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Mendiamkan (to silence) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of mendiamkan

Present tense
I silence
Past tense
sudah mendiamkan
I silenced
Present perfect tense
sudah mendiamkan
I have silenced
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mendiamkan
I will have silenced
Future recent tense
mendiamkan nanti
I will silence
Future distant tense
mendiamkan kelak
I am going to silence
Present continuous tense
sedang mendiamkan
I silence
Past distant tense
dulu mendiamkan
I (a long time ago) silenced
Past recent tense
mendiamkan tadi
I (recently) silenced
Past very recent tense
baru saja mendiamkan
I (just now) silenced

Examples of mendiamkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Aku akan mendiamkan hal ini.I'm gonna silence this thing.
Anda mendengar hakim telah mengeluarkan surat perintah untuk rumah pembunuhan Sylvan, dan Anda tahu Anda harus mendiamkan Sylvan sebelum dia bicara.You heard that the Judge had issued a warrant for Sylvan's murder house, and you knew that you had to silence Sylvan before he talked.
Itu mendiamkan mereka, tapi kakakku berubah selamanya.It silenced them, but my sister was changed forever.
Oke, aku butuh kisah baru untuk mendiamkan Marvin's chatter*. *ocehan MarvinOkay, I need a brand-new tale to silence Marvin's chatter.

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