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Acampar (to camp) conjugation

81 examples

Conjugation of acampar

Present tense
I camp
you camp
he/she camps
we camp
you all camp
they camp
Present perfect tense
tenho acampado
I have camped
tens acampado
you have camped
tem acampado
he/she has camped
temos acampado
we have camped
tendes acampado
you all have camped
têm acampado
they have camped
Past preterite tense
I camped
you camped
he/she camped
we camped
you all camped
they camped
Future tense
I will camp
you will camp
he/she will camp
we will camp
you all will camp
they will camp
Conditional mood
I would camp
you would camp
he/she would camp
we would camp
you all would camp
they would camp
Past imperfect tense
I used to camp
you used to camp
he/she used to camp
we used to camp
you all used to camp
they used to camp
Past perfect tense
tinha acampado
I had camped
tinhas acampado
you had camped
tinha acampado
he/she had camped
tínhamos acampado
we had camped
tínheis acampado
you all had camped
tinham acampado
they had camped
Future perfect tense
terei acampado
I will have camped
terás acampado
you will have camped
terá acampado
he/she will have camped
teremos acampado
we will have camped
tereis acampado
you all will have camped
terão acampado
they will have camped
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha acampado
I have camped
tenhas acampado
you have camped
tenha acampado
he/she has camped
tenhamos acampado
we have camped
tenhais acampado
you all have camped
tenham acampado
they have camped
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have camped
(if/so that) you will have camped
(if/so that) he/she will have camped
(if/so that) we will have camped
(if/so that) you all will have camped
(if/so that) they will have camped
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver acampado
I will have camped
tiveres acampado
you will have camped
tiver acampado
he/she will have camped
tivermos acampado
we will have camped
tiverdes acampado
you all will have camped
tiverem acampado
they will have camped
Imperative mood
let's camp!
Imperative negative mood
não acampes
do not camp!
não acampe
let him/her/it not camp!
não acampemos
let us not camp!
não acampeis
do not camp!
não acampem
do not camp!

Examples of acampar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
- Ele veio acampar por aqui.- He went to camp around here.
- Eu tenho saudades, quando vou acampar.I get homesick when I go to camp.
- Procuramos um sítio onde acampar.- Just looking for a place to camp.
- Relaxa. Acho que ele ia acampar.Uh, I think he was going to camp out.
- Vocês, brancos, gostam de acampar.White folks love to camp.
Eu acampo aqui fora.I'll camp out here.
Eu sei onde moras, acampo à tua porta se for preciso.I know where you live, so I'll camp out at your door if I have to. You really might as well just get this over with.
Não acampo.I don't camp!
Porque se lhes pedisse que tirassem a roupa que não compraram aos de sua raça, este lugar se converteria num acampo nudista.Because if I asked you to take off the clothes that you didn't buy from your race, it would be a nudist camp in here right now.
Umas vezes por ano acampo ou pesco.And then a few times a year, I'll go camping or fishing.
Sim, mas tu acampas num banco como um maluco e um perturbado...Yes, but you camp out on a bench like a madman, distraught...
-Ela acampa em Baxter Park.- She camps out in Baxter Park.
Assim, junto com duas irmãs e irmão, ele acampa perto dos seus campos.So, with his two sisters and brother, he camps by his fields.
Na frente do estrangeiro, que armado acampa-se sobre o nosso solo, cantem:"...in the face of the foreigner who put up armed camps on our soil sing: Italia!
Não, a minha família acampa muitas vezes.No, my family camps a lot.
Todo o mundo, o turno acampa atrás das colinas de Madhavgarh.Everyone, shift camps behind the hills of Madhavgarh.
Afastamo-nos do emprego, acampamos, estamos com amigos.Get away from the job, you camp out, you're with friends.
Agarramos nos sacos de cama e acampamos.We'll grab some sleeping bags. We camp.
Além disso, quando formos ter com o Joxer, paramos e acampamos.Besides, when we hook up with Joxer we'll stop and make camp.
Atracamos na margem do rio e acampamos.We finally reached shore and set up camp.
Caçamos ou acampamos?H unting' or camping'?
"O nosso batalhão está acampado nas margens do Potomac.""Our battalion is encamped on the Potomac."
A caminho para a Batalha de Monmouth County, passou dois dias acampado aqui, em Tabor Heights.On his way to the Battle of Monmouth County, he spent two days encamped here in Tabor Heights.
Alexander estava acampado fora da cidade. Com uma grande comitiva, incluindo sua família, ele finalmente foi convocado pelo rei,Alexander was camped outside the town with a large entourage, including his own family.
Alguns devem ter acampado aqui, à noite.Some of them camped out all night.
Chamo-me Bronco Billy e o meu circo está acampado na AE-80."News Beat 7", Mr. Bronco. Bronco Billy's the name. Me and my Wild West Show are camped off of I-80.
- Por isso os negros não acampam.This is why black people don't go camping.
Aqui chove muito, este lugar onde acampam se encherá de água.You get a lot of rain here, this draw you're camping in will be full of water.
E vocês irmãos não acampam?Yeah, but brothers don't camp.
Eles acampam juntos , todo mundo está envolvido.[Jules Hawkins] If you go together, it's the best thing, because you're camping together.
Na verdade, nem sequer recebo mães até à oitava semana, porque chegam aqui, não vêem um batimento e passam-se. E acampam na minha mesa de exames o dia todo.In fact, I don't even have moms come in until the eighth week because they come in, they don't see a heartbeat, and they freak out, and they camp out on my exam table all day.
- Digo, acampei lá muitas vezes.I mean, I've camped out there plenty of times.
Eu acampei aqui com a tua mãe logo depois que nos conhecemos.I camped here with your mum just after we met.
Eu inclusive acampei aquí duas semanas.I also camped here for 2 weeks.
Quando eu era mayor quase acampei à porta do gabinete dele.When I was mayor I practically camped outside his office.
- Já acampaste antes.Oh, you've camped before. I love camping...
Esta é a razão porque acampaste no Rochedo Vermelho.That is the reason why you camped in Red Cliff
A SWAT "acampou" em frente ao Edifício Federal em antecipação a uma espécie de desordem civil, e, aparentemente, a Guarda Nacional está noutro lado qualquer.Swat's camped out in front of the federal building in anticipation of some sort of civil unrest. And apparently, the national guard's off somewhere else.
A imprensa local acampou no nosso relvado durante semanas.The local press was camped out on our lawn for weeks.
Acabou por ser despedido, divorciou-se e acampou no nosso relvado, até o nosso pai mandar levá-lo.He finally got fired, divorced his wife, and camped out on our front lawn until daddy had him taken away.
Ele acabou por ser despedido, divorciou-se da mulher, e acampou no nosso jardim frontal até o nosso pai o tirar de lá.He finally got fired, divorced his wife, and camped out on our front lawn until Daddy had him taken away.
Foi um guerreiro quando Fremont acampou no Lago Pyramid.He was a brave when Fremont camped at Pyramid Lake.
"Dezembro de 1776. As tropas coloniais acamparam na Pensilvânia após um duro inverno."December 1776, the Colonial troops were camped out in Pennsylvania after a harsh winter.
Aqui é certamente onde acamparam.-This is evidently where they camped.
Depois acamparam no deserto e contaram as estrelas.And then they camped in the desert and counted the stars.
E acamparam perante a montanha sagrada.And they camped before the holy mountain.
Eles acamparam aqui.They camped here.
- Então dentro de algumas horas, esse regimento acampará aqui perto.Well, Mr. Pantin, in a few hours, this regiment will camp here.
Amanhã à noite, depois de nos seguirem o dia todo, a cavalaria francesa acampará para atacar a nossa ralé desorganizada.Tomorrow night, after following us all day... that French cavalry will camp and prepare to attack our disorganised rabble.
Com sua permissão, acamparemos aqui esta noite.With your permission, we will camp here for the night. We have brought gifts for your people.
E então? lmporta-se que acampe aqui?- Do you mind if camp here?
Padre, deixa que os anjos se ocupem de mim para que acampe perto de celestial companhia.Father, let angels now have charge of me encamped around heavenly company.
Quero ver o Veracruz antes que ele acampe.I wanna get to Veracruz before he makes camp.
Sr. Holt, acampe!Ml. Holt. make camp.
Talvez só regresse hoje, muito tarde... ou talvez acampe nas colinas e volte só amanhã, quando já se tiver ido embora.Perhaps he won't be home until late tonight... or he may even camp in the hills and come in tomorrow after you're gone.
Se queres que as pessoas usem a tua casa-de-banho, não acampes à porta.If you want people to use your toilet, don't camp out in front of it.
- Espere, acampemos aqui.Let's make camp here.
- Sim, acampemos.- Yes. yes. make camp.
A Jal quer que todos acampemos.Jal wants us all to go camping.
Os homens são meus. Posso sugerir que acampemos longe da mira das espingardas daquele lugar sombrio?May I suggest we camp in yonder meadow out of rifle shot of that gloomy place?
Talvez acampemos.Maybe we'll do some camping.
Liga para ele, trá-lo aqui ou acampem na porta da sua casa.Get him him on the phone, Get him in here or camp out in his driveway.
Melhor que acampem aqui.I think you should camp down here.
Acharam que tinha acampando perto de Yosemite para fazer algum tipo de pesquisa.People thought she was out camping near Yosemite doing some kind of research.
Estamos acampando.We're on a camping trip.
Estávamos acampando.We were just camping.
Eu disse-te que a minha mulher estava fora acampando e tu ficas-te calado?I tell you my wife is out here camping' and you keep quiet?
Foste tu que nos disseste onde estava o Carl acampando.You were the one who told us where Carl was camping.
Diz aos teus amigos merdosos que se acamparem aqui levam disto.Tell your dirtbag buddies... they camp out here, they get some of this.
E se não acamparem?What if they don't camp?
O topo deste cume fará um bom local para os homens acamparem.The top of this ridge will make a good place for the men to make camp.
Rita, é inútil acamparem aqui e ficarem desconfortáveis... - ...tendo nós uma casa. - Casa?Rita, there's no use you camping out and being uncomfortable while you've got a whole house.
Tem que ser um conjunto bem melhor do que uma cambada repórteres a acamparem do lado de fora do vosso portão, a fazerem perguntas que não quer responder.Gotta be a whole lot better than a flock of reporters camped outside your gate asking questions you don't wanna answer.
Evan, não fico à vontade ao acampares sem segurança.Evan, I don't know if I feel comfortable you going camping without supervision.
Ok Che, se achas que realmente vais ficar desidratado ao acampares no jardim eu dou-te uma água.Fine, Che, you're really going to dehydrate, *camp out on the front lawn, I'll get you some water.
É isso que acontece por acampares numa área rural, imagino. - Pai.That's what you get for camping in the boonies, I guess.
- Seria bom acamparmos um pouco. - Credo.- If it's nice we might do a bit of camping.
A ideia dele de acamparmos era que ficássemos mais juntos um do outro.This camping trip was his idea to get us back together.
A partir de amanhã, treinamos com espada duas vezes por dia. Antes de viajarmos pela manhã e depois de acamparmos à noite.Starting tomorrow, we'll train with the sword twice a day, before we ride in the morning and after we camp for the evening.
Aaron, talvez seja melhor acamparmos noutro sitio.Aaron, maybe we should camp somewhere else.
Edward, pára. Vamos arranjar um sítio para acamparmos esta noite.Edward Krotorn, we'll find a place to lay the camp in the night!

More Portuguese verbs


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