Arrebatar (to snatch) conjugation

76 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: captivate, to captivate

Conjugation of arrebatar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I snatch
you snatch
he/she/it snatches
we snatch
you all snatch
they snatch
Present perfect tense
he arrebatado
I have snatched
has arrebatado
you have snatched
ha arrebatado
he/she/it has snatched
hemos arrebatado
we have snatched
habéis arrebatado
you all have snatched
han arrebatado
they have snatched
Past preterite tense
I snatched
you snatched
he/she/it snatched
we snatched
you all snatched
they snatched
Future tense
I will snatch
you will snatch
he/she/it will snatch
we will snatch
you all will snatch
they will snatch
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would snatch
you would snatch
he/she/it would snatch
we would snatch
you all would snatch
they would snatch
Past imperfect tense
I used to snatch
you used to snatch
he/she/it used to snatch
we used to snatch
you all used to snatch
they used to snatch
Past perfect tense
había arrebatado
I had snatched
habías arrebatado
you had snatched
había arrebatado
he/she/it had snatched
habíamos arrebatado
we had snatched
habíais arrebatado
you all had snatched
habían arrebatado
they had snatched
Future perfect tense
habré arrebatado
I will have snatched
habrás arrebatado
you will have snatched
habrá arrebatado
he/she/it will have snatched
habremos arrebatado
we will have snatched
habréis arrebatado
you all will have snatched
habrán arrebatado
they will have snatched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I snatch
(if/so that) you snatch
(if/so that) he/she/it snatch
(if/so that) we snatch
(if/so that) you all snatch
(if/so that) they snatch
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya arrebatado
I have snatched
hayas arrebatado
you have snatched
haya arrebatado
he/she/it has snatched
hayamos arrebatado
we have snatched
hayáis arrebatado
you all have snatched
hayan arrebatado
they have snatched
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have snatched
(if/so that) you have snatched
(if/so that) he/she/it have snatched
(if/so that) we have snatched
(if/so that) you all have snatched
(if/so that) they have snatched
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have snatched
(if/so that) you have snatched
(if/so that) he/she/it have snatched
(if/so that) we have snatched
(if/so that) you all have snatched
(if/so that) they have snatched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera arrebatado
I had snatched
hubieras arrebatado
you had snatched
hubiera arrebatado
he/she/it had snatched
hubiéramos arrebatado
we had snatched
hubierais arrebatado
you all had snatched
hubieran arrebatado
they had snatched
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese arrebatado
I had snatched
hubieses arrebatado
you had snatched
hubiese arrebatado
he/she/it had snatched
hubiésemos arrebatado
we had snatched
hubieseis arrebatado
you all had snatched
hubiesen arrebatado
they had snatched
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have snatched
(if/so that) you will have snatched
(if/so that) he/she/it will have snatched
(if/so that) we will have snatched
(if/so that) you all will have snatched
(if/so that) they will have snatched
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere arrebatado
I will have snatched
hubieres arrebatado
you will have snatched
hubiere arrebatado
he/she/it will have snatched
hubiéremos arrebatado
we will have snatched
hubiereis arrebatado
you all will have snatched
hubieren arrebatado
they will have snatched
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's snatch!
Imperative negative mood
no arrebates
do not snatch!
no arrebate
let him/her/it snatch!
no arrebatemos
let us not snatch!
no arrebatéis
do not snatch!
no arrebaten
do not snatch!

Examples of arrebatar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
Ahora, el Libro de Apocalipsis nos dice el Rapto es el literal, físico viene corporal de Cristo en las nubes para arrebatar de esta mundo de todos los creyentes, los muertos y la vida que estaban en Cristo nuestro Señor, Amén.Now, the Book of Revelation tells us the Rapture is the literal, physical bodily coming of Christ in the clouds to snatch out of this world all believers, the dead and living who were in Christ our Lord, amen.
Algunos de nosotros tienen que arrebatar nuestra parte de la felicidad de él.Some of us have to snatch our share of happiness from him.
Después de todo lo que hemos sufrido, ¿le permitirás a Pompeyo arrebatar el triunfo de manos merecedoras?After all that we have suffered, you allow Pompey to snatch triumph from deserving hands?
Dile que no para arrebatar mi vida de mí!Tell him not to snatch my life from me!
El momento es crítico para usted, señor Palas, para arrebatar el trono.Timing is critical for you, Lord Pallas, to snatch the throne.
Aquel segundo de arrebato que pasó con el hombre, se convirtió en un recuerdo inolvidable pero algunos se quedan sin cruzar las fronterasThose snatched seconds he spent with the man, became unforgetable memories but some barriers were left uncrossed
Dios arrebato un hijo de mí lado, Soy incapaz de soportar el dolor.Son, god snatched away a son from me, l'm unable to bear that sorrow.
El arrebato de tu esposa no tiene nada que ver con mi profundo y duradero amor a mi esposa.Your wife's enticing snatch has nothing to do with my deep and abiding love for my wife.
Eso es un valor de $56.43 en arrebato de bolso.That's $56.43 worth of purse snatching.
Esto es como momentos de arrebato en refugios antibombas.This is what it's like - snatched moments in air-raid shelters.
"Y si arrebatas un trofeo, luego puedes ser La Xtravaganza."And if you snatch a trophy, then you can become the Xtravaganza. "
"¿Con qué derecho le arrebatas un padre a su hijo", dijo ella."What right did you have to snatch a father from his son", she asked.
Ah, pero, ¿por qué me lo arrebatas?Oh, but why snatch away
De un modo u otro, te lo arrebatan, o lo arrebatas tú.One way or the other, you snatch it, or it's gonna snatch you.
Me la arrebatas!And you snatched her away!
- lo mata y arrebata todo lo que puede.Trupia enraged, kills him and snatches the money.
Aviador arrebata millonaria del lado de su novio.Aviator snatches millionairess from the side of her bridegroom.
Cada vez que logras lo que quieres... el destino te lo arrebata.Every time you reach out for something you care about... fate comes along and snatches it away.
Diana trabaja allí un minuto y medio, te arrebata el trabajo delante de tus narices, ¿y no tienes ningún problema con eso?Diana works there for a minute and a half, snatches the job right from underneath you, and you're okay with that?
Digo, cada vez que nos acercamos... parece que alguien nos lo arrebata.I mean, every time we get close to it, it seems like someone just snatches it away from us.
Ahora, si puedo conseguir que solo, le arrebatamos arriba, él trabajar otra vez, quizás llegar a Ledoux.Now, if I can get him alone, we snatch him up, work him over, maybe get to Ledoux.
Le arrebatamos la vida a la muerte toda la noche... pero ni todo ese retozo sirvió.We were snatching life out of the jaws of death all night, and even all that hanky-panky didn't help.
Nosotros volamos, arrebatamos su cuerpo, los confirmamos, obtenemos la inteligencia, nos vamos.And we flew in, and we snatched his body- we confirmed it- got the intelligence, went away.
Por esta orden arrebatamos a los indios 200.000 acres de terreno que juzgamos peligroso para ellos.Well, under the provisions of this bill we would snatch 200,000 acres of Indian territory which we have deemed unsafe for their use at this time.
"A una madre le arrebatan a su hijo de su seno."Young men called up for war, A child snatched from his mother's bosom.
"Muchas veces no nos damos cuenta de la importancia de las cosas sencillas " "...sólo hasta que se nos arrebatan".'Many times we realise the importance of basic things... ' '... only after it's snatched from us.'
"Sé la angustia que siente una madre cuando le arrebatan a un hijo""l understand the anguish of a mother whose child is snatched from her"
- Métete allá. Los Hermanos Oliver arrebatan la victoria ¡con el último tiro del partido!The Brothers Oliver snatch victory with the last shot of the match!
.. te arrebatan las cosas importantes...they snatch things that matter.
- ¿Te arrebaté la corona?- Oh, I snatched the crown?
Así que me acerqué y se la arrebaté.So I walked right up and snatched it back.
Aunque yo te arrebaté a tu amor tú también nos has separado a mi esposa y a mí.Although l had snatched your love from you you have also separated my wife and l
Le arrebaté el rifle a Cósimo Zacaría y apreté el gatillo.I snatched the rifle from Cosimo Zaccaria and pulled the trigger.
Lo arrebaté a tiempo de las fauces de las bestias.- I snatched it from the beast's jaws.
"Poco a poco y con suavidad arrebataste mi paz""Slowly and gently you snatched my peace"
"Tú me arrebataste el velo.""You snatched the veil from over my head."
Destrozaste el Palacio del Dragón y le arrebataste un arma sagradaYou wrecked the Dragon Palace and snatched a sacred weapon
Dime qué error cometí ... ¿Por qué me arrebataste mis tierras?Tell me where l went wrong... that you snatched my playing field from me?
El padre al que yo sostenía su dedo mientras caminaba. La madre, en los brazos de quien yo jugaba. Tú me los arrebataste.The father whose finger I held while I walked the mother in whose arms I snuggled comfortably you snatched them both away from me.
"Él te ha arruinado... arrebató a su hermano de usted ""He has ruined you... he has snatched your brother from you"
- Nosotras veníamos de Nessa's y este tipo loco arrebató el bolso de Mamá.TONYA: We came from Nessa's and this crazy guy just snatched Mom's purse.
- ¿Le arrebató la billetera de Ud?- You snatched back your own wallet?
- Él te arrebató de mí.-He snatched you away from me.
A continuación le arrebató el arma y la tiró en los arbustos.Then he snatched the rifle and chucked it into the hedge. He's a nutter.
Tú y tu familia os aprovechasteis del amor y me arrebatasteis lo que es mío.You and your family took advantage of that love.. ...and snatched my right.
..y el momento en que nos la arrebataron... ..era mejor que el que tienen ahora..and at the time they snatched it from us.. was better than what they have now.
A los dos nos arrebataron a alguien a quien amamos de una manera poco naturalWe both have someone we love just snatched from us in unnatural way.
Dejarles atrás, ¿a quienes me arrebataron mi propio ser?Leave behind those, who snatched my own self from me?
Delante de mis ojos, los humanos me lo arrebataron.In front of my eyes humans snatched him from me.
El antiguo director al que le arrebataron su compañía de las manos, se suicidó... y la investigación fue detenida.The former CEO who had his company snatched from his hand killed himself, and the research was put to stop.
¡Se la arrebataré!l will snatch it away!
A causa de nuestra estupidez, César arrebataría Ia victoria... de las garras de la derrota en lo que lo tengo atrapado.Because of our stupidity, Caesar would snatch his victory... from thejaws of defeat in which l have trapped him.
La nuestra que crecen en la isla de Staten era cropsey, acerca de un enfermo mental fugado que vivió en estos edificios que arrebataría los niños de la calle.Ours growing up in Staten island was cropsey, about an escaped mental patient who lived in these buildings who would snatch children off the street.
Que te arrebataría todo.That I would snatch away everything from you.
"Solo podría darte lo que te arrebate."I've only snatched from you.
- Tome sus medicamentos ... para que su enfermedad no me arrebate su deliciosa comida.- Take your medicines... so that your illness does not snatch your tasty food from me.
Bueno, estamos en Smallville. ¿Qué sería el baile de graduación sin una reina que arrebate cuerpos?Well, we are in Smallville, and, I mean, what would the senior prom be without a body-snatching prom queen?
La vida no se detiene porque se nos arrebate algo, Mamta.Life doesn't slow down just because something is snatched away, Mamta.
Me asusta el día en que aquél con el que hiciste los votos nupciales... regrese y me arrebate a mi Lachchi de mi ladol'm scared of the moment when the one with whom you took the wedding vows... will return and snatch my Lachchi from me.
- No mier-arrebates un mier-arrebatador.- Don't bull-snatch a bull-snatcher.
Muy bien, Charts, Johnson... tomen a Blaster después de que arrebatemos a los prisioneros.All right, Charts,Johnson... you pick up Blaster after we've snatched the prisoners.
Criamos a una buena chica, hemos sido compañeros para cada bache en el camino, cada montaña y cada topera y no voy a dejar que eso se acabe aunque fuerzas mas grandes que yo me la arrebaten.Raised a fine girl, we've been partners for every bump along the road, every mountain and molehill alike and I am not gonna let that go until forces bigger than me snatch it away.
Cuando volvamos a encontrarnos, bastará una mirada tuya para expulsar mi alma del paraíso y que los demonios la arrebaten.When we shall meet at compt this look of thine will hurl my soul from heaven and fiends will snatch at it.
Oigan, no arrebaten.Hey, don't snatch.
Propongo que volvamos a arrendar los pisos 27 y 29 antes de que nos lo arrebaten.I propose we lease back the 27th and the 29th floor before they're snatched up.
Solo desearía que pudieran hacerlo antes de que arrebaten a alguien.I just wish you could get 'em before they snatch someone.
"Poco a poco le has arrebatado la paz a mi corazón""By and by you snatched the peace of my heart"
"Sabes cómo es perder a un hijo, que alguien a quien amas te sea arrebatado"."You know what it's like to lose a son, "to have someone you love snatched away from you."
"Te hubiera arrebatado los momentos ...""l would've snatched away the moments.."
"Te hubiera arrebatado los momentos..""l would've snatched away the moments.."
- Porque la ultima vez que estuve en el sistema, fui arrebatado de la cárcel del condado,- Because the last time I was in the system, I got snatched out of county jail
Aquí yace Clarke Devereaux, primero de los tres cuerpos que estamos arrebatando hoy.Here lies Clarke Devereaux, first of the three bodies we're snatching today.
Ese hijo de puta pasó toda su vida arrebatando inocencia y robando almas.That son of a bitch has spent his entire life snatching innocence and stealing souls.
Hice una buena vida andando en la línea entre arrebatando y préstamos pero esto?I made a good living walking the line between snatching and borrowing but this?
Kampala y Mogadishu y J-SOC estaba en el terreno, arrebatando cadaveres y volando con ellos vuelta a sus barcos en el mar de Arabia.There were suicide bombings in Kampala and Mogadishu. And JSOC was on the ground, snatching bodies and flying them back to ships in the Arabian Sea. ADEN ADDE AIRPORT MOGADISHU, SOMALIA
Por arrebatando de nosotros el Hotel Quality Supremo.By snatching from us the Supreme Quality Hotel.

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