- Bueno, entonces... hay que estar de acuerdo en diferir. | Let's agree to differ. |
- Lamento diferir. | I beg to differ. |
- Me permito diferir. | - I beg to differ. |
- Siento diferir. | - I beg to differ. |
- Ya lo dijiste. - ¡De acuerdo en diferir! | -Agree to differ! |
- Creo que difiero. | - Beg to differ. |
- Me temo que difiero. | - I beg to differ. |
- Yo difiero con Ray en ese punto. | Yeah, I differ from Ray on this point. |
Bueno, pues yo difiero. | l beg to differ. |
En eso difiero, yo sí volveré. | There is the difference. I will be back. |
Sólo... me da curiosidad por qué difieres. | - Just, I'm curious as to why you differ. - I don't differ. |
" La severidad a menudo difiere, a pesar del lugar de la herida. | "The severity often differs, "even the location of the wound. |
"La severidad a menudo difiere, incluso la localización de la herida. | "The severity often differs, "even the location of the wound. |
Aunque Burdeos puede ser utilizado para la inversión extranjera, esta nueva relación difiere de una manera significativa. | Although Bordeaux may be used to foreign investment, this new relationship differs in one significant way. |
Cada vez siguen el mismo programa, lo que difiere es la experiencia personal. | Each time they follow the same program what differs is the personal experience. |
Conocer cómo difiere de su dinámica en equipo será la clave para crear una brecha en su unión. | Learning the nature of how that differs from their team dynamic will be the key to driving a wedge between their partnership. |
- Y ahí es donde tú y yo diferimos. | - And that is where you and I differ. |
A menudo diferimos, pero en lo más profundo ambos tenemos la misma ansia de libertad | We differ often. But deep down, we both possess the same hunger for freedom. |
Ahí diferimos, a diferencia de usted, yo no reprimo nada. | That's where we differ. Unlike you, I repress nothing. |
Ahí diferimos. Yo sí quiero perderte. | That's where we differ. |
Ahí es donde diferimos. | See, this is where we differ. |
"Respeto o indulgencia ante creencias o prácticas que difieren o conflictúan con las propias. | "Sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own. |
- Las opiniones difieren en eso. | - Opinions differ on that. |
A decir verdad, tres millones de pares de genomas difieren en proteínas y otras áreas funcionales. | Actually, three million base pairs of the genome differ in protein encodg and other functional areas. |
Bueno, nuestras ideas del deber, obviamente difieren considerablemente. | Well, our ideas of duty obviously differ quite considerably. |
Circunstancias culturales difieren circunstancias económicas difieren, circunstancias climáticas son diferentes, pero en el fondo somos el mismo pequeño animal caminante. | Cultural circumstances differ economic circumstances differ, climatic circumstances differ, but basically we are the same little walking animal. |
"Negociaremos sin piedad con todos aquellos cuya opinión difiera de la nuestra". | We'll deal ruthlessly with anyone whose opinions differ. |
El hecho de que mi arreglo interno difiera del suyo, doctor me complace infinitamente. | The fact that my internal arrangement differs from yours, doctor, pleases me no end. |
Le suplico que difiera. | Oh, I beg to differ. |
Para negar el propio ser a Ori, es no difiera en nada de la matanza que ellos proponen. | You would deny the Ori the very essence of self. It is no different than the murder they propose. |
Para que el castigo ese difiera de los castigos otros para advertencia de todos se castiga Jánošík a este castigo: | Arson, robbery and even murder, he is sentenced to death! So as to warn others, the punishment differs from others and Jánošík is sentenced to be hung by his left rib on a hook and quartered after his death! |
- Nunca difieras ni dudes de eso. - Vaya. | # Never differ from or doubt it |
Te ruego que difieras. | I beg to differ. |
- Con el debido respeto, siempre he pronunciado mis opiniones, aunque difieran de las del capitán Picard. | - With all due respect, I have always voiced my opinions, even when they differ from Capt Picard's. |
Creo que hay que trabajar para asegurarnos de que las condiciones de los desfavorecidos no difieran de los privilegiados, donde quiera que estén. | I think that people have to work hard enough to make sure that the standards for those who aren't as privileged are no different than from those who are. Wherever in the world they may be. |
Pero aunque nuestras ideologías difieran creo que nuestra entrega a Briarcliff es la misma. | But although our ideologies may differ... I believe our commitment to Briarcliff is equally matched. |
Un sondeo de las urnas electrónicas en... colegios electorales donde los... resultados difieran más de cuatro puntos de los esperados. | A canvass of all voting machines in precincts where the reported results differ by more than four points from the predicted results. |
Aunque mis métodos pueden haber diferido durante mi tiempo en el cargo, lo hubiera perseguido con el mismo objetivo. | Though my methods may have differed during my time in office, I would have pursued the same objective. |
¿Cómo tendría el final que haber diferido de Serenity? | How would have the finale have differed from "Serenity"? |
la revolución proletaria es un proyecto, nacido sobre la base de la revolución precedente, pero difiriendo de ella cualitativamente. | the proletarian revolution is a project, born on the basis of the preceding revolution, but differing from it qualitatively. |