Mendiami (to inhabit) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mendiami

Present tense
I inhabit
Past tense
sudah mendiami
I inhabited
Present perfect tense
sudah mendiami
I have inhabited
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mendiami
I will have inhabited
Future recent tense
mendiami nanti
I will inhabit
Future distant tense
mendiami kelak
I am going to inhabit
Present continuous tense
sedang mendiami
I inhabit
Past distant tense
dulu mendiami
I (a long time ago) inhabited
Past recent tense
mendiami tadi
I (recently) inhabited
Past very recent tense
baru saja mendiami
I (just now) inhabited

Examples of mendiami

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ini dibangun di sini oleh komunitas petani dan astronom yang mendiami lembah ini.It was constructed here by a community of farmers and astronomers who inhabited this valley.
Sesuatu mendiami tubuhnya.Something more inhabited his body.
Sebuah nama yang bersinar seterang keindahan yang mendiami itu, muse baru saya.A name that shines as bright as the beauty who inhabits it, my new muse.
inilah maksudnya supaya terjadi perang..... kau tidak dapat menguasai gua-gua itu karena Wachati mendiami daerah tersebut.That's what this war is about. You can't take possession of the caves while the Wachati inhabit the area.
Sebuah batu bisa dianggap mendiami salah satu dari tiga keadaanA stone can be considered to inhabit one of three states:

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