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Accueillir (to welcome) conjugation

30 examples

Conjugation of accueillir

Present tense
I welcome
tu accueilles
you welcome
il/elle/on accueille
he/she/it welcomes
nous accueillons
we welcome
vous accueillez
you all welcome
ils/elles accueillent
they welcome
Present perfect tense
j’ai accueilli
I welcomed
tu as accueilli
you welcomed
il/elle/on a accueilli
he/she/it welcomed
nous avons accueilli
we welcomed
vous avez accueilli
you all welcomed
ils/elles ont accueilli
they welcomed
Past impf. tense
I was welcoming
tu accueillais
you were welcoming
il/elle/on accueillait
he/she/it was welcoming
nous accueillions
we were welcoming
vous accueilliez
you all were welcoming
ils/elles accueillaient
they were welcoming
Future tense
I will welcome
tu accueilleras
you will welcome
il/elle/on accueillera
he/she/it will welcome
nous accueillerons
we will welcome
vous accueillerez
you all will welcome
ils/elles accueilleront
they will welcome
Past perfect tense
j’avais accueilli
I had welcomed
tu avais accueilli
you had welcomed
il/elle/on avait accueilli
he/she/it had welcomed
nous avions accueilli
we had welcomed
vous aviez accueilli
you all had welcomed
ils/elles avaient accueilli
they had welcomed
Past preterite tense
I welcomed
tu accueillis
you welcomed
il/elle/on accueillit
he/she/it welcomed
nous accueillîmes
we welcomed
vous accueillîtes
you all welcomed
ils/elles accueillirent
they welcomed
Past anterior tense
j’eus accueilli
I had welcomed
tu eus accueilli
you had welcomed
il/elle/on eut accueilli
he/she/it had welcomed
nous eûmes accueilli
we had welcomed
vous eûtes accueilli
you all had welcomed
ils/elles eurent accueilli
they had welcomed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai accueilli
I will have welcomed
tu auras accueilli
you will have welcomed
il/elle/on aura accueilli
he/she/it will have welcomed
nous aurons accueilli
we will have welcomed
vous aurez accueilli
you all will have welcomed
ils/elles auront accueilli
they will have welcomed
Present subjunctive tense
que j’accueille
that I welcome
que tu accueilles
that you welcome
qu’il/elle/on accueille
that he/she/it welcome
que nous accueillions
that we welcome
que vous accueilliez
that you all welcome
qu’ils/elles accueillent
that they welcome
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie accueilli
that I have welcomed
que tu aies accueilli
that you have welcomed
qu’il/elle/on ait accueilli
that he/she/it have welcomed
que nous ayons accueilli
that we have welcomed
que vous ayez accueilli
that you all have welcomed
qu’ils/elles aient accueilli
that they have welcomed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’accueillisse
that I would welcome
que tu accueillisses
that you would welcome
qu’il/elle/on accueillît
that he/she/it would welcome
que nous accueillissions
that we would welcome
que vous accueillissiez
that you all would welcome
qu’ils/elles accueillissent
that they would welcome
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse accueilli
that I had welcomed
que tu eusses accueilli
that you had welcomed
qu’il/elle/on eût accueilli
that he/she/it had welcomed
que nous eussions accueilli
that we had welcomed
que vous eussiez accueilli
that you all had welcomed
qu’ils/elles eussent accueilli
that they had welcomed
Conditional mood
I would welcome
tu accueillerais
you would welcome
il/elle/on accueillerait
he/she/it would welcome
nous accueillerions
we would welcome
vous accueilleriez
you all would welcome
ils/elles accueilleraient
they would welcome
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais accueilli
I would have welcomed
tu aurais accueilli
you would have welcomed
il/elle/on aurait accueilli
he/she/it would have welcomed
nous aurions accueilli
we would have welcomed
vous auriez accueilli
you all would have welcomed
ils/elles auraient accueilli
they would have welcomed
Imperative mood
let's welcome!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie accueilli
have welcomed
ayons accueilli
let's have welcomed
ayez accueilli
have welcomed

Examples of accueillir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Haïti, toujours prête à accueillir de distingués visiteurs"Haiti, always ready to welcome distinguished visitors
"Mesdames et monsieur, je suis heureux d'accueillir Marty Pepper dans notre famille."Ladies and gentlemen, I am so pleased "to welcome Marty Pepper to our family.
*Le Shogun est honoré d'accueillir.. *.. l'un des plus grands chirurgiens esthétiques du monde !The Shogun is honored to welcome one of the greatest plastic surgeons in the worl!
- Allez donc l'accueillir.- I suggest you welcome her.
- Allez l'accueillir chaleureusement.- Go make him feel welcome. Go.
"sera accueilli par des applaudissements.""...he will always be welcomed with holiday cheer."
- Camelot a accueilli sa fille à bras ouverts.Camelot has welcomed back its daughter with open arms.
- Va falloir se battre. - Celui que j'ai accueilli ?- Who I welcomed at the station?
- il m'a accueilli à bras ouverts.He welcomed me with open arms.
A quel autre endroit je pourrais être habillé comme ça et être accueilli à bras ouverts ?I mean, where else could I dress like this, and be welcomed with open arms?
"accueille l'orage."welcomes the storm.
'... vous accueille ce soir dans notre galerie.''...welcome you all to our gallery night.'
- J'accueille les morts dans mon esprit.- I welcome the dead into my soul.
- J'accueille les morts.- I welcome the dead into my soul.
- Je l'accueille pour vous ?-I'd like to bid them welcome
Alors, accueillons les.So, let's welcome them.
Aujourd'hui, nous accueillons notre championne, Bunny !And on today's show, let's welcome back our champion, Bunny!
Bien, accueillons notre dernière équipe pour la finale du champ de bataille TechCrunch des Start up de cette année.All right, let's welcome our final team to the finals of this year's TechCrunch Disrupt Start-Up Battlefield.
Bien, accueillons à la Maison du paradis les nouveaux membres de la famille,Okay... let's welcome Heavens House's newest family members...
Bien, nous accueillons la vedette de cette soirée.[P.A. Feedback Squeals] All right, let's welcome this evening's entertainment.
- Mesdames et messieurs, accueillez chaleureusement la belle Monia et ses animaux!Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the lovely Monia and her animals!
Alors accueillez chaleureusement l'agent Paul Blart.So, instead, how about a nice, warm Expo welcome for Officer Paul Blart.
Alors accueillez-les chaleureusement.So welcome them warmly.
Approchez, fées bricoleuses, et accueillez la dernière venue de votre guilde, Clochette.Come forward, tinker fairies, and welcome the newest member of your talent guild, Tinker Bell.
Bref, sans plus attendre, accueillez chaleureusement la petite dame avec ses clochettes sur les orteils :So anyway, without any further to-do, let's give a warm welcome to the little lady with bells on her toes:
"J'obéis à l'amour que je porte à cette ville "en vous accueillant ici, vous, en tant que maîtresses,l express my rush of love for this city by welcoming you here as patrons.
"Un lever de soleil accueillant salue les étalons à la retraite et les poulinières..." Les poulinières donnant à ces nobles coureurs un accès"A welcoming sunrise greets retired stallions and broodmares..." Broodmares. "...giving these noble runners a gate to the next stage of their lives."
- Le comité d'accueil non accueillant.-The unwelcoming committee.
- Mon peuple est très accueillant et très enthousiaste à l'idée de vous rencontrer.My people are very welcoming and they're eager to meet you.
- Pas très accueillant.- This is it. The Blim estate. - Not very welcoming, is it?

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