Lihtsalt, sinu diagnoosid vahel ehmatavad mu poolsurnuks. | It's just, your diagnoses sometimes irk the hell out of me. |
Okei, nii diagnoosime liikudes: | Okay,here's how we diagnose in transit. |
Kas äkki sina rääkisid inimestele, et ma diagnoosisin sel mehel tema pornopildi järgi mumpsi? | Did you maybe tell people that I diagnosed that guy with mumps based on his porn photo? I did. |
Kui ma viimati Tanarakil käisin, kurtis ta hingamisraskusi ja mingit seletamatut nahalöövet. nii et ma diagnoosisin tal allergia ja andsin talle antihistamiini. | Last time I came through tanarak, he complained of labored breathing and some rash he couldn't explain, so I diagnosed it as allergies and gave him an antihistamine. |
Ma diagnoosisin Catrinal ravimatu luuhaiguse. | I diagnosed Catrina with an incurable bone disease. |
Ma diagnoosisin endal pool tosinat meditsiinilist puudust enne, kui loengu pooleli jätsin. | I diagnosed myself with half a dozen separate medical conditions before I had to drop the class. |
Aastal 1678 diagnoosisid arstid sõduritel vaimse piina, mida nimetati "nostalgiaks". | In 1678, Doctors diagnosed the mental affliction Soldiers suffered from as "nostalgia." |
Arstid diagnoosisid sul "isiksuse lõhestumise". | Doctors have diagnosed you as having a "split personality." |
Arstid diagnoosisid tal tserebraalse aneurüsmi. | Doctors diagnosed a cerebral aneurysm. |
Andy diagnoosis endal hiljuti, nagu ta ise nimetab: "kingapuhastus-tõve". | Andy recently diagnosed himself with what he calls "shoeshine head." |
Andy diagnoosis endal hiljuti, nagu ta ise nimetab: | Andy recently diagnosed himself With what he calls " shoe shine head." |
Doktor diagnoosis kollatõve ja väikese ajukahjustuse. | The doctor diagnosed hepatitis and a small affliction of the brain. |
Dr Ferstopnick diagnoosis tal kõrg- vererõhktõve ja kirjutas Calleni välja, aga ta elulised näitajad peavad veel stabiliseeruma. | Dr. Ferstopnick diagnosed him for hypertension and prescribed Callen but his vital signs have yet to stabilize. |
Dr Searle diagnoosis tal enesetapuohu. | Dr. Searle has diagnosed him as a suicide risk. |
Ja teie diagnoosisite tal traumajärgse stressi? | And you diagnosed him with post-traumatic stress disorder. |
- Tal diagnoositi 40ndates reumatoidartriit. | He was diagnosed with rheumatroid arthritis in his 40s. |
1982 aastal lõppes Ruth Heidrich'i jooksja karjäär ootamatult kui tal diagnoositi rinnavähk. | In 1982, Ruth Heidrich's running career came to a sudden stop when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. |
2008 aasta alguses diagnoositi mul Sarkoom. | In early 2008, I was diagnosed with sarcoma. |
2008a alguses diagnoositi mulle sarkoom. | In early 2008 I was diagnosed with Sarcoma. |
- Barry! Võin panna neli võimalikku diagnoosi, mis sellise reaktsiooni esile kutsub. | - I can think of four possible diagnoses... for what's causing his body to react this way. |
Aga... kui me seda Nickile annaksime, aitaksid tema sümptomid meil Mattyle diagnoosi panna. | But... if we give that marrow to Nick, his symptoms could let us diagnose Matty. |
Ainult et meile pole veel diagnoosi pandud. | We just haven't been... diagnosed yet. Where's uncle Blacky? |
Alates sellest, kuni mu psühhiaatrid panid mulle diagnoosi, | Ever since the shrinks diagnosed me |
Hooldaja peab olema võimeline diagnoosima erinevaid kõrvalekaldeid erakordsetes asjaoludes. | "Caregivers must be able to diagnose "a wide variety of ordinary ailments "under extraordinary circumstances. |
- Kuidas te saate diagnoosida kellelgi obsessiiv-kompulsiivse häire ja siis käituda justnagu mul oleks valik siia sissetormamisel? | How can you diagnose someone as an obsessive-compulsive disorder - - and then act like I had a choice about barging in? |
- Ma tean. Kuna Turedo sündroomi on raske diagnoosida... | I know, "Tourette's Syndrome is not easily diagnosed, No,,," |
Ma olen neid diagnoosinud ja puha. | - I've diagnosed them and everything. |
Ütle siis, doktor, mitmel korral sa oled diagnoosinud reaalse amneesia, ja veel sellise valikuga. | Tell me doctor, how many times have you diagnosed amnesia? - And such a selective brand of it? - OK. |
- Seda pole veel diagnoositud. | He hasn't been diagnosed yet. |
Antud ametnikul on diagnoositud bipolaarsus. | The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar. |
Antud väliametnikul on diagnoositud bipolaarsus, seda konditsiooni on ta oma tööandjate eest üle kümne aasta varjanud. | The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar, a condition she concealed from her superiors - for more than ten years. |
Igaüht neist on diagnoositud rohkem kordi, kui sa ette kujutad. | Every one of them's been diagnosed more than you can imagine. |
Siiski pean ma meelde tuletama, et Lisbeth Salanderil on diagnoositud paranoiline skisofreenia. | However, it's my task to remind you that Salander has been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic. |
Stan, Mrs Brummelil on diagnoositud vähk, ja ta vajab kõvasti ravi. | Stan, Mrs Brummel has been diagnosed with cancer, and she's on a lot of medication at the moment. |