have diagnosed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera diagnosticado
I had diagnosed
hubieras diagnosticado
you had diagnosed
hubiera diagnosticado
he/she/it had diagnosed
hubiéramos diagnosticado
we had diagnosed
hubierais diagnosticado
you all had diagnosed
hubieran diagnosticado
they had diagnosed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese diagnosticado
I had diagnosed
hubieses diagnosticado
you had diagnosed
hubiese diagnosticado
he/she/it had diagnosed
hubiésemos diagnosticado
we had diagnosed
hubieseis diagnosticado
you all had diagnosed
hubiesen diagnosticado
they had diagnosed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have diagnosed
(if/so that) you will have diagnosed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have diagnosed
(if/so that) we will have diagnosed
(if/so that) you all will have diagnosed
(if/so that) they will have diagnosed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere diagnosticado
I will have diagnosed
hubieres diagnosticado
you will have diagnosed
hubiere diagnosticado
he/she/it will have diagnosed
hubiéremos diagnosticado
we will have diagnosed
hubiereis diagnosticado
you all will have diagnosed
hubieren diagnosticado
they will have diagnosed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's diagnose!
Imperative negative mood
no diagnostiques
do not diagnose!
no diagnostique
let him/her/it diagnose!
no diagnostiquemos
let us not diagnose!
no diagnostiquéis
do not diagnose!
no diagnostiquen
do not diagnose!

Examples of diagnosticar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Debe poder diagnosticar...""Caregivers must be able to diagnose
- Claro, fueron dramáticos, me pusieron a prueba obligándome a diagnosticar a uno de sus ancianos.- Sure, they were drama queens about it, tested me by forcing me to diagnose one of elders.
- Es demasiado pronto para diagnosticar.- It's too early to diagnose.
- Es difícil de diagnosticar.It's hard to diagnose.
- Estamos yendo a un laboratorio para diagnosticar nuestros síntomas. - Síntomas?We'll be going directly to our lab to diagnose our symptoms.
- Tengo que andar con este oxigeno se me diagnostico fibrosis pulmonar no he dormido en una cama por 5 años duermo en sillas con una manta o algo, porque si me acuesto no puedo respirarI need a double lung transplant, but was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. I haven't slept in a bed in over five years, I sleep on a chair with a blanket, because if I lay down I can't breathe.
-Se me diagnostico hace 5 años con Diabetes tipo 1Who I know would tell me the truth. I was diagnosed five years ago with Type I diabetes.
A Chuck un medico le diagnostico de verdad pánico escénicoChuck got a doctor to actually diagnose him with acute stage fright.
Agente Forrest el diagnostico de tu conexion emocional es como una responsabilidad.Agent Forrest diagnosed your emotional connection as a liability.
Aqui es donde instalamos el diagnostico de preimplantacion de forma genetica.This is where we perform our pre implantation genetic diagnoses.
"el profesor Landers diagnostica los males de las relaciones modernas como nadie que trabaje en nuestro campo hoy en día.""Professor Landers diagnoses the ills "of modern relationships like no one working in our field today."
El Dr. Hofstader diagnostica y trata a los pacientes a partir de aquí.Dr. Hofstadter diagnoses and treats the patients from right here. No, no I'm sorry.
- Paren. Bien, así es como diagnosticamos en tránsito.Okay,here's how we diagnose in transit.
- Todos diagnosticamos.We all diagnose.
Así es, pero hay que preguntarse por qué esta sociedad, que criticamos de arriba abajo, cuya podredumbre diagnosticamos desde hace décadas, ¿por qué esta sociedad puede aún reaccionar ante nosotros de un modo así de firme e irreconciliable?- Which it was as well ... lt was, but one has to ask why this particular society, which we criticized thoroughly, whose decay we had diagnosed decades ago ... Why is this society still able to react to act to us with such resolve and force?
Con una batería de exámenes, diagnosticamos con el 95 % de certeza que ella estaba en la etapa inicial del Alzheimer.Through a battery of tests, we were able to diagnose with 95% certainty that she was in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
Es una mujer de 29 años que diagnosticamos erróneamente con anemia.She's a 29-year-old female. We misdiagnosed with anemia.
- ¿En serio? Mira, los amigos no diagnostican a sus amigos cáncer.Look, friends don't diagnose friends with cancer.
10 médicos y un coma diagnostican enfermedad del sueño.It takes 10 doctors and a coma to diagnose sleeping sickness.
A mucha gente le diagnostican cáncer.Plenty of people are diagnosed with cancer.
Al chico le diagnostican un aneurisma cerebral inoperable.Boy gets diagnosed with an inoperable brain aneurysm.
Así es como te diagnostican.That's how you get diagnosed.
- Lo diagnostiqué erróneamente.I misdiagnosed.
- Lo diagnostiqué.I diagnosed him.
Cuando Sean estaba embarazada, diagnostiqué a Gwen, su bebé, de espina bífida.When Sean was pregnant, I diagnosed Gwen, her baby, with spina bifida.
Cuando diagnostiqué a Phil por primera vez, no tenía idea de que le estaba mostrando la tomografía equivocado.W- when I first diagnosed phil, I had no idea that I was showing him the wrong scan.
Después de una semana de observación, diagnostiqué la condición de Colum como síndrome de Toulouse-Lautrec.After a week's observation, I diagnosed Colum's condition as Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome.
- ¿Lo diagnosticaste?You diagnosed-- He did.
Oí que diagnosticaste el problema de tu campo de béisbol.I hear you diagnosed that problem with that baseball field of yours.
Te auto-diagnosticaste.You self-diagnosed.
Te diagnosticaste a ti mismo.You diagnosed yourself.
Tú diagnosticaste que Shelly tiene una reacción alérgica. ¿Estás seguro?You diagnosed Shelly as having an allergic reaction. Are you positive about that?
"Hace cuatro días, se me diagnosticó por el doctor William Thornton un caso fatal de... de laringitis y anginas.""Four days ago, I was diagnosed by Dr. William Thornton" "with a fatal case of..." "Croup and quinsy."
- Bueno, yo-- Por suerte la Dra. Adamson lo diagnosticó correctamente con estenosis en la carótida.Lucky for you Dr Adamson did and correctly diagnosed carotid stenosis.
- Sucedió hace unos cuatro años y ella, eh se le diagnosticó con cáncer de mama.- It happened about four years ago and she, uh she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Te diagnosticó.- She diagnosed you.
- ¿Quieres decir que el hombre te diagnosticó con esquizofrenia paranoide, porque amas a tu madre y padre?You mean that's why the man diagnosed schizophrenic paranoid, because he loved his mother and father?
"Great Benefit" se negó a pagar su primera demanda en agosto. Cuando lo diagnosticaron a Donny Ray.Great Benefit first denied your claim last August, when Donny Ray was diagnosed.
- Le diagnosticaron cáncer de próstata.-He's been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
- Me diagnosticaron, pero...- I was, um, diagnosed, but...
- Me lo diagnosticaron hace 8 años.- I was diagnosed eight years ago.
- No. - Alguna vez le diagnosticaron viruela?Have you been diagnosed with small pox?
Nuestro médico diagnosticará lo que le digamos.Our doctor will diagnose as we tell him to diagnose.
Como médico, diagnosticaría llagas de montura.As a doctor, I would diagnose those as saddle-sores.
Seguro que usted lo diagnosticaría como... un intento subconsciente de venir aquí para charlar con usted.I'm sure that you would diagnose it as, er, a convenient subconscious attempt for me to come in here and chat with you.
Yo diagnosticaría tus problemas de ira y también con sentimientos.I would diagnose your anger problems as having to do with all kinds of childhood things, and also feelings.
Yo diagnosticaría una avería en el generador principal.I would diagnose a breakdown in the main generator.
De cualquier caso que se diagnostique debe informarse al departamento de Salud Pública.Any diagnosed cases would be reported to the Department of Public Health.
No le pregunto que diagnostique su comportamiento, que sólo lo describa.I am not asking her to diagnose his behavior-- merely describe it.
Por favor, diagnostique a la paciente.Please diagnose the patient.
¿Quieres que yo te diagnostique?- You want me to diagnose you?
No me diagnostiques.- Don't diagnose me.
Te pagaré diez dólares por cada paciente que diagnostiques sin tocarlo.I'll pay you $10 for every patient you diagnose without touching.
¿O se supone que diagnostiques a otras personas delante mío?Or are you supposed to diagnose other people in front of me?
Lo haremos, cuando diagnostiquemos el problema.We will, after we diagnose what the problem is.
Podemos decirle la verdad, que se pondrá bien, tan pronto como diagnostiquemos a una persona que pesa medio kilo.we can tell her the truth, that she'll be fine as soon as we diagnose a person who weighs about one pound.
El psicólogo sabrá qué hacer, pero al menos conseguiremos que la diagnostiquen.The psychologist will know what to do, but at least we'll get her diagnosed.
Necesitamos que lo diagnostiquen para conseguir más tiempo para sus exámenes.We need him diagnosed so that he can get extra time on his tests.
Que suertudo, yo quiero que me diagnostiquen algo.You are so lucky, I wouldn't be diagnosed with something.
Que te diagnostiquen una enfermedad terminal, Tony tiende a ponerte ansioso por compensar tus pecados.Being diagnosed with a terminal illness, Tony, tends to make one eager to atone for one's sins.
Tengo un problema. De estómago. Pero no quiero que me lo diagnostiquen aquí para no tratármelo en esta pocilga.I got a problem in my belly... but I don't want it diagnosed here because I don't want to be treated in this pigpen.
" Richard fue diagnosticado con una muñeca rota sospecha ' y se fue en un viaje de cuatro horas al hospital más cercano .'Richard was diagnosed with a suspected broken wrist 'and went on a four-hour journey to the nearest hospital.
"A Anna Esseker se le ha diagnosticado esquizofrenia grave,"Anna Esseker is diagnosed with severe schizophrenia,
"Mirare, Chopin fué diagnosticado con la tuberculosis, padecimiento de los pulmones.""Here, Chopin was diagnosed with the lung disease tuberculosis."
"Porfavor disculpe a Timmy por todas las preguntas y tarea sin hacer, ya que ha sido diagnosticado con DDA.""Please excuse Timmy from all questions and all homework, as he has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder."
"¿Te han diagnosticado diabetes alguna vez?" - No.- Have you been diagnosed with diabetes?
Ah, diagnosticando.Uh, diagnosing them.
Amenazar con dispararle al tipo que lo está diagnosticando tiene mucho sentido.Threatening to shoot the guy who's diagnosing you Makes a lot of sense.
Creí que lo estábamos diagnosticando. Lo estaban diagnosticando, ahora también yo lo hago.You were diagnosing.Now I am too.
En realidad, la estoy diagnosticando. Técnicamente, la estoy diagnosticando con algo que la matará pero a la vez con otra cosa que le salvará la vida.Technically I'm diagnosing her with something that's gonna kill her, but other than that I am saving her life.
Estamos diagnosticando una recuperación.We're diagnosing a recovery.

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