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Alertar (to alert) conjugation

86 examples

Conjugation of alertar

Present tense
I alert
you alert
he/she alerts
we alert
you all alert
they alert
Present perfect tense
tenho alertado
I have alerted
tens alertado
you have alerted
tem alertado
he/she has alerted
temos alertado
we have alerted
tendes alertado
you all have alerted
têm alertado
they have alerted
Past preterite tense
I alerted
you alerted
he/she alerted
we alerted
you all alerted
they alerted
Future tense
I will alert
you will alert
he/she will alert
we will alert
you all will alert
they will alert
Conditional mood
I would alert
you would alert
he/she would alert
we would alert
you all would alert
they would alert
Past imperfect tense
I used to alert
you used to alert
he/she used to alert
we used to alert
you all used to alert
they used to alert
Past perfect tense
tinha alertado
I had alerted
tinhas alertado
you had alerted
tinha alertado
he/she had alerted
tínhamos alertado
we had alerted
tínheis alertado
you all had alerted
tinham alertado
they had alerted
Future perfect tense
terei alertado
I will have alerted
terás alertado
you will have alerted
terá alertado
he/she will have alerted
teremos alertado
we will have alerted
tereis alertado
you all will have alerted
terão alertado
they will have alerted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha alertado
I have alerted
tenhas alertado
you have alerted
tenha alertado
he/she has alerted
tenhamos alertado
we have alerted
tenhais alertado
you all have alerted
tenham alertado
they have alerted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have alerted
(if/so that) you will have alerted
(if/so that) he/she will have alerted
(if/so that) we will have alerted
(if/so that) you all will have alerted
(if/so that) they will have alerted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver alertado
I will have alerted
tiveres alertado
you will have alerted
tiver alertado
he/she will have alerted
tivermos alertado
we will have alerted
tiverdes alertado
you all will have alerted
tiverem alertado
they will have alerted
Imperative mood
let's alert!
Imperative negative mood
não alertes
do not alert!
não alerte
let him/her/it not alert!
não alertemos
let us not alert!
não alerteis
do not alert!
não alertem
do not alert!

Examples of alertar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Decidi alertar-te para este grave assunto,PAUL CYDEN: "I have decided to alert you
- Então, todos os recibos de cartão de crédito deveriam passar pela sua mesa antes, e seria sua responsabilidade alertar o promotor Cuesta?So all the credit card receipts would have to cross your desk first, and then it would be your responsibility to alert - ASA questions.
- Falhou ao não alertar as autoridades.Yes. You failed to alert the authorities.
- Iriam ser precisos uns 10 segundos para a BCD alertar o Departamento de Defesa e o FBI iria aparecer aqui uma hora depois.- It would take about 10 seconds for BCD to alert the Defense Department and the FBI would show up here in an hour.
- Irá alertar as autoridades?- Are you going to alert the authorities?
- Eu alerto os guardas.I'm fine. - I'll alert the guards.
Agora, será que alerto os seguranças para a sua presença ou será que se importa de nos responder a duas perguntitas?Now, should I alert security to your presence, or would you mind just-just answering just a couple of questions, hmm?
Apenas dois descerão de rapel, eu corro até à vila para pedir ajuda, de lá alerto a polícia e pego no Resgate Highland para pegar o resto de vocês.Two of us abseil down and run to the village for help, alert the police and get the Highland Rescue to pick up the rest of you.
Eu alerto Sadruddin, o homem na Estação l, para o vigiar.l'll alert Sadruddin, our man in Station l, to keep him under surveillance.
Eu alerto-o para estar de olho em si.I'll alert the teller to watch for you.
- Continuamos perto e alertas.- Stay around and alert.
- Estás a ver alertas de terrorismo?You're looking at alerts?
- Não emiti nenhuns alertas.- I haven't set up any alerts.
- Não recebemos alertas.We haven't received any alerts.
- Recebi uns alertas do estado.I get blotter alerts from around the state.
Coloquei alertas em todas as páginas de fãs dela, e tenho um alerta para fotos, no caso de quaisquer novas fotos publicadas.That's hit social media in the last 24 hours. I've set alerts on all of her fansites, And I have a photo aggregator
Construí um aplicativo que me alerta se me aproximar a 100 metros dela.I built an app that alerts me if I ever get within 100 meters of her.
Ele alerta o General Grant e chama-o de volta a Washington, emite directivas de emergência à polícia e autoridades militares, ordena à Polícia Nacional que inicie uma caça ao homem a um assassino ainda desconhecido, e notifica o Vice Presidente Johnson que o Presidente está a morrer.He alerts General Grant and calls him back to Washington, issues emergency directives to police and military authorities, orders the National Detective Police to initiate a manhunt for the as-yet unknown assassin, and notifies Vice President Johnson that the president is dying.
Hoje, com o alerta Amber e fotos nos pacotes de leite, se alguém faz filé de criança, as pessoas ficam furiosas.Now, though, with all your Amber alerts and your milk cartons, a person fillets one rug rat, and people get so angry.
Isso alerta-os.This alerts them.
Assim alertamos o Batman.That's a surefire way to alert The Bat.
Já alertamos o 911.Now, we have alerted 911.
Já alertamos o Karl.We've already alerted Karl.
Mas alertamos a polícia, a Segurança Nacional, FBI, - e o Departamento do Xerife.But we've alerted LAPD, Homeland Security, FBI, and the Sheriff's Department.
Não alertamos os nossos enviados e governos estrangeiros sobre o Sun, dizendo-lhes que devem monitorizar os movimentos dele?Didn't we alert our envoys and foreign governments about Sun, telling them they should monitor his movements?
- Eu sei, mas o Lance Orton foi alertado por um vendedor de fotos chamado Aliou Niasse, um imigrante senegalês.- I know, but it turns out Lance Orton was alerted to the smoking car by a photograph vendor named Aliou Niasse, - an immigrant from Senegal.
- O que o terá alertado da primeira vez?- I wonder what alerted it the first time.
A Polícia tem alertado sobre os crimes do assassino, que os comete escutando a música "Little Red Riding Hood".Police had been alerted to the crimes by the killer, who taunts them by playing the song "Little Red Riding Hood".
A teoria do meu pai era que o Palmer tinha alertado o Juiz Barnes para o único membro do júri que ainda acreditava que o meu pai era inocente.My father's theory was that Palmer alerted Judge Barnes to the one member of the jury who still believed my father was innocent.
Alguém o deve ter alertado para a existência do "Filão".Someone would have alerted him to the existence of the Mother Lode.
As autoridades de saúde alertam para o risco de complicações cardiorespiratórias em adultos que sofram de patologias crónicas deste tipo.The Health authorities alert that elderly people and citizens with chronic cardiovascular and respiratory diseases may suffer from cardiorespiratory problems,
E se fizermos um pedido ao consulado, eles fecham-nos fora e alertam o Nigel de que ele é um suspeito.And if we put in a request to the consulate, they'll box us out and alert Nigel that he's a suspect. Yeah, I thought Scotland Yard would be able to get them.
Tenho capacidades de sobrevivência excepcionais, aguçados instintos que me alertam para o mais pequeno sinal de perigo.I have exceptional survival skills, keen situational instincts that alert me to even the slightest hint of danger.
Vocês vão lá, imobilizam-no, começam o pânico, alertam o verdadeiro assassino, e ele pode sacar da arma de qualquer forma.You go out there and take him down, it'll start a panic, alert the real killer, and he may pull a gun anyway.
Eu alertei todas as agencias noticiosas que iremos dar uma conferência dentro de 10 minutos.I've alerted all news outlets that we'll be holding a press conference in 10 minutes.
Eu alertei-os para um problema urgente no interior do Sector para que tu e eu pudéssemos esclarecer as coisas sem qualquer distracção.I alerted them to some urgent matter inside the Sector so that you and I could straighten some things out without any distractions.
Eu alertei-vos assim que soube...I alerted you as soon as I knew-- you alerted me
Já alertei a Polícia de L.A. Vão a caminho.I've alerted LAPD. They're on their way;
Já alertei a polícia do Distrito.l alerted a task force over at District.
Talvez os guardiões das árvores nos encontrem... agora que tu já os alertaste, ou a qualquer coisa no raio de 12 milhas, da nossa presença.Maybe these keepers of the trees will find us now that you've alerted them or anyone within 12 miles of our presence.
- Quem o alertou?So who alerted you?
A FAA alertou as bases de defesa aérea sobre um possível sequestro às 08:30 de terça-feira.CBS News: The FAA alerted US air defense units of a possible hijacking at 8:38 Tuesday morning.
A Máquina alertou-me, que o nosso adversário evasivo voltou para a cidade.The machine has alerted me that our elusive adversary is back in town.
A intenção era atrasar o progresso do seu programa nuclear, mas uma fonte anónima alertou os iranianos para a sua presença e eles removeram-no antes que causasse danos, depois dos iranianos tornaram pública a existência do vírus.It was intended to retard the progress of their nuclear program, but an anonymous source alerted the Iranians to its presence and they rooted it out before it did any damage, after the Iranians made the existence of the virus public.
A polícia de Bethesda alertou todas as unidades.Bethesda Police scanner has alerted all units.
- Como assim? - Assim que as impressões digitais de Zane alertaram a Interpol, o Departamento de Justiça foi avisado.- Once Zane's fingerprints got a hit in Interpol, the, uh, Department of Justice was alerted.
As autoridades alertaram que ele pode ser reconhecido pela cara de bêbado.The authorities alerted that he can be recognized by the drunk guy.
E alertaram a Procuradoria, que começou uma investigação.And alerted the U.S. Attorney's office, which launched an investigation.
Mas uns cães que ladram os alertaram e alguns escaparam.But barking dogs alerted them, and some of them escaped.
Os gregos alertaram que usou um passaporte falso para embarcar num avião para os EUA.The Greeks alerted us that he was using a false passport to board a plane to the U.S.
Esse instrumento alertará os agentes da lei num raio de 80 km.That device will alert law enforcement officers within a 50-mile radius.
Isso alertará as naves Ori sobre a nossa presença.That will alert the Ori ships to our presence.
Olhe, você sabe que ativar o núcleo Asgard alertará todas as naves Ori sobre nossa presença.Look, you know that activating the Asgard core will alert any Ori vessel to our presence.
Tem, surpresa, surpresa, Um sistema de alarme, topo de gama. Que o alertará, se houver alguma falha na estrutura.He has... surprise, surprise... a top of the line electronic alarm system that will alert him if there's a breach in the structure.
As más notícias são que há sensores de peso e ruído, que alertarão a segurança da Companhia para a presença de qualquer ser humano, que pese mais do que um quilo.The bad news is that there are both weight and microphonic sensors that will alert Company security to the presence of any breathing human being that weighs more than two pounds.
Estes guardas alertarão os outros da nossa situação. Eles vão-nos caçar.Those guards will alert the others to our situation, and they will hunt us.
E se chegasse num avião, alertaria a patrulha da fronteira.And if he got on a flight, it would alert border patrol.
Libertá-los... alertaria o Mestre da nossa presença.Releasing them would alert the Master to our presence.
- Quer que alerte a segurança? Não.You want me to alert building security?
-Delegado, alerte seus homens,Sheriff, alert your men.
Arlo alerte a polícia de NY.Arlo, alert nypd.
Certo, alerte a polícia do aeroporto internacional de LA.Okay, alert airport police at LAX.
Contacte a CTU e alerte o transporte médico de Jack Bauer.Contact CTU and have them alert Jack Bauer's medical transport.
Peço-te que chames o embaixador e o alertes para esta detenção ilegal.I hereby request that you call the U.S. ambassador and alert him to this illegal detention.
Queremos que alertes as Encantadas.We want you to alert the Charmed Ones.
Preferes que alertemos o assassino do seu erro?You'd prefer we alert the killer to his mistake?
Sugere que alertemos o Secretário da Defesa, a Vice-presidente o General Wombat...He suggests we alert the secretary of defence, vice president General Wombat...
- E não os alertem.- And don't alert them.
Assim, impede a formação de cheiros que alertem predadores de seu paradeiro.This is to prevent a scent from building up which could alert potentially predatory animals to their whereabouts.
Aumentem as patrulhas aéreas e submarinas e alertem os comandantes.lncrease air and sub patrols, alert senior commanders.
Avaliem a ameaça e alertem as autoridades relevantes.We'll work up a threat assessment and alert all relevant law enforcement agencies.
Avisem a FAA e alertem o Comando Táctico.Notify the FAA and alert tactical.
Acabei de receber um e-mail da Abby me alertando de um alarmante descuido.Uh, I just received an e-mail from Abby alerting me to an alarming oversight.
Apenas o Papa, alertando o mundo e os cristãos...Only the Pope, by alerting the world opinion and Christians...
Estás tão cega pela tua obsessão pelo Bill Compton, que estás capaz de correr pelas ruas a gritar "isco de lobisomem", alertando quem tem o Bill de que andamos atrás deles ou a acabares por te matares.You're so blinded by your obsession with Bill Compton you're likely to run through the streets screaming "werewolf bait" alerting whoever has Bill that we're onto them or getting yourself killed.
Muito antes de conhecer-se os abusos em Abu Ghraib, haviam funcionários públicos alertando discretamente... sobre técnicas bestiais usadas em Guantânamo.Long before knowing abuses at Abu Ghraib ... civil servants had discretely alerting ... techniques bestial used at Guantanamo.
Por isso, um rugido não o faz gritar, só o faz chorar, alertando os pais, expondo o mundo dos monstros, destruindo a vida como a conhecemos, e claro que não o podemos permitir.So a roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry, alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, destroying life as we know it, and of course we can't have that.
Diz ao McNamara e ao general para alertarem a cadeia de comando.- Yeah. You tell McNamara and that General, alert the entire chain of command nobody moves against the Russians without my expressed order.
E pedimos às empresas de cartões de crédito para nos alertarem de actividades incomuns.And we asked the family's credit-card companies to alert us of any unusual activities.
Se recusarem ou alertarem as autoridades, revelaremos a vossa verdadeira identidade como líderes dos Falcões Vermelhos, e terão o vosso filho de volta, um pedaço de cada vez.If you refuse or alert the authorities, we will reveal your true identities as leaders of the Red Hawks, and you will get your son back one piece at a time.
Só para que oiça, vou mandar alertarem-na quando o Hassan me ligar.I'll have someone alert you when Hassan calls me back.
- É melhor alertarmos a segurança.- We'd better alert security.
Cuidado para não alertarmos.Be sure not to alert him.
Pelas regras do Wesley, se alertarmos a polícia, ela morre.According to Wesley's rules, if we alert the police, she's dead.
Percebo isso, mas por não alertarmos os "Media", pomos em risco estas mulheres.I understand that. But by not alerting the media, we're putting women at risk.
Seja lá quem for, ele disse que está com a Kate e que se não tirares o Rosenthal da prisão ou se alertarmos as autoridades, ele vai matá-la.Whoever it was, he says that -- that he has Kate and that if you don't get Rosenthal out of prison or -- or if we alert the authorities, he's gonna kill her.

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