Conceder (to grant) conjugation

112 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to agree about, to bestow, to concede, to admit, agree

Conjugation of conceder

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I grant
you grant
he/she/it grants
we grant
you all grant
they grant
Present perfect tense
he concedido
I have granted
has concedido
you have granted
ha concedido
he/she/it has granted
hemos concedido
we have granted
habéis concedido
you all have granted
han concedido
they have granted
Past preterite tense
I granted
you granted
he/she/it granted
we granted
you all granted
they granted
Future tense
I will grant
you will grant
he/she/it will grant
we will grant
you all will grant
they will grant
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would grant
you would grant
he/she/it would grant
we would grant
you all would grant
they would grant
Past imperfect tense
I used to grant
you used to grant
he/she/it used to grant
we used to grant
you all used to grant
they used to grant
Past perfect tense
había concedido
I had granted
habías concedido
you had granted
había concedido
he/she/it had granted
habíamos concedido
we had granted
habíais concedido
you all had granted
habían concedido
they had granted
Future perfect tense
habré concedido
I will have granted
habrás concedido
you will have granted
habrá concedido
he/she/it will have granted
habremos concedido
we will have granted
habréis concedido
you all will have granted
habrán concedido
they will have granted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I grant
(if/so that) you grant
(if/so that) he/she/it grant
(if/so that) we grant
(if/so that) you all grant
(if/so that) they grant
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya concedido
I have granted
hayas concedido
you have granted
haya concedido
he/she/it has granted
hayamos concedido
we have granted
hayáis concedido
you all have granted
hayan concedido
they have granted
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have granted
(if/so that) you have granted
(if/so that) he/she/it have granted
(if/so that) we have granted
(if/so that) you all have granted
(if/so that) they have granted
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have granted
(if/so that) you have granted
(if/so that) he/she/it have granted
(if/so that) we have granted
(if/so that) you all have granted
(if/so that) they have granted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera concedido
I had granted
hubieras concedido
you had granted
hubiera concedido
he/she/it had granted
hubiéramos concedido
we had granted
hubierais concedido
you all had granted
hubieran concedido
they had granted
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese concedido
I had granted
hubieses concedido
you had granted
hubiese concedido
he/she/it had granted
hubiésemos concedido
we had granted
hubieseis concedido
you all had granted
hubiesen concedido
they had granted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have granted
(if/so that) you will have granted
(if/so that) he/she/it will have granted
(if/so that) we will have granted
(if/so that) you all will have granted
(if/so that) they will have granted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere concedido
I will have granted
hubieres concedido
you will have granted
hubiere concedido
he/she/it will have granted
hubiéremos concedido
we will have granted
hubiereis concedido
you all will have granted
hubieren concedido
they will have granted
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's grant!
Imperative negative mood
no concedas
do not grant!
no conceda
let him/her/it grant!
no concedamos
let us not grant!
no concedáis
do not grant!
no concedan
do not grant!

Examples of conceder

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
A la luz de esta nueva prueba, no tengo más remedio que conceder un aplazamiento... para que podamos arreglar este desastre.In light of this new evidence, I have no choice but to grant a reprieve (bangs gavel) So we can sort this whole mess out.
A la vista del caso, yo no me opongo a conceder días de salida al Sr. El Djebena.In view of the case, I have no objection to grant furloughs to Mr. El Djebena.
Acaba de obtener el consejo de conceder su los privilegios quirúrgicos.Just get the board to grant her the surgical privileges.
Así que, de todas maneras, tienes que conceder mi deseo, ¿de acuerdo?So, by all means, you have to grant my wish, okay?
Aunque yo esté de acuerdo en aceptar algunas cosas me niego a conceder nada hasta que no salgan.Even if I agree to accept some things... I refuse to grant anything until you come out.
- Es extraño, pero te lo concedo.Very well. A strange request, but I grant them to you.
- No concedo privilegios a nadie.- I don't grant special favors to any man.
- Señor Gupta. - ¿Sí, madam? - ¿Le concedo la fianza?Mr. Gupta, should l grant bail?
- Te concedo eso.I grant you.
- Yo le concedo el perdón.- I grant him pardon!
- Testificará. Dirá nombres... le concedes inmunidad.He'll name names if you'll grant him immunity.
Ahora, si me concedes la resurrección, te serviré.Now, if you grant me my resurrection, I shall serve.
Bueno, estoy listo, Alá, exaltado padre, creador de todos ... tu que concedes deseos, me basta sólo contigo... reza por mí en este momento.Okay, I'm ready, Allah, exalted parent, creator of all... granter of wishes, you are my sufficiency... pray for me in this moment.
Dale la gracia del Espíritu Santo... que concedes a todos tus fieles servidores... a los patriarcas y a los profetas.Give him the grace of the Divine Spirit That You granted to all the faithful servants To the Patriarchs and the Prophets
De todas maneras, si tienes diez días, ¿porqué sólo me concedes dos?In any case, if you have ten days, why only grant me two?
"El ministerio te concede licencia para volver a la patria..."The ministry grants you license to return to the homeland ...
"Luego el precavidoJove concede esto... a las plegarias de los atenienses:"Then far-seeing Jove grants this to the prayers of Athene:
"Tú eres el Señor que concede todas las virtudes""Thou art the Lord that grants every vIrtue"
"Él concede la victoria a un hombre, pero convoca a otro del campo de batalla al otro mundo, el poder de fuego lo lleva a Valhalla, y su alma se limpia de culpa "."He grants victory to one man, but summons another from the battlefield to the other world, the power of fire takes him to Valhalla, and his soul is cleansed of guilt."
- Y concede deseos.- He grants wishes.
- en caso de que concedemos Xinpei asilo.- in case we grant Xinpei asylum.
Aquí no concedemos ni la vida ni la muerte.It is not our place to grant life and death.
Como siempre, Lord Rayden, concedemos 3 preguntas.As always Lord Rayden, you are granted three questions.
De acuerdo, pero si concedemos asilo a la chica,Okay, but if we grant asylum for the girl,
Habéis dicho ya que no nos concedéis nada, pues no tenemos otra cosa que pediros sino lo que ya nos negáis.You have said you will not grant us anything, for we have nothing else to ask but that which you deny already.
Milord. me concedéis mis deseos _ntes de formularios.My Lord grants my wishes before l speak them.
Os sentáis en el palacio de justicia como hombres selectos, donde os concedéis a vosotros mismos títulos de tierras que habéis robado a los indios.You will sit in the general court as select men, where you grant yourselves titles to land you have purloined from Indians. Bought!
Se los concedéis de una vez al que cae a vuestros pies.You grant them at once to the one who falls at your feet
- Egipcio. - Del gobierno egipcio. Nos conceden el permiso.Egyptian government has granted its permission.
Alto. ¿Los enanos conceden deseos?Wait. Do dwarves grant wishes?
Así que en el mejor escenario si te conceden la libertad condicional en el 2041 ¿cuántos años tendrías?So best-case scenario, if you are granted parole in 2041, how old would you be then?
Así que no me lo conceden.So you don't grant it.
Averigüé sobre la Fundación Pide un Deseo, y ellos no le conceden deseos a gente de mi edad.I found out about the Make A Wish foundation, and they can't grant wishes for someone my age.
Bueno, concedí tu deseo.Well, I've granted your wish.
Cuando regresé a Port Royal, te concedí clemencia.On our return to Port Royal , l granted you clemency.
De hecho, no sólo me concedí permisoIn fact, I not only granted permission,
Dices que le concedí cada favor a él.You say we granted every favour to him.
El último divorció que le concedí se basó en incompatibilidad, ¿no es así?The last divorce awarded you by me was granted on the grounds of incompatibility, is that right?
Bendita Madre... muchos años atrás me concediste el milagro de salvar a mi maestro.Blessed Mother... many years ago you granted a miracle by saving my master.
Porque se la concediste tú, estuviste presente en la misma.But you know that, cause you granted the audience and you were also present during it.
Y así como concediste fe y gracia por tu diácono Felipe al hombre de Etiopía que iba sentado en su carro leyendo las Sagradas Escrituras muestra el camino de la salvación a tus siervos para que, ayudados por tu gracia y en su constante empeño por hacer buenas obras, puedan, en el curso de su peregrinación y vida en la tierra alcanzar la gloria eterna, por Cristo nuestro Señor.And as you granted faith and grace by your deacon Philip to the man from Ethiopia, who was sitting in his chariot reading holy scripture, show the way of salvation to your servants, so that, helped by your grace and always intent on doing good works, they may, after all the trials of their pilgrimage and life on earth, attain to everlasting joys through Christ our Lord.
Y aún así le concediste todos tus favores.And still you granted him your every favour.
Y me lo concediste.You granted it.
"Nuestro Sargento nos concedió un pase de libertad."Our sergeant granted us a liberty pass.
- Me la concedió.- He granted it.
- Qué el juez federal Griffen concedió.- Which Federal Judge Griffen granted.
-¿Se lo concedió?- You have not granted it?
...y Carlos I le concedió una esfera del mundo con la leyenda: "El primero que me dio la vuelta"....and Charles I granted a sphere of the world with the legend: "The first trip around the world".
Le concedimos la inmunidad a su hijo, no nos queda nada para ofrecerle.We granted her son immunity. We have nothing left to offer her.
Nosotros le concedimos su acta de fundación y nosotros podemos quitársela.We granted its Charter and we can take it away.
Y dirás que te concedimos el permiso para el elogio.And you will say that we granted you the permission for the eulogy.
- Bueno, según su informe... los Latonianos jamás le concedieron acceso... al Centinela al equipo de Grieves... no antes de que fueran llamados y arrestados.- Well, according to his report, the Latonans never granted Grieves' team access to the Sentinel, before they were... recalled and arrested.
- Me lo concedieron. - ¿Y cuál era la emergencia federal?I was granted the money.
Anoche, los dioses me concedieron una visión.Last night, the gods granted me a vision.
Como se lo concedieron a Heracleo.As they have granted Heracleo.
"Quiénquiera que me salvé le concederé cada uno de los poderes supernaturales que existen""Whoever helps me out I will grant him every single supernatural power there is."
- Te concederé tu deseo.- I will grant you this wish. - What?
Ahora, le concederé ese los zapatos de Dios Es algo, bien, tonto.Now, I will grant you that God's shoes is somewhat, well, silly.
Así que le concederé una fianza al Sr. Stack y... escucharé argumentos mañana.So I will grant Mr. Stack bail and, uh, hear arguments tomorrow.
Bueno, entonces en mi opinión el estado no ha logrado establecer una base creíble para su moción, y yo le concederé la fianza por un monto de Su Señoría, le aconsejaría no hacerlo.Well, then in my opinion, the state has failed to establish a compelling basis for its motion, and I will grant bail in the amount of- Your Honor, I would caution you not to do that.
"Este texto será la guía por la que el testigo conseguirá la calavera que le concederá el poder de levantar a los muertos.""This text shall be the guide "by which the witness shall procure the skull which will grant him the power to raise the dead."
A cambio, a nuestro cliente se le concederá un divorcio rápido y sin oposición que le permita volver a casarse.In return, our client will grant him a swift and uncontested divorce so he can remarry.
Al parecer, el juez la concederá.Apparently, the judge will grant it.
Alá nos concederá la revancha.Allah will grant us revenge.
Así Cristo que es magnánimo y fuerte, te concederá resucitar en su gloria, junto y a la vez en Él.That is how Christ, who is generous and strong, will grant you new life in His glory, with Him, as well as in Him.
A pesar de su grave ofensa... contra la voluntad de Dios, nosotros le concederemos... paz en la muerte por 3 días y su tumba será la ruta de los peregrinos.Despite his grave offense against God's will, we will grant him peace in death for 3 days and his grave shall be next to the pilgrim's path.
Pero, si quisiera cooperar, si dijese lo que queremos que diga... le concederemos la inmunidad.But, if she's willing to cooperate, if she'll say what we want her to say we will grant her immunity.
Te concederemos a vos, Charles, el título de Muy Cristiano Rey.We will grant you, Charles, the title Most Christian King.
Te concederemos tu petición.We will grant your request.
Una que no tengo duda me concederéis.One I have no doubt you will grant.
10 años de meditación, te concederán un compañero de viaje en un viaje en boteTen years of meditation, will grant you a fellow passenger on a boat ride
Cien años de meditación, te concederán un compañero para compartir tu almohadaHundred years of meditation, will grant you a partner to share your pillow
Los espíritus concederán el perdón desde más allá de la tumba.Then spirits will grant forgiveness from beyond the grave.
Y entonces, seguro, te concederán esta espada, y un reino.And then, for certain, they will grant you this sword and a kingdom.
Ahora, díganos, Sr. Hart, ¿espera Ud. que este jurado crea... con todo el debido respeto a la prensa... que la ley le concedería un divorcio sólo por una historia en un periódico?Now tell us, Mr. Hart, do you expect this jury to believe that... with all due respect to the press... that our courts would grant you a divorce merely on a newspaper story?
Asintió... y dijo que me concedería mi deseo.He nodded ... and said he would grant me my wish.
Creés que si así fuere y te pidieran que confesaras algo grotescamente absurdo... Digamos que te pidieran confesar que en realidad sos un mono. ¿Estás seguro de que Dios te concedería fortaleza para negarlo?Do you think that if you were and they asked you to confess something grotesquely absurd, say... say you were told to confess that you are really a monke... are you sure that God would grant you the fortitude to deny it?
Juez Magrudov concedería una orden de arresto en una tarjeta de juego.Judge Magrudov would grant an arrest warrant on a playing card.
La asamblea nos concedería una audiencia inmediata.The Assembly would grant us an immediate audience.
Si yo fuera vuestro esposo, me concederíais tales peticiones y más.If I were your husband, you would grant me such requests and more.
Ni los bajoranos concederían asilo a los de su clase.Not even the Bajorans would grant his kind asylum.
"Los pasos están encaminados para que su condena sea revocada y para que se le conceda a Eglee un perdón completo.""Steps are underway for his conviction to be overturned and for Eglee to be granted a full pardon."
"Se recomienda que se le conceda el alta médica al oficial, para ser hospitalizado en un hospital de veteranos para su tratamiento bajo custodia total.""It is recommended that subject officer be granted a medical discharge, "to be committed to a veterans' hospital for prolonged treatment "under full custodial care. "
# Dios te conceda su fuerza cuando te arrodilles ante su trono.God grant to you his strength As you'II kneel at his throne
- Exigiendo que se conceda fianza... para que un bebé inocente pueda nacer en la gran vastedad de Dios.Demanding that bail be granted so an innocent babe can be born in God's great outdoors.
- Lo que le pido... es que sea un santo y me conceda un milagro:- What I ask... is for you to be a saint and grant a miracle:
"Mi único deseo, que te ruego me concedas es que me entierren junto a Antonio y permanecer ahí para siempre"."My one wish, which I implore you to grant..." is to be buried at the site of Antony and to remain there... "...until all things end."
- ARMA CALIBRE.32 ...en el honorable oficio de sacerdote... y te suplicamos que le concedas unirse a ellos... en la perpetua hermandad por Cristo nuestro Señor... quien mora contigo y con el Espíritu Santo... en el mundo eterno.In the honorable office of priest... grant, we beseech thee, that he may also be joined with them... in a perpetual fellowship through Jesus Christ our Lord... who, with thee and the Holy Ghost livest... ever a one-god world without end.
- Chris, espero que le concedas al - "Puercoespín" un exclusiva.-Chris, I hope you grant the Porcupine Exclusive.
Ah, Jesús, yo quiero pedirte que me concedas una gran bendición.Jesus, I would like you to grant me a great blessing.
Ahora que soy normal como tú, Lex, quiero que me concedas un deseo.Now that I'm as normal as you, Lex, I wonder if you'd grant me one last request.
¿Nos pides que os concedamos una licencia para mantener un mercado?You ask us to grant you a license to hold a market?
De acuerdo a lo que me concedáis ahora, recibiréis una recompensa del triple cuando reconquiste el Trono de Hierro.Whatever you grant me now will be repaid three times over when I retake the Iron Throne.
Señor, os pido de vuestra bondad que les concedáis tal petición.Sir, I beg you graciously that you grant your sisters' request.
Señor, os ruego me concedáis un momento para hablaros.Señor, I request you grant me a moment to talk.
Venimos a pediros humildemente... que nos concedáis la libertad.Most humbly Please won't you grant us our liberty We want our freedom
- Los cristales no se supone que concedan deseos.Crystals aren't supposed to grant wishes.
Bueno, mira, lo importante es que concedan algo.Well, the important thing is that they grant something.
Cuando caduque tu pasaporte, puede que no te concedan el derecho a ejercer en Hong Kong.When your passport expires, you may not be granted the right to practise in Hong Kong.
Cuando hayas pasado tu vida discutiendo con burócratas y suplicando de rodillas que te concedan cinco míseros dólares más, entonces podrás decirme que deberíamos volver atrás y simplemente arreglar huesos rotos y... y... cerrar heridas fatales en la cabeza.When you have spent your life arguing with bureaucrats and begging on your knees for the last five dollars of the grant, then you can tell me that we should go back and just fix broken bones and... and... and tap the fatally ill on the head.
Cuando llegue el momento, espero que los que lo vayan a juzgar le concedan la misericordia que le negó al Dr. Rush.When the time comes, let's hope that those who sit in judgment of you grant the mercy you denied Dr. Rush.
"ld a la luz y conceded mi deseo.""Go to the light and grant my desire."
"... anunció que ha concedido licencia a la vacuna...'"... announced it has granted a license for the vaccine...
"Beautiful son los momentos que se han concedido.""Beautiful are the moments we have been granted."
"Comenzar Programa de Algoritmos" Acceso al sistema concedido.System access granted.
"El deseo inefable, nunca concedido por la vida y la tierra."The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted,
"Entendido 719, permiso concedido"Roger, seven-one-niner. Permission granted.
Así que, honestamente, creo que se me está concediendo mi deseo.So honestly, I think he was granting my wish.
Calligan, te estoy concediendo tu petición para ir de incognito.Calligan, I'm granting your request to go undercover.
Debido a este acto humilde. El medallón adquirió poderes especiales, concediendo deseos a los puros de corazón.Because of this humble act, the medallion took on special powers, granting wishes to the pure in heart.
El Anciano siempre ha vivido entre ellos... concediendo el acceso al paraíso.The Old Man has always lived among them... granting access to Paradise.
Es lo que le va a costar darse cuenta de que no es su deseo lo que le estábamos concediendo.That's how long - it's gonna take her to realize that it's not her wish that we'd be granting.

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