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Exaucer (to grant) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of exaucer

Present tense
I grant
tu exauces
you grant
il/elle/on exauce
he/she/it grants
nous exauçons
we grant
vous exaucez
you all grant
ils/elles exaucent
they grant
Present perfect tense
j’ai exaucé
I granted
tu as exaucé
you granted
il/elle/on a exaucé
he/she/it granted
nous avons exaucé
we granted
vous avez exaucé
you all granted
ils/elles ont exaucé
they granted
Past impf. tense
I was granting
tu exauçais
you were granting
il/elle/on exauçait
he/she/it was granting
nous exaucions
we were granting
vous exauciez
you all were granting
ils/elles exauçaient
they were granting
Future tense
I will grant
tu exauceras
you will grant
il/elle/on exaucera
he/she/it will grant
nous exaucerons
we will grant
vous exaucerez
you all will grant
ils/elles exauceront
they will grant
Past perfect tense
j’avais exaucé
I had granted
tu avais exaucé
you had granted
il/elle/on avait exaucé
he/she/it had granted
nous avions exaucé
we had granted
vous aviez exaucé
you all had granted
ils/elles avaient exaucé
they had granted
Past preterite tense
I granted
tu exauças
you granted
il/elle/on exauça
he/she/it granted
nous exauçâmes
we granted
vous exauçâtes
you all granted
ils/elles exaucèrent
they granted
Past anterior tense
j’eus exaucé
I had granted
tu eus exaucé
you had granted
il/elle/on eut exaucé
he/she/it had granted
nous eûmes exaucé
we had granted
vous eûtes exaucé
you all had granted
ils/elles eurent exaucé
they had granted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai exaucé
I will have granted
tu auras exaucé
you will have granted
il/elle/on aura exaucé
he/she/it will have granted
nous aurons exaucé
we will have granted
vous aurez exaucé
you all will have granted
ils/elles auront exaucé
they will have granted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’exauce
that I grant
que tu exauces
that you grant
qu’il/elle/on exauce
that he/she/it grant
que nous exaucions
that we grant
que vous exauciez
that you all grant
qu’ils/elles exaucent
that they grant
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie exaucé
that I have granted
que tu aies exaucé
that you have granted
qu’il/elle/on ait exaucé
that he/she/it have granted
que nous ayons exaucé
that we have granted
que vous ayez exaucé
that you all have granted
qu’ils/elles aient exaucé
that they have granted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’exauçasse
that I would grant
que tu exauçasses
that you would grant
qu’il/elle/on exauçât
that he/she/it would grant
que nous exauçassions
that we would grant
que vous exauçassiez
that you all would grant
qu’ils/elles exauçassent
that they would grant
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse exaucé
that I had granted
que tu eusses exaucé
that you had granted
qu’il/elle/on eût exaucé
that he/she/it had granted
que nous eussions exaucé
that we had granted
que vous eussiez exaucé
that you all had granted
qu’ils/elles eussent exaucé
that they had granted
Conditional mood
I would grant
tu exaucerais
you would grant
il/elle/on exaucerait
he/she/it would grant
nous exaucerions
we would grant
vous exauceriez
you all would grant
ils/elles exauceraient
they would grant
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais exaucé
I would have granted
tu aurais exaucé
you would have granted
il/elle/on aurait exaucé
he/she/it would have granted
nous aurions exaucé
we would have granted
vous auriez exaucé
you all would have granted
ils/elles auraient exaucé
they would have granted
Imperative mood
let's grant!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie exaucé
have granted
ayons exaucé
let's have granted
ayez exaucé
have granted

Examples of exaucer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Je dois exaucer un de vos vœux. - Pardon ?- Guess I gotta grant you a wish now.
- Je viens renouveler ma demande... et trouver le bonheur du ciel si vous voulez bien m'exaucer.I'm here to repeat my proposal. I'll be the happiest of men if you will grant me your hand.
Ah oui, je suis censé exaucer tous les vœux que vous pourriez faire.Ah yes, I'm supposed to grant any wish you may have.
Alors vous allez exaucer mon voeu?So you're going to grant my wish?
C'est trop vous demander que d'exaucer deux voeux.It's too much to ask that you grant my wishes for both.
"Votre voeu est exaucé."""Yourwish is granted."
- Vœu exaucé !- Wish granted.
Bouddha a gracieusement exaucé son voeu.Buddha gracefully granted his wish.
Elle a exaucé mes priéres.She granted me a big miracle.
Et bien ton voeux est exaucé.Well, your wish is granted.
"Elles prient," "exauce-les pour que la foi" "ne soit pas changée en désespoir."They pray, grant thou lest faith turn to despair."
"Elles te prient; exauce-les, de peur que leur foi ne se change en désespoir.""They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.."
- Il les exauce vraiment ?Does it really grant wishes?
Apparemment, le monde n'est pas une usine qui exauce les vœux.Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory.
C'est un démon qui exauce les vœux.She's a demon that grants wishes.
Elles prient, exaucez-les, que leur foi ne soit pas désespérée.They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
Esprits de la lumière, exaucez mes voeux.Spirits of light, grant my wishes.
Mon Dieu, par pitié, exaucez ma prière.O God, please grant me my wish.
Vous exaucez encore les voeux ?You still granting wishes?
Vous exaucez les vœux ?Do you grant wishes?
"J'ai le sentiment qu'ils détruisent les gens en exauçant leurs voeux les plus chers, comme le fait le diable depuis que Dieu a créé l'univers.""It seems they destroy people "by granting their dearest wishes, "as has been the way of the devil

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