-Onko Mahoneyn aidat jo purettu? | Had the Mahoney fences torn down yet? |
-Tuhotaan aidat. | We can rocket those fences. |
Amerikka oli tuolla jossain. Siellä ihmisillä oli talot ja aidat. | There's something about that place called USA, where people with houses, fences, and it's serious, and were the pel? |
Anchorin porukka ratsastaa aidat kumoon riehuen ja ampuen. | Anchor riders tearing up the fences, stampeding, shooting. |
Armeija pystytti nämä aidat. | Army came in and put these fences up. Made it a place for the people to go. |
"Evakuoitujen on pysyttävä 3 metriä aitojen takana." | "All evacuees are required to stay "at least 10 feet back from outside fences." |
- ACU sanoi näkymättömien aitojen olevan kunnossa. | Security said the invisible fences were a no-fail. |
- Niitto ja aitojen ja polkujen laittaminen. | It needs slashing, fences, access tracks. |
Aavikkojen laajetessa, ja maatilojen ja aitojen tukkiessa perinteiset muuttoreitit, - norsujen on vaellettava yhä pidempiä matkoja. | As the deserts grow, and traditional migration routes are blocked by farms and fences, elephants must trek ever greater distances. |
Ehkä saat puretuksi energiaa ja pysyt paremmin aitojen sisällä. | Maybe that'll get some of your crazy energy out and you won't have to jump over fences any more. |
"Olette kurkkineet avaimenrei'istä - "ja ylittäneet aitoja, jakaneet kustantamojen - "lukitsemaa tietoa ystävillenne. | "You have been sneaking through holes and climbing over fences, liberating the information locked up by the publishers and sharing them with your friends." |
- Isoja takapihoja, aitoja, pensaita. Miksi? | - Big, fences, hedges. |
- Kansallispuistossa ei pitäisi olla aitoja. | It's a national park, there's not supposed to be fences. |
- Kasileirissä ei ole aitoja. | - We don't need no fences at Camp 8. |
- Kasileirissä ei tarvita aitoja. | - We don't need no fences here at Camp 8. |
Olen ottanut selvää uima-altaan kansista ja aidoista. | Yeah, she's not even crawling. I've done research on pool covers and fences and - the fences are really ugly, Bette hates them a lot. |
On tullut ilmoituksia vajoamista, hajonneista sähkölinjoista, kaatuneista aidoista. | There have been reports of sink holes, downed power lines, fallen fences. |
Päästin irti valkoisista aidoista ja autoista pihateillä, - kahvikupeista ja imureista. | I let go of white picket fences and cars in driveways, coffee cups and vacuum cleaners. |
Virta katkesi varmasti kaikista aidoista. | The shutdown must've turned off all the fences. |
Ja ympäristöaktivisteja, jotka sitovat itsensä aitoihin. | And environmentalists chaining themselves to fences... to protect their precious ecosystem. There are no easy choices. |
Olen osunut autoihin, aitoihin ja karjaan. | I mean, I've bounced off of front ends of cars, I've bounced off of fences, I've bounced off of cattle. |
Sama pätee pottuihin ja tomaatteihin ja aitoihin, sillä ne ovat minun. | And my potatoes, tomatoes and fences I take note of because they're mine. |
Se on kuin - hyvä baseball-joukkue menettää tyhjentäjälyöjän. Yhtäkkiä, kaikki juoksevat aidoille, eikä kukaan pelaa pientä palloa. | Well... it's like... when a great baseball team loses its clean-up hitter, suddenly everybody's swinging for the fences and nobody's playing small ball. |
Vangit ryntäsivät leirin piikkilanka-aidoille - ukrainalaisvartijoiden tulittaessa heitä. | The inmates rushed to the wire fences that surrounded the camp, all the time under fire from Ukrainian guards in the watch towers. |
"Miksi Isojalka seisoo luona tuon aidan? | And wait a second Why is Bigfoot standing by that fence? |
"Miksi lampaat hyppäävät aidan yli? | "Why are all those sheep jumping over that fence? |
"Tulin aidan läpi pensaiden taakse" - "katsomaan, että olet kunnossa." | So I popped over to the fence and peeked inside to check that you were okay. |
'Presidentti Tate määräsi raja-aidan alueelle lukituksen.' | President Tate has ordered the lockdown enclosure of the perimeter fence. |
- Ajetaan aidan ja naapurin pihan läpi toiselle tielle. | How about we drive through the fence, across the neighbor's yard and out onto Sycamore Street? |
"Älä ylitä aitaa, ellet ole -- Valmis kohtaamaan toistapuolta " | "Never jump the fence if you're not willing to face what's on the other side." |
- Arakit koettelevat jälleen aitaa, sir. | - Archie's testing the fence again, sir. |
- Eihän se koko aitaa kata. | Well, it won't cover a whole fence. But it will defray the cost considerably! |
- Implantti antaa tällin, jos se menee liian lähelle aitaa. | The implant will shock it if it gets too close to a perimeter fence. |
- Ja muutaman dollarin, se on pala aitaa, hän korjaa sen. | And a few dollar... I mean it's a bit of fence, ~ he could put that back up. |
- Ei se aidassa niitä repinyt. | - It wasn't a fence that tore them off. |
- Löysitkö sen aukon aidassa? - En. | You find that hole in the fence no |
- Miksi aidassa on reikä? | Why is there a hole in the fence? |
- Ystävämme näyttivät meille reiän aidassa. | Our friend showed us the hole in the fence about a year ago. |
-Oletko varma, ettei aidassa kulje sähkö? | You're sure the power's off on the fence now? - Yeah, I'm sure. - Okay. |
- Ei. Lueskelen hammasharja-aidasta. | I'm just reading about the old toothbrush fence. |
- Hän ei voi tulla tästä aidasta! | She can't come past this fence! |
- Hänen ruumiinsa löytyi roikkumasta raja-aidasta. | His body was found hanging on the border fence. |
- Kaikki irti aidasta! | Everybody off the fence! |
- Muutin mieleni aidasta. | KURT: I've come around to the whole fence thing. |
- Harry löi kätensä aitaan. | He just cut his hand on a fence. |
- Laukausten takia. Rothin poika Billy on Erikin serkku. Hän ammuskeli naapurin aitaan viime viikolla. | Turns out Gunnery Sergeant Roth's son, Billy who happens to be Erik Whitner's cousin was playing target practice with his neighbor's fence just last week. |
- Lyön vaikka mitä vetoa, että ne sarvet on tarttuneet Wyatt Barrensin aitaan. | I'll bet all the money in my wallet those antlers - are attached to Wyatt Barren's fence. |
- Me mentii Korvatunturille vaik sä kielsit - ja tehtiin Juuson kanssa siihen aitaan se reikä. | We went to Korvatunturi even after you told me not to. Juuso and I made the hole in the fence. |
- Sido se aitaan. | You want to get him and tie him on the fence up there? |
- Metsässä, aidalla. - Mihin menet? | In the woods, by the fence. |
- Minä en ole kielikello. Loukkasit polvesi viime vuonna samalla aidalla. | Pa, you know I'm no tattletale like Suellen, but it does seem to me after you broke your knee last year jumping that same fence-- |
- Mitä aidalla tapahtui? | What happened at the fence? |
- Olen aidalla. Ymmärrän. | I'm on the fence. |
- Se roikkui herra Leen aidalla. | It was hung up on the fence, over at Mr. Lee's. |
"Greenhillin farmi on paikkani, jos kuset aidalta ja vihaat nakkiasi" - | "Green hill farm is the place to be. "If you pee on a fence and you hate your wiener, |
-Laskeudu aidalta nyt. | Sir, climb down from the fence now. |
-Laskeudu aidalta. | Please climb down from the fence. |
Ai niin, et voikaan. Mursit kätesi, kun putosit aidalta. | Oh, you can't, because you broke your arm climbing that fence. |
Hän putosi aidalta. | He fell off a fence. |
- Leirin aidalle. | -The fence into the camp. |
- Lähdetään takaisin aidalle. | Let's get back to the fence. |
- Meidän pitäisi palata aidalle. | We should go back to the fence. |
- Mene seisomaan aidalle. | Go stand by the fence. |
- Viedään hänet aidalle. | Alright, let's get you to the fence. |
Sinähän voisit kerätä perheesi riviin ja pukeutua aidaksi. | So... Hey, José, for Halloween, why don't you and your family all line up and go as a picket fence? |
"Hieno aita", ajattelin. "Niin, se onkin Royn." | I was like, "Man, that fence looks awesome." I was like, of course, Roy's. |
"Hyva aita tietaa hyvia naapureita." | "Good fences make good neighbors." Oh, my God! |
- Avaa se hemmetin aita, Joe. | Open the damn fence, joe. |
- Entä aita? | - What about the fence? |