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Vouloir (to mean) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of vouloir

Present tense
je veux
I mean
tu veux
you mean
il/elle/on veut
he/she/it means
nous voulons
we mean
vous voulez
you all mean
ils/elles veulent
they mean
Present perfect tense
j’ai voulu
I meant
tu as voulu
you meant
il/elle/on a voulu
he/she/it meant
nous avons voulu
we meant
vous avez voulu
you all meant
ils/elles ont voulu
they meant
Past impf. tense
je voulais
I was meaning
tu voulais
you were meaning
il/elle/on voulait
he/she/it was meaning
nous voulions
we were meaning
vous vouliez
you all were meaning
ils/elles voulaient
they were meaning
Future tense
je voudrai
I will mean
tu voudras
you will mean
il/elle/on voudra
he/she/it will mean
nous voudrons
we will mean
vous voudrez
you all will mean
ils/elles voudront
they will mean
Past perfect tense
j’avais voulu
I had meant
tu avais voulu
you had meant
il/elle/on avait voulu
he/she/it had meant
nous avions voulu
we had meant
vous aviez voulu
you all had meant
ils/elles avaient voulu
they had meant
Past preterite tense
je voulus
I meant
tu voulus
you meant
il/elle/on voulut
he/she/it meant
nous voulûmes
we meant
vous voulûtes
you all meant
ils/elles voulurent
they meant
Past anterior tense
j’eus voulu
I had meant
tu eus voulu
you had meant
il/elle/on eut voulu
he/she/it had meant
nous eûmes voulu
we had meant
vous eûtes voulu
you all had meant
ils/elles eurent voulu
they had meant
Future perfect tense
j’aurai voulu
I will have meant
tu auras voulu
you will have meant
il/elle/on aura voulu
he/she/it will have meant
nous aurons voulu
we will have meant
vous aurez voulu
you all will have meant
ils/elles auront voulu
they will have meant
Present subjunctive tense
que je veuille
that I mean
que tu veuilles
that you mean
qu’il/elle/on veuille
that he/she/it mean
que nous voulions
that we mean
que vous vouliez
that you all mean
qu’ils/elles veuillent
that they mean
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie voulu
that I have meant
que tu aies voulu
that you have meant
qu’il/elle/on ait voulu
that he/she/it have meant
que nous ayons voulu
that we have meant
que vous ayez voulu
that you all have meant
qu’ils/elles aient voulu
that they have meant
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je voulusse
that I would mean
que tu voulusses
that you would mean
qu’il/elle/on voulût
that he/she/it would mean
que nous voulussions
that we would mean
que vous voulussiez
that you all would mean
qu’ils/elles voulussent
that they would mean
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse voulu
that I had meant
que tu eusses voulu
that you had meant
qu’il/elle/on eût voulu
that he/she/it had meant
que nous eussions voulu
that we had meant
que vous eussiez voulu
that you all had meant
qu’ils/elles eussent voulu
that they had meant
Conditional mood
je voudrais
I would mean
tu voudrais
you would mean
il/elle/on voudrait
he/she/it would mean
nous voudrions
we would mean
vous voudriez
you all would mean
ils/elles voudraient
they would mean
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais voulu
I would have meant
tu aurais voulu
you would have meant
il/elle/on aurait voulu
he/she/it would have meant
nous aurions voulu
we would have meant
vous auriez voulu
you all would have meant
ils/elles auraient voulu
they would have meant
Imperative mood
let's mean!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie voulu
have meant
ayons voulu
let's have meant
ayez voulu
have meant

Examples of vouloir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"ARE INNER HIT" peut vouloir dire..."ARE INNER HIT" could mean...
"Donc, qu'est ce que c'est censé vouloir dire ?""well, what's that supposed to mean?
"Femme" doit vouloir dire autre chose dans l'Idaho.Punch her. She's a girl! Girl must mean something different in Idaho.
"Non" pourrait vouloir dire "non" à un saut en parachute, ou à une danse."No" could mean "no" to going skydiving or going dancing.
"Oblivio" peut aussi vouloir dire oublier."Oblivio" can also mean forgetting.
"C'est ce que j'ai voulu te donner.""That's what I meant to give you. "
"Dieu a voulu que tu bosses sur un chalutier, comme moi.""God meant for you to work a tugboat just like me."
"Je n'ai jamais voulu dire qu'on devait éliminer les chansons.I never meant to say that we should eliminate the singing.
"Je t'aime, George, je n'ai jamais voulu vous faire de mal,"I'm sorry. I do love you, George. I never meant to hurt you or Julia or Irina."
"Je veux plus voir ta tronche", il a voulu dire pour toujours, ou jusqu'à ce que ta mère se réveille?I never want to see your fing faces again... do you think he meant "Forever" forever... or just until your mom wakes up?
! Non! Je veux dire, j'ai des crampes au fesses.No, I mean my butt, it's cramping.
! Que veux-tu dire ?What do you mean?
! Son corps, tu veux dire ?You mean her body.
" Celui-là", si tu veux le savoir, est mon mari et le père de mon enfant.What do you mean, "that one"? He's my husband and the father of my child!
" Il te dira tout ce que tu veux.""He'll tell you anything you want. I mean, whatever you want to talk about."
! Qu'est-ce que vous voulez dire, exactement ?What does that mean, exactly?
! Vous voulez dire qu'il s'est suicidé?You mean that he committed suicide?
! Vous voulez dire vous et Branson ?You mean, you and Branson?
" Vous voulez dire la vie même à moi ""You mean the very life to me"
".. vous voulez dire ... que nous ne sommes ... pas obligés de payer des impôts ?"You mean... we don't have to pay taxes?
"DenGen" voulant dire "détention générale" ?"GenDen" meaning "general detention"?
"La" dans "la voiture" comme un article défini et "là" voulant dire "à cet endroit".They're meaning "they are," their meaning group possessive... ... and there meaning "in that place."
"On" voulant dire "moi" ?"We" meaning me?
"Paranoïa, du grec "para" voulant dire à coté et "noïa" qui est une sorte de .."Paranoid," from the Greek "para" meaning "beside," and "noid," which is some sort of a...
Idiopathique : terme latin voulant dire idiot car on ne trouve pas le problème.Ideopathic, from the Latin meaning we're idiots 'cause we can't figure out what's causing it.

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