"Durante el secuestro fueron hechos disparos de armas de fuego, con intención de intimidar." | During the abduction shots were fired with the intent to intimidate". |
A menos que tuvierais otros planes, como... abusar de vuestra posición como policías para intimidar a esta madre biológica que solo quería ver a sus hijos. | Unless you had another agenda, like... abusing your position as police officers to intimidate this birth mother who just wanted to see her kids. |
Ahora tengo un abogado a quien intimidar. ¿Curtain? | Now, I have a lawyer to intimidate. |
Alegan que usaste un epíteto racista para intimidar y acosar al sospechoso. | They're alleging that you used a racist epithet to intimidate and harass the suspect. |
Algunos tipos tratan de intimidar a un comerciante local, y este sujeto se para y pelea de vuelta... | Some guys try to intimidate a local businessman,and this guy steps up,fights back... |
- No, creo que les intimido. | - No, I think I intimidate other kids. |
- ¿Le intimido? | Do I intimidate you? |
- ¿Te intimido ahora? | - Do I intimidate you now? |
-Te intimido, ¿no? | - I intimidate you, don't I? - Oh, yeah. |
A menos que quizá la intimido. | Unless maybe l intimidate her. |
- Andrew cree que tú la intimidas. | - Andrew thinks she's intimidated by you. |
- Me intimidas a veces. | - You intimidate me sometimes. |
- Tú lo intimidas. | - You intimidate him. |
- Tú no me intimidas. - Corrado. | - You don't intimidate me. |
Asustados, los intimidas. | Scared, you intimidate them. |
- Como, quizá Russell te intimida. | - Maybe Russell intimidates you. |
- Definitivamente te intimida. | - She definitely intimidates you. |
-No soy yo la que te intimida. | - It's not me that intimidates you. |
-intimida a los miembros del equipo. | - He intimidates team members. |
Abriendo el hocico y mostrando los dientes usualmente se intimida a los rivales y se previenen daños serios. | Opening your mouth and flashing your teeth... usually intimidates rivals and prevents any serious injury. |
Bueno, supongo que lo intimidamos. | I guess I intimidated him. |
No intimidamos ni chantajeamos a nadie. | We do not intimidate or blackmail. |
Nosotros les intimidamos. | We intimidate them |
Nosotros reprimimos nuestro dolor, e intimidamos a otros por esconder nuestras debilidades de ellos, o les enseñamos los dientes, haciéndonos sólo más infames. | We stifle our feelings of sorrow, and intimidate others by hiding our weakness from them, or we bare our fangs at them, only making ourselves more vile |
Tal vez lo intimidamos. | Maybe we intimidated him. |
-No me intimidan fácilmente. | - I'm not that easily intimidated. - I am. |
A Aceros Mathers no le intimidan ¡James! | Mathers Steel will not be intimidated. james! |
Buscando todos los bolsillos de cada camiseta en mi armario ... que la táctica no era la intención de hacer nada excepto me intimidan. | Searching every pocket of every shirt in my closet... that tactic wasn't meant to do anything except intimidate me. |
Creo que esa puede ser una de esas cosas que intimidan a la gente. | I think it might be one of those things where people are intimidated. |
De acuerdo, vale, no quiero sacarte de tu burbuja pero solo me intimidan las profesiones que destilan cierta ética, como agente de policía. | Wow. Okay, well, not to burst your bubble, but I'm only intimidated by professions that have a moral compass, like police officer. |
La insulté, la intimidé golpeé la mesa, tomé y una rama y la azoté. | I insulted it, intimidated, I typed on the table, I took a branch and I struck it. |
Lo intimidé físicamente. | I physically intimidated him. |
- Me intimidaste. | I was intimidated. |
Azi, el hombre al que intimidaste para encontrar a Jamal tiene muchas ganas de testificar en tu contra. | Azi-the man that you intimidated into finding jamal- He is very eager to testify against you. |
Bueno, quizá tenga algo que ver con la alegación de la defensa de que intimidaste a un sospechoso para que hiciera una confesión falsa. | Well, it might have something to do with the defense's claim that you intimidated a suspect into making a false confession. |
En Tokio me intimidaste | In Tokyo you intimidated me. |
Richie, sabes, tengo que admitir, cuando te conocí, me intimidaste. | Richie, you know, I have to admit, when we first met, I was intimidated by you. |
- Así que Church te intimidó. - ¿En serio? | - Yeah, well, church intimidated you. |
- Usted me intimidó. | - You intimidated me. |
- ¿Qué pasó? - Stabler la intimidó. | Stabler intimidated her. / I'm not buying her "little miss innocent routine." |
Adam lo intimidó y se fue. Sí, me encantaría ir. | Adam intimidated him and he fled, so, yeah, I'd love to come. |
El Delfín me intimidó. | The Dauphin intimidated me. |
Cuando estabais en libertad, señora, intimidasteis a vuestras damas, las obligasteis a mentir por vos. | When you were at liberty, madam, your ladies were intimidated by you, forced to lie for you. |
"Los Bombers intimidaron a los Mustangs desde el inicio, dándoles duro continuamente por toda la pista". | "The Bombers intimidated the Mustangs from the drop of the puck, as they checked them from one end of the ice to the other." |
"intimidaron a los jueces e inculparon a los peritos" Punto. | "intimidated judges and blamed the experts". |
Anoche, cuando intimidaron a todos y saquearon este lugar, | Last night, when everyone was intimidated and this place ransacked, |
Así que intentó querellarse por despido improcedente pero se encontró que los de Visualize le intimidaron. | So he tried filing a wrongful termination suit, but he found himself being intimidated by Visualize. |
De alguna forma intimidaron a Wendy Vail para que cambiara su historia. | Somehow they intimidated Wendy Vail into changing her story. |
Sólo dilo y lo intimidaré por ti. | You just say the word, and I will intimidate him for you. |
Lo intimidará para que se tranquilice. | It will intimidate him into compliance. |
Una hoja en blanco los intimidará. | A white sheet of paper will intimidate them. |
Si te diera algo que necesitara demasiados cuidados, te intimidaría, y lo dejarías morir. | If I gave you something too needy, it would intimidate you, and you would let it die. |
- Bueno, no dejes que te intimide, ¿de acuerdo? | - Well, don't let it intimidate you. |
- No dejes que te intimide. | Don't let him intimidate you. |
- No permitas que te intimide, McGee. | Don't let him intimidate you, McGee. |
- Que no le intimide, señor. | Don't be intimidated,sir. |
- nunca dejes que ese viejo te intimide. | - never let that old man intimidate you. |
Bueno, no te intimides. | Well, don't be intimidated. |
Necesito que llames a un blogger y lo intimides con una orden de cesar y desistir. | I need you to call a blogger and intimidate him with a cease-and-desist order. |
No dejaré que me intimides. - Buenos días, Sr. Donaghy. | I will not be intimidated by you! |
No te intimides. | Don't be intimidated. |
No voy a permitir que me intimides, Tiffany. | I'm not going to let you intimidate me, Tiffany. |
- Hola, Andy. No dejes que te intimiden, Brandon. - Esta es nuestra escuela, no la suya. | Don't let those suckers intimidate you, Brandon. |
A diarios hostiles a Zola se les permite que hasta intimiden al jurado. | Newspapers hostile to Zola are permitted to threaten and intimidate the jury. |
Ahora, mueves el palillo superior, el inferior lo mantienes firme y nunca, nunca dejas que los fideos te intimiden. | Now, you move the top stick, and keep the lower one straight, and you never, never let the noodles intimidate you. |
Mañana, cuando vayan al juego eviten que los intimiden. | Now, tomorrow, when you go to the game you don't want to be intimidated. |
No dejaré que me intimiden. | I am not going to be intimidated. |
"Eres muy fuerte; no puedes ser intimidado por nadie." | "You are very strong; you cannot be intimidated by any one." |
"No puedes ser intimidado por nadie." | "You cannot be intimidated by any one." |
- - Estaba intimidado. | I was intimidated. |
- El periodismo americano fue intimidado por masivas orgías patriotas, como: | "But overall, the American journalism was cowed, " " and intimidated by the this massive flag-sucking, this patriotic, orgy... " |
- El testigo ha sido intimidado... | - The witness has been intimidated--- |
"intimidando a otros que le rodean. | "intimidating others around. |
- Detente, me estás intimidando. | Stop, you're intimidating me. |
Bueno, lo estás intimidando. | Well, you're intimidating him. |
Bueno... suponiendo que sea Phillip Stroh intimidando a nuestro testigo y no un loco gastando una broma... | Well... assuming this is Phillip Stroh intimidating our witness and not some nut playing a prank-- |
Creo que está intimidando a la persona equivocada, agente Booth. | I think you're intimidating the wrong man, Agent Booth. |