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Accroupir (to crouch) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of accroupir

Present tense
I crouch
tu accroupis
you crouch
il/elle/on accroupit
he/she/it crouches
nous accroupissons
we crouch
vous accroupissez
you all crouch
ils/elles accroupissent
they crouch
Present perfect tense
j’ai accroupi
I crouched
tu as accroupi
you crouched
il/elle/on a accroupi
he/she/it crouched
nous avons accroupi
we crouched
vous avez accroupi
you all crouched
ils/elles ont accroupi
they crouched
Past impf. tense
I was crouching
tu accroupissais
you were crouching
il/elle/on accroupissait
he/she/it was crouching
nous accroupissions
we were crouching
vous accroupissiez
you all were crouching
ils/elles accroupissaient
they were crouching
Future tense
I will crouch
tu accroupiras
you will crouch
il/elle/on accroupira
he/she/it will crouch
nous accroupirons
we will crouch
vous accroupirez
you all will crouch
ils/elles accroupiront
they will crouch
Past perfect tense
j’avais accroupi
I had crouched
tu avais accroupi
you had crouched
il/elle/on avait accroupi
he/she/it had crouched
nous avions accroupi
we had crouched
vous aviez accroupi
you all had crouched
ils/elles avaient accroupi
they had crouched
Past preterite tense
I crouched
tu accroupis
you crouched
il/elle/on accroupit
he/she/it crouched
nous accroupîmes
we crouched
vous accroupîtes
you all crouched
ils/elles accroupirent
they crouched
Past anterior tense
j’eus accroupi
I had crouched
tu eus accroupi
you had crouched
il/elle/on eut accroupi
he/she/it had crouched
nous eûmes accroupi
we had crouched
vous eûtes accroupi
you all had crouched
ils/elles eurent accroupi
they had crouched
Future perfect tense
j’aurai accroupi
I will have crouched
tu auras accroupi
you will have crouched
il/elle/on aura accroupi
he/she/it will have crouched
nous aurons accroupi
we will have crouched
vous aurez accroupi
you all will have crouched
ils/elles auront accroupi
they will have crouched
Present subjunctive tense
que j’accroupisse
that I crouch
que tu accroupisses
that you crouch
qu’il/elle/on accroupisse
that he/she/it crouch
que nous accroupissions
that we crouch
que vous accroupissiez
that you all crouch
qu’ils/elles accroupissent
that they crouch
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie accroupi
that I have crouched
que tu aies accroupi
that you have crouched
qu’il/elle/on ait accroupi
that he/she/it have crouched
que nous ayons accroupi
that we have crouched
que vous ayez accroupi
that you all have crouched
qu’ils/elles aient accroupi
that they have crouched
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’accroupisse
that I would crouch
que tu accroupisses
that you would crouch
qu’il/elle/on accroupît
that he/she/it would crouch
que nous accroupissions
that we would crouch
que vous accroupissiez
that you all would crouch
qu’ils/elles accroupissent
that they would crouch
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse accroupi
that I had crouched
que tu eusses accroupi
that you had crouched
qu’il/elle/on eût accroupi
that he/she/it had crouched
que nous eussions accroupi
that we had crouched
que vous eussiez accroupi
that you all had crouched
qu’ils/elles eussent accroupi
that they had crouched
Conditional mood
I would crouch
tu accroupirais
you would crouch
il/elle/on accroupirait
he/she/it would crouch
nous accroupirions
we would crouch
vous accroupiriez
you all would crouch
ils/elles accroupiraient
they would crouch
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais accroupi
I would have crouched
tu aurais accroupi
you would have crouched
il/elle/on aurait accroupi
he/she/it would have crouched
nous aurions accroupi
we would have crouched
vous auriez accroupi
you all would have crouched
ils/elles auraient accroupi
they would have crouched
Imperative mood
let's crouch!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie accroupi
have crouched
ayons accroupi
let's have crouched
ayez accroupi
have crouched

Examples of accroupir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Bon, je vais m'accroupir derrière...All right, I'll go crouch behind the, uh...
- Mon docteur dit que je ne peux pas me baisser ni m'accroupir, un jour de golf.- My doctor says that I can't get down on the floor, even crouch, on a golf day.
Devrais-je m'accroupir ?Should I crouch?
J'aimerais m'accroupir, comme ceci, et tenir mes genoux, fort, Ie plus fort que je puis, et m'envoler, comme ceci !Perhaps if I crouch down like this and grip my knees tightly, as tightly as I can, I could fly away. Like this!
Jeune, belle, pouvant s'accroupir quatre heures derrière un buisson, à attendre que la voisine jette ses ordures.Young, pretty, able to crouch for hours behind a bush, waiting for a neighbor to dump her trash.
- Ça a pu tomber de la poche de quelqu'un, accroupi ici.It could have fallen out of someone's pocket, if they were crouched down here.
Celle où tu commences accroupi et puis...The one where you start in a crouched position, then you leap... Sure.
Et après, Evan Lee s'est accroupi.And then Evan Lee crouched down.
Euh, il était accroupi devant la victime, il sanglotait.Uh, he was crouched in front of the victim, he was sobbing.
Il a pris une grosse pierre... il l'a lancée devant lui... puis il s'est accroupi avant qu'elle retombe dans la neige.He took a big stone... and threw it in front of him then he crouched down before it fell on the snow.
- Alors accroupis toi un peu.- So crouch a little.
- Je sais pas. Baisse ton pantalon et accroupis-toi.Pull your pants down and crouch.
Allez, accroupis-toi.Go on, crouch down.
Des hommes accroupis retirent leurs armes des greniers... et d'autres à plat ventre, de sous leurs lits.Men crouching taking their weapons from attics ... and other face down, hiding under their beds.
Ils étaient accroupis dans l'entrebaillement de la porte, et ensuite... et ensuite ils sont partis.They were crouched down in the doorway, and then... and then they just took off.

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