Example in Polish | Translation in English |
Stopy mu opuchły. | They swelled up. |
Jeśli tu zostaniemy, to krew przestanie ci krzepnąć, opuchnie ci brzuch, i nie będziesz w stanie oddychać, dobrze? | If we stay here you will stop clotting, Your belly will swell, And you will not be able to breathe, okay? |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Afrikaans | swel | Danish | bugne,svulme |
Dutch | aanzwellen, opzetten, opzien, zwellen | English | swell |
Esperanto | ŝveli | Faroese | bólgna |
French | gonfler, pétrir | German | anschwellen, blähen, schwellen |
Hungarian | dagad, duzzad | Icelandic | bólgna, ólga, svella, þrútna |
Italian | gonfiarsi, inturgidire, inturgidirsi, rigonfiarsi, tumefare, tumefarsi | Japanese | 腫れる, 脹れる, 膨らむ, 膨れる |
Latvian | briest | Lithuanian | pampti, patinti, sutinti, tinti |
Norwegian | svulme | Portuguese | avolumar, inchar, intumescer |
Romanian | înfoia | Russian | пухнуть |
Spanish | abotagarse, abotargarse, henchir, henchirse, hincharse, inflarse | Swedish | praktikera, pösa |